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Quote of the Week from my gaming group...

Darren Watts

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


player1: "Ghoul diarrhea?"


player2: "I guess someone ate Mexican..."




Here's one I forgot about from a long time ago. We were playing a Golden Age campaign and my character was actually a Greek entity (from The Olympians), but was posing as a boxer (he at least understood that, but not the reason for the gloves). His trainer (GM) was basically the old guy from the Rocky movie. My character's "civilian" ID was Jack White and was nicknamed the White Tornado. (Okay, most of this is useless info, but I wanted to let you know anyway. :) )


Trainer: Do you know why this country is going through a depression?

Jack White: Because we have to listen to you talk?

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a one-shot game that featured lots of really goofy villains, including an homage to Vincent Price's classic Egghead from the Batman live-action series:

GM: "Egghead throws an egg (what else) at you ... going to abort to Dodge?"

PC: "An egg? Pfft. No."

GM: "The fragmentation egg-splosive goes off, dealing" (clatter of dice) "Holy $*@(*. 22 Body Killing and 44 Stun." (on 4d6 KA, for the record).

PC: "Crap, I've only got 10 Resistant defenses."

Me: "That'll leave a Mork."


(If you don't get it, you're too young.)

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From a one-shot game that featured lots of really goofy villains, including an homage to Vincent Price's classic Egghead from the Batman live-action series:

GM: "Egghead throws an egg (what else) at you ... going to abort to Dodge?"

PC: "An egg? Pfft. No."

GM: "The fragmentation egg-splosive goes off, dealing" (clatter of dice) "Holy $*@(*. 22 Body Killing and 44 Stun." (on 4d6 KA, for the record).

PC: "Crap, I've only got 10 Resistant defenses."

Me: "That'll leave a Mork."


(If you don't get it, you're too young.)


:rofl: and rep to you for sharing

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Old, old, old, old, old one... from when I was playing D&D... very long time ago...


Big battle... Drow High Priestess and Elven Cleric with Half Elven Ranger/Cleric husband in party... the Ranger/Cleric has delivered a very damaging blow to the Priestess... Priestess pulls out explosive gem, Druidess tackles her before she can throw gem at the Ranger/Cleric... gem explodes killing Priestess and Elven Cleric... battle ends soon after... Orc henchmen in the party poking around after combat is over... looking for a snack... finds piece of one of the dead... picks it up...


Orc: Is it white meat or dark meat?




Bill Beane

Wardens Chronicles - Champions Campaign - http://wardens.angeva.com

Foundation Chronicles - The World of the Wardens - http://foundation.angeva.com

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From the last session of the Harn game I'm running (boo! hiss! not Hero!! Burn the heretic!!!):


Situation - Think Paladin on a holy quest to save the good priestess from the evil priest of the evil god.


GM: You see the priest savagely whipping a woman clad in skimpy, torn, but definately PG-13 remnants of robes like the ones your guide is wearing.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Second session of our Champions game: Matt has us investigate what appears to be a "new player" muscling in on Asian organized crime in the city. This requires busting a smuggling operation and interrogating people. Aaron is playing this earth-elemental type who decides to enter the fray by Tunneling under earth and popping up right in the midst of the thugs for a Presence Attack.

Which is a good idea. But Matt asks Aaron, "What's your PRE?"




Matt goes, "OK, so Mickey Mouse is making a Batman entrance on the crooks here."



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


From today's e-mail:


"Well [we] have some good news and bad news.


Good news:


[We] have purchased a house. It is our first house and we are

really excited about it.


Bad news:


This is going to eat up every weekend in the forseeable future."


So now, out of a gaming group of four, three of them are out for at least the rest of July. And in our current game we have this one last session to wrap things up. :mad:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Reality Storm is starting up for the Fab 4, I don't know about great, but they tickled me...



After Firepower nearly died entering a tornado (His powers don't work well without oxygen and... well)


Brainwave: (Who just had the snot scared out of her) "You weren't breathing, that's a bad thing. Don't ever not breathe again!"



Impact: "My captain is undermining my chance at a promotion because he knows I'm a superhero, storms are breaking out everywhere and we're exhausted, and to top it off, I just had a plane run over my face... I am having a VERY bad day!"


Earlier, after the plane incident...


Brainwave and Dervish look in on a downed Impact: "You okay? because, you know, you just got run over by a plane..."



NPC is handing out coffee at Dervish's Secret ID's work place

Dervish is the impulsive super speedster with energy to spare... his request

"I'll have the expresso."

Another player pipes in "Does Dervish NEED an expresso?"

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This is from last weekend's HERO game.


Joey Flame is a mutant blaster who's body is constantly superheated to the point that being near him saps your endurance; get closer and you take damage.

Tractor Jack is a super-strong, nigh-invulnerable rock-like being with Downs Syndrome and W.F. Rebar.

These two are particularly close friends in the supergroup because Jack is more or less immune to the intense heat generated by Joey's body. Joey is just glad he has someone he can hang out with.


Our intrepid heroes have just managed to save a senator from the clutches of VIPER. The senator is understanably thrilled with the heroes' performance and assures them that he will do anything in his power to help them out in the future.


Joey and Jack look at each other and enthusiastically yell "Indestructable fooseball table!" in unison.


