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WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You

Michael Hopcroft

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Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future, who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.


Now whatever replaces the asterisk has not appeared in the campaign yet, but apparently when it does it is going to be noticed. Apparently you will be so concerned about it in the future that you sacrificed your own life to alter the past to prevent it from becoming a threat.


What will your character do?

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future, who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.


Now whatever replaces the asterisk has not appeared in the campaign yet, but apparently when it does it is going to be noticed. Apparently you will be so concerned about it in the future that you sacrificed your own life to alter the past to prevent it from becoming a threat.


What will your character do?


Adam Gray would probably spend a sleepless night dwelling on it before realising that there isn't much point worrying until ****** shows up. He would then turn his older self's body over to Allied intelligence so that they can study it and perhaps gain some insight into how to replicate his powers. Then he would go back to fighting Nazi superhumans.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Starguard: -- Freak the heck out and get a case of jitters the size of the Hindenburg. Then start asking her mentors/teachers for advice.


Dr. Pain: -- Salute his fallen self and then tell everybody he knows about the ********, just so nobody misses it when it gets here. Maybe somebody already knows about it.


Baron von Darien: -- Consider the odds about three-to-one in favor of the idea that somebody is trying to play him, and play him hard. Will keep an eye out for ********* just to be on the safe side, but will also be looking for whoever has hideously bad taste in scams with an eye towards delivering suitable chastisement.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


As I don't have a character loco enough to accept the existance of paradoxes, whoever had this experience would be greatly relieved to know that until the day he walks through the 'time portal ' he is effectively immortal.


With the great burden of balancing his efforts on behalf of the people against his own desire to stay alive, he can redouble his efforts on making the world a better place, and hope that his descendants can lick the problem without him.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Millennium: Would instantly do the laying on of hands, Aiding his older self. If that was not working, would push telepathy and find out as much as possible about the ******! (remember the brain lives about four minutes after the heart stops.)


Cheeta: Would suspect he was being punked, and scan the crowd for Ashton Kutcher.


Iron Will: Would salvage any gadgets and futuretech he had developed over his lifetime, and reverse-engineer them. Hopfully would contain a database of plans, and all he knows about the ******!


Snow Leopard and Dolphin would put out to the community that they wanted to know anything and everything about the ******!

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future, who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.


Rock Bottom: Is freaking out because he hasn't really faced his own mortality before. Fortunately, he's a team player, and the other New Guard members will be able to think of things such as checking to make sure this visitor is actually what he looks like.


Calculus: If this is really himself from the future, will have given the prearranged code word as part of the warning. If so, then he'll take immediate steps to counteract the future threat. If not, then he will assume this is a plot to distract him from the real menace and look into that. Also, he'll arrange to vanish the corpse so that no one can use it to learn his secrets.


Mask of Justice: Investigates the warning, stopping the future threat just as it's beginning, and making the body vanish as though it had never existed. "Another one I won't be able to put in the newspaper."


Kira Midori: Is very upset that apparently she'll never return to her home timeline. They'll have done a quick telepathic handshake to establish bona fides, so Kira will know if the threat is genuine.


Talion: "Hey, I survive the loss of my powers by decades! Cool!"

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Adamant: Wait for his 'dead' self to regenerate back to life, then ask 'What exactly do you mean by that?' Consider the possibility that this is some sort of trick.


Avatar:Freak out that something managed to actually hurt him, let alone kill him. Set his affairs in order, continue his efforts to link with the other emerging super-powered beings and establish a coalition to face this threat.


Singularity: Consider the implications of the warning carefully, talk with his wife & kid about the incident so they'll be prepared. Research the **** discussed in the warning for weaknesses/etc.


The Analogist: Instantly realize given global fiscal shifts during the latter half of the nineteenth century, ice cream consumption during baseball games in 2003, and political affiliation of west virginian software engineers the true nature of the threat alluded to. Design a plan to foil this situation well in advance of his death and implement it.


Chemo: Pray. A lot. Tell the rest of the South Warriors about the incident, and ask for advice/input.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Microman II: Drags his future self back to "dad", and sees if Dr Collins can revive him, or failing that, recover more memory. Call in the rest of the Sentinels.


Diomedes: *mutter* "More time travel, great. . .", page Athena, and probably start looking up genetics experts to confirm the identity of the corpse.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Queen of Spades would be seriously disturbed, and drag the corpse to a safe place to confirm its identity is, indeed, herself. (It makes duplicate plots easier to foil if no one's seen your face while you're in your suit.)


If it is her, then she'll start taking steps--salvage the future Queen's Armor for new stuff, burn the body, and start asking questions about the ******. Prepare for big fight, recruit heavy-hitters.


