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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


In one of those amazing moments of forshadowing:


OOC: Samantha doesn't ever plan on getting into a position where Personal Shields are needed...


two sessions later: burned by an alien

four sessions later: killed in action (technically the entire crew was killed...)

The crew isn't in person-to-person combat for quite some time after that... of course the next time they are: Samantha gets shot and injured again.


I started counting... Sam's been shot more than anyone else. And still refuses to wear any kind of real protection. Perhaps I should add: Psych Lim: Death Wish.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I'd rep you for that but appartently I need to spread it around :(


OOC: Samantha doesn't ever plan on getting into a position where Personal Shields are needed....
Maybe she was speaking metaphorically? :winkgrin:
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


An oldie, but goodie. Trucker music synergy...


Two characters are creeping up on a Mastermind's temporary operations base; a third is watching the freeway from “location 2.” The rest of the team is hanging back with the cadre boss. The conversation occurs by radio (very cutting edge...). The players just heaped all kinds of details on int he spirit of the riff so I went with it. The year is 1924 and the villain is using a distillery outside D.C. as a cover for a much more nefarious plan than bootlegging. Wait, its the Prohibition Era, how is that a good cover? I hear you cry. Well, the mob was operating the distillery and are paying the police not to bust in on them. The mastermind made the mob an offer they couldn't refuse. Since the Mastermind is on a War Department and Justice Department watch-list SD20, better known as the Freedom Patrol, has tracked his trail here. They've arrived in the late afternoon suspecting he's moving a load of dynamite to a more secure location... its become time critical.


Falcon: He flies. Cadre XO and defacto field leader.

Impact: A regenerating gray-alien-hybrid brick.

Anthem: Cadre Boss (CO). Commando and Master Spy.

Red Glory: Pure Hearted Good Girl Beauty. Light Brick.


Anthem: “Pig Pen, this is Rubber Duck. Report.”

Falcon: “Sir, I see trucks being loaded to move by the dark of the moon.”

Impact: “Looks like we've got us a convoy. Do we have a go?”

Anthem: “Hold that. No confirmation on the cargo. How many men?”

Falcon: “Thick as bugs on a bumper: I'd guess 85 mooks in all.”

Impact: “Do we have a GO?”

Anthem: “That's a negatory, Pig Pen. Position 2: how does it look?”

Red: “Golly, it looks like were clear to Flag Town.” [D.C.]

Anthem: “And the Troopers?”

Red: “They've got a road-block up by the Clover Leaf.” [we later decided this was a roadside inn]

Falcon: “Sir, we've got a patrol. Dogs. Its getting tense up here.”

Impact: “Oh, crap. They've even got a mook in the air!”

Anthem: “You want to back off those dogs?”

Falcon: “Yeah, those dogs are closing up my sinuses...”

Impact: “They're about to let those truckers roll. DO WE HAVE A GO?”

Anthem: Signals to the cadre to move into striking position. “Okay. On my mark, put the hammer down.”


Impact does a hulk-esque super-leap landing on one of the trucks and smashing it to bits – without waiting for the mark. This is SOP for this character: nothing low-profile about it. Dynamite flies in all directions, mooks open up on him en masse. “Confirm: They're hauling dynamite!”


Anthem: “Sod busting suicide jockey!”

Falcon: “Oh man! He needs all the help he can git!”

Anthem: “Let's roll! Go people – GO!!!”


Red: “Sir! Coming the other direction. Ew. Its a chartreuse missionary bus!”


In-game there is no explanation for it, but all the rest of the characters drove into the combat scene singing “Convoy! Convoy!”


I was amazed we managed to keep a straight face.


Note: Anthem is my uncomfortable GM's PC. He was a PC who retired and took on the “cop show captain” supporting cast role. He's there to get the ball rolling, give occasional in game advice, and to give the organization a sense of structure. I try to keep him in-office, but one of my players ran some one-offs so I could play and he became more a part of the field-team. The players kept pulling shenanigans to keep him in the field when I was running so it became a weird kind of tug of war. They do this with one of my fantasy PCs, too – with much less success.

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Guest Major Tom

Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Just wait until a similar situation comes up at a later point in the campaign.

Then the PCs'll be using lines from the follow-up song (especially if the plot

calls for them to pursue the baddies across the Atlantic and into Europe).



Major Tom :D

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Dr. Destroyer: I offer you the opportunity to surrender.

Bloodstone: What could I possibly gain from surrender to you?

Dr. Destroyer: Your life.

Bloodstone: Not by any definition I'd care to use.

Me (OOC): ...says the vampire!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Doc. A. hasn't posted any of ours for quite a while. So, I will.


To start it off:


Teen Champions, after becoming lost in space, the super Brains in our class have fashioned our dorms into a sort of space ship. As the dorm/ship zooms to the rescue of the away team:


OOC: Ready Futon Torpedoes!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From one of our Champions campaign (Bit lower than the standard 350)



"Wait a sec, what do you mean you'll take on the dragon... it's a DRAGON!"