All the bloody things they could have asked for, and all they want is a fooseball table that Joey won't melt and Jack won't rip apart. These guys, I tell ya...



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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


These last two were mostly funny because the character is 100 year old dragon

"I've been rollin' with my homies"

"Hey chica, you want to go steppin'?"


It's so much funnier in the rasping hissy voice and spoken in ebonics ^^ I'll have to have her talk liekt hat more often. Mainly cause it's fun!


*zekari does a peace out sign with her huge clawed hands and tightens her bandana*

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


Yesterday i went through the strangest most screwed up dungeons and dragons game ever....ever. It was a one off scenario run with several experienced players and some who had never played it before; free beer soon evened things out so the experience of most players quickly disapeared. To recount it all in its dodgy, dubious morality and freakish glory would take too long so heres an example of something that while being far too long for a quote has the same purpose....


Returning to our rooms to find a murder scene we immediately examine the area for signs of struggle/ clues etc...we find a roll of duct tape and a toy car; in faerun of all places!



Read on at your own peril, you have been warned.



Barbarian pc: "Are there any signs of injury or abuse?"


GM- "She is stapled to the bed with metal spikes...apart from that no."


Barbarian pc: "I take advantage of the corpse...."


sometime later-------



The group has finally broken into Evil Arch-wizardes's tower (as level 1 characters!) after killing several guards working for people suposed to be on our side who are trying to bring the wizardess to justice. We finally arrive at the top (after suffering severe injurys due to 'friendly stab' in dark and confined areas) and find the wizard.


wizardess giving an imperious gaze: "What are you doing here and who are you?"


lesbian dwarven monk in full plate: " We are W.A.M; The 'Women Against Men' soceity. Are you responsible for the death of *describes woman*, these artifacts *holds up roll of duck tape and plastic toy car* you make were found by her corpse"


wizadess: *taking proffered items and placing them in pockets*. "Yes these are mine. The woman stole them so i butchered her."


GM--- the woman waves her fingers and incinerates the dwarf. A broom floats across the room and sweeps the ash into a corner.


female (yes this one was lesbian too) elven ranger to wizard: *sitting on wizards desk and suggestively touching crystal globe* "Are you busy tonight?"


Gnomish sorcerer pc; i grab everything on the desk and hurl it out the window.


half orc ranger: i pick up the gnome sniff him and put him in my pocket for later.



All in all it was a very disturbed night. :nonp:

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This one is actually from Blast Furnace, emailing the group on what to expect during the upcoming Dark Champions game:


"Bring: A focus and determination to defeat the Foes, beat up the Bad Guys, and solve the Death Puzzles! Um, if there *are* any, that is."

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


This is from last weekend's HERO game.


Joey Flame is a mutant blaster who's body is constantly superheated to the point that being near him saps your endurance; get closer and you take damage.

Tractor Jack is a super-strong, nigh-invulnerable rock-like being with Downs Syndrome and W.F. Rebar.

These two are particularly close friends in the supergroup because Jack is more or less immune to the intense heat generated by Joey's body. Joey is just glad he has someone he can hang out with.


Our intrepid heroes have just managed to save a senator from the clutches of VIPER. The senator is understanably thrilled with the heroes' performance and assures them that he will do anything in his power to help them out in the future.


Joey and Jack look at each other and enthusiastically yell "Indestructable fooseball table!" in unison.


All the bloody things they could have asked for, and all they want is a fooseball table that Joey won't melt and Jack won't rip apart. These guys, I tell ya...





Sounds like a fair request to me :D


At least they didn't ask for highly durable, flame retardant robot girlfriends

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


My game tonight: Firewing had called for the City's Heros to parlay and then announced that a Malvan ship was heading to Earth to return him and Ironclad back to the gladiator pits.

He said that these would probably conquer Earth if they found the resistance too weak. So the heros had to fight BESIDE Firewing.


During the battle, one of the Gladiators (using Draconis' write up) that had come to take him, hit Firewing with his RKA.

ME: The dust clears and Firewing looks completely unhurt.

player: Good for him.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


I was joining one of my GMs other regular games for a few sessions, I don't normally play with the second group, but their game takes place in a shared world so my character can join them.. I'm a shapeshifter with Accidental Change, most of them are powersuit types.


We're attacking a wharehouse with magic weilding thugs, after subduing the outside guards we're deciding what to do next when a sniper opens a window and shoots me, doing body triggers the Accidental Change and I burst into an Unkindness of Ravens (3 dozen birds or so).


GM: You get shot and take 2 Body.

Me: *rolls Acc.Chng.* I explode into a bunch of ravens.

The Healer: I CAN'T HEAL THAT!!!


They didn't know, up to that point, that I could shape shift at all... it was one of those surprise moments you can never repeat.

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


We're attacking a wharehouse with magic weilding thugs, after subduing the outside guards we're deciding what to do next when a sniper opens a window and shoots me, doing body triggers the Accidental Change and I burst into an Unkindness of Ravens (3 dozen birds or so).


That just sounds like a really cool character!

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Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...


GM: You get shot and take 2 Body.

Me: *rolls Acc.Chng.* I explode into a bunch of ravens.

The Healer: I CAN'T HEAL THAT!!!


They didn't know, up to that point, that I could shape shift at all... it was one of those surprise moments you can never repeat.



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