If it isn't, then someone's due for a good spanking. Of the royal kind.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Grizzly - pulls the black box recorder of the suit and downloads all the collected data therein. Ditto for the other suit devices (voice-activated recorder for notes, etc) If ***** is going to be such a problem, then Grizzly is certainly going have been logging notes and observations beyond those taken by the recorder.


Grizzly then starts salvaging the armor - the future armor certainly contains many of the enhancements currently in the design stages, and probably more besides.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Soulbarb has dealt with interdimensional duplicates of herself previously, so why not temporal ones? Though she'll mutter the whole way about how crazy the situation is.


She'll see if her temporal duplicate also has a duplicate of her cell phone/PDA and see if there's any information on there to illuminate the situation. She'll also note anything of potentially mystical significance associated with her duplicate's appearance (including the aforementioned *****,) with an intent to research anything she can about how that came to be. She'll also note the presence/absence/condition of her duplicate's Soulstone, and if possible spirit the body away to a safe location for further examination thereof.


Meanwhile, she'll start working her contacts. She'll find out if anything similar has happened to any of her friends recently, or if any of them have heard anything about *****, and try to get in contact with Imagine.


Finally, if she seems to be stuck, she has one other resource she can draw on. She'll call Camuranima; the demon bound to her soul probably has a very different view of time than she does, and might well be able to help (or at least confirm whether the duplicate is, indeed, a duplicate.)

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Dr. Damascus would try to revive his older self being both a mystic with healing magics and a real Doctor. Whether succeeding or failing in that, he would then get in contact with the rest of the New Northstar, and make plans to face down the threat, study up on his temporal gatewalking magics, hope his mentor Dr. Djinn of the original Northstar is available, performs some more divinations, and then go fight the good fight.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Snapdragon Will take the body back to her grandfather and have him figure out if it's really her or not. Then will start to ask him about ******. If he doesn't know the team will be asked about ******.


Quantum Will first check to make sure it's not a Quantum duplicate of himself, then try to get the gauntlet from his duplicate to see what happened.


Heaven's sword Will shrug and act non chalant and at the first meeting of ****** will throw an all out attack trying to kill it in one blow.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Watchdog: Would hope whomever' s in charge of the Heinlein estate thinks of my future self as performing an homage' date=' not a copyright infringement. :)[/quote']That would be the Heinlein Society ( http://www.heinleinsociety.org/index.html ), and probably.


It amazed me how may people have the same answer as Iron Will, grab any tech upgrades!

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Cyrande would probably freak. She doesn't believe in time travel, except as a theory and seeing her own body would come as a tremendous shock. Especially considering she doesn't plan to be on Earth in the future, and if something can get through Malva's defenses, it is scary.


Nox would look at Diomedes with amusement, then look back at the body "I hope she's a good me." as Nox tries to get her to the hospital. If that doesn't work, then it's research time.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Guardian would take the corpse of his fallen future self to the labs at the team's headquarters to try to verify that this is in fact himself from the future and not some sort of clone used to set a trap or something. As Guardian is paranoid, he wouldn't believe that it's himself, since his future self would know that there's no way his past self would believe him unless he told his younger self something only he would know. Obviously this is a set up of some sort.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future, who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.


Now whatever replaces the asterisk has not appeared in the campaign yet, but apparently when it does it is going to be noticed. Apparently you will be so concerned about it in the future that you sacrificed your own life to alter the past to prevent it from becoming a threat.


What will your character do?


Astro-Knight: Would have a real problem on his hands. Chiefly, the body wearing, it seems a alien armor suit similar to his, the SAME suit, but from the future. Temporal questions abound. He's not sure his tech should be distrubuted casually , despite his work with NASA. He might end up hiding the body and suit (Depending on how/if the suit detached) before trying to find out everything he could about ******


Gaze: "I guess I survived Vendetta. Hope others did. Better inform the rest of the team of this new threat. " He'd also be glad to see he kept his hair. Lastly, he'd make sure it was him and this wasn't some con.


Max Thunder: Doesn't age at a normal rate so the, and having medical knowledge, he'd try to save himself before (presumably) failing. Then he'd see if he could get in contact with 'dad' and see if Zeus knew anything.


Recluse: Would freak out.


D'ĕthStürm: Succumbs fully to his rivalry limitation, rubs the butt of his cigar out on the remains of the future him, "Loser." and be glad he has one less 'kewl' guy to compete against.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Peregrine: "Didn't we just do this one?" Take the armor (if indeed his future self is armored) to the lab for analysis/data dump. Ping his