I imagine she'd have had a few other choice words/thoughts if she could have heard your plan.... ;D


"Come on, oh Queen! Eat me! Taste deep of my flesh if you have the nerve! I dare you... no, more than that, I CHALLENGE YOU!"
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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Another batch of quotes from our Ancient Greek Heroes.


Callisto (OOC): I'm here with a crazy person!

GM: You're always with a crazy person.

Callisto (OOC): Hey!




Various players are discussing the sorceress floating over the water, talking to us and giving us attitude, with an army at her back.


Pelorious (OOC): "We shouldn't take that from some watery tart..."



We're discussing how nearly every fight has included guys stronger than Pelorious (who's are strongest team member).


Critias (OOC): "But you're only about 3/4 as strong as the max of the campaign."


Pelorious (OOC): "Yes, but I'm an advanced, tool-using creature."



Bad guy sucks air out of Callisto's lungs. It's an END transfer.


GM: "He's TAKING a recovery." [rimshot]



Water witch (previously mentioned sorceress) rises out of the water as a 6 hex (40') tall water elemental. Sea-serpent-slaying Pelorious, currently fighting a rock monster guy, looks over and says:


Pelorious: "Be right with you."


She blasts him angrily with a jet of water, which he largely laughs off.


Pelorious: "Wait your turn!"



Xander (OOC): "I stand there and hope no one notices me." [while he takes a recovery]


Xander is currently shapeshifted into a giant magma elemental the same size as the water elemental. But he NEEDS a recovery. And it works.



Lydos asks a guy if he wants to surrender, but doesn't really pause before blasting him with lightning.


Callisto's player calls him on it.

Lydos (OOC): "I did mention I'm a bastard, right?"

Callisto (OOC): "Oh I know, I spoke with your [character's] wife, remember?"



GM is complaining that his END-transferring villain has gotten jack all combat long (4-5 turns worth), mostly because nearly everyone is running out of endurance really quickly.


Critias (OOC): "We don't use END here! We use STUN!"


This campaign has seen MANY instances of characters spending STUN as END, especially Critias.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not so many quotes this week.


"So, what does this Polymorph spell do? Goblin... Gnome... Gnoll... Ah, it changes you into things starting with 'g' "

"Grey Whale"


"Gary Gygax"

"That would be Reincarnation"


: "20pts in Multipool - Skank."


: "Moloch? Yeah, I know him - big guy in central heating wasn't he?"


Trapped in-between dimensions, the team has to search for something called a Mirrorwall, the only way out.


Miss Chaos
: "what's a mirrorwall?"

: "Bad 70's design"


"Isn't it unfortunate that the shaman ( on page 111 of
The Ultimate Mystic
) looks like a female Elvis impersonator?"



and in the evening game



The Spectre
: "So, if we don't defeat the Creature the universe will end? It must be Sunday. This WOULD happen on my day off."


The team receive warning an orbital Ion Cannon is shortly to wipe the Skeleton Crew Tenement off the face of the Earth.


Cue 15 minutes of panicky evacuation and getting the neighborhood cleared.


checking his watch*
: "I thought Destroyer wasn't getting here til noon?"




"He can't do that, all my stuff is in there!"

The Spectre OOC
: Don't worry, we paid points for it - we'll get it back

: Oh really? What about the Picasso?

The Spectre OOC
: We didn't pay for


The Gunney
: "We're being jammed? Somebody's playing rough."

: "As if the Ion Cannon wasn't a clue?"


Destroyer follows this up with dozens of troopers, armoured battlesuits, tanks and fliers. The tabletop city terrain and figures count is... Busy.


*gazing at the crowded table*

"Nobody's ever been this annoyed with Vitus before - it's almost flattering ... But


Sundog GM
: "They're Destroyer heavy assault troops! They're very well trained at fighting capes"

The Spectre
*starts to snigger*
Oh GOOD. Because I'm a Mask, E Magister is a Vindictive Bastard, and Vitus is in a special class all of his own."


: "Congratulations! You've just successfully parked a shuttlecraft, upsidedown."


The Spectre, having hustled 3 out of the building, wearing only a bedsheet, and into the Spectre-Mobile, now prepares to drive the vehicle at top speed up the ramp of, and into, a Destroyer hovertank.


The Spectre
: "3? Brace yourself"

*various sniggers*


player, commenting on some of the substitute miniatures we're forced to be using.
: "You realise you're riding a dinosaur?"

: "That's no way to talk about the Spectre."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I imagine she'd have had a few other choice words/thoughts if she could have heard your plan.... ;D





"Come on, oh Queen! Eat me! Taste deep of my flesh if you have the nerve! I dare you... no, more than that, I CHALLENGE YOU!"


Yes, she might be cranky about that, but really, he figured he could do more damage from the INSIDE of the dragon... ;)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Session 4 of Shadows Angelus II: Ten Years After --


The GM (hears Elizabeth describe her costume): "She looks like a supervillain!"


The GM: "People having fun isn't delicious. [Chrysine] being upset is delicious."


Nicodemus (to his recently found girlfriend from 15,000 years ago): "Do you have any abilities I don't know of?"

Lorraine (OOC): "She can do this thing with her tongue."


Diedre on her skills: "She does have Interrogation, like any good Catholic."


The GM: "What's your Valentine's Day plans?"

Chrysine (OOC): "Not get shot at."


Lorraine: "It would cost you body parts to research the crime scene?"

Nicodemus: "Yes."

Lorraine: "I don't want your job."


Elizabeth: "Switch to Plan B."

Lorraine (OOC): "Kill it with fire?"


Nicodemus: "We are in a place formed by children."

Diedre: "And it's on fire."


The GM: "You know my name. You know the secret of the bridge! Why did you destroy it?"

Mitch: "Sheer carelessness."


Deidre on how things appear in a child's dreamland: "Do children play with... [guns]... well yes they do."


Mitch on Chrysine failing to escape a grab: "You were using your Casual STR, but he brought his Formal STR."


Dedire to Humpty Dumpty, the Rotten King: "You were broken once, we can break you again!"


The GM: "[Humpty Dumpty's] a fairy tale creature, he doesn't have to make sense."


Chrysine (OOC): "[Lorraine's] lost a point of EGO, a point of BODY, and gained a point of COM... she turning into Paris Hilton!"

The rest of the room: *screams of horror*


Dedire: "Do I get Divine Favor attacking a child-eating demon?"

The GM: "Yes, God approves."


Mitch: "This job is so easy. I just watch you guys kill stuff."


Dedire describes Liz: "Demonic Kermit."


A Movie Title: "The Last Monkey."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Not so many quotes this week.

Destroyer follows this up with dozens of troopers, armoured battlesuits, tanks and fliers. The tabletop city terrain and figures count is... Busy.

30 troopers, 5 armoured battlesuits. 5 shuttles (3 after Void & Spectre attempted to move them- Spectre not knowing that E Magister was unconscious in front of the he was trying to ram.) 2 fighter planes overhead- it is possible to do knockback on a plane without doing any damage. Embarrassing but possible.

The map board is 50 x 100 hexes. There are now considerably less buildings after the first turn than before.

YKYGPW: GM- At end of session, BEFORE end of fight. If you lot
this, I will shower you with EXP by the handful.


Ever get the feeling that you are in trouble.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Wait... if you perform an END drain on someone who has no END left' date=' don't you just drain their Stun? Hm?[/quote']


I suppose I could have added a few dice of Stun Transfer to the power with the limitation - Only applies if target is out of End, or built it with the +1/2 Advantage affects 2 Stats (End and Stun) and then limited the advantage so that Stun was only affected after the the targets End was reduced to 0 but Abragos' "Take your Breath Away" power was intended to be a bit of a minor irritation and not something I wanted to think to much about (It was already a bit wonky with the +-0 Adv/Lim affects pool not stat/character recovers end normally).

He escaped so maybe when he comes back (Down the road) it will have morphed into "TAKE a Recovery" and incorporate the above.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


A few quotes from the New Titans



Canadienne: Do you think we could meet Alan Thicke?


Neutron: If we're going to meet famous Canadians, Id hope it would be Pamela Anderson, or William Shatner.


Canadienne: Meh. Pamela Anderson, maybe.


Feline Fury *to her Trekkie boyfriend Fusion*: Down. Calm.


Fusion: What?!? Id sure like to meet Pamela Anderson! :love:


Feline Fury: Down. Calm. :tsk:




Canadienne *impatiently*: There's gotta be a third world dictatorship we can topple. Or a rogue nation. I dont know; theres SIX of us!




Feline Fury (OOC): Initially I wanted to interfere, but then I realized that since Canadienne is a Heavy Brick, "No" means "Traction".




[The PCs are at a costume party. Neutron and his girlfriend Natalie are there as Caesar and Cleopatra. They get alone in a VIP room]


Neutron: Behold the power and glory of ROME!


Natalie: :rolleyes:




[Canadienne tries to throw herself at Samson, the teams "bad boy". Samson turns her down gently, because he knows shes under age and it would be bad for her]

Canadienne: Damn! Why did HE have to have depth!?!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yes' date=' she might be cranky about that, but really, he figured he could do more damage from the INSIDE of the dragon... ;)[/quote']



That is an entirely legitimate tactic and one that my Dwarf character used to great effect in a High Fantasy campaign. Very few Wyrms think to defend themselves from creatures inside their mouths. And it's much easier to get a headshot!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


30 troopers, 5 armoured battlesuits. 5 shuttles (3 after Void & Spectre attempted to move them- Spectre not knowing that E Magister was unconscious in front of the he was trying to ram.) 2 fighter planes overhead- it is possible to do knockback on a plane without doing any damage. Embarrassing but possible.

The map board is 50 x 100 hexes. There are now considerably less buildings after the first turn than before.

YKYGPW: GM- At end of session, BEFORE end of fight. If you lot survive this, I will shower you with EXP by the handful.


Ever get the feeling that you are in trouble.


I'm prepping another character. Not just talking about who I might bring in to replace The Spectre, I'm actually writing up Shadowfire. I just have to remember the athletic cup, in case Felicity survives.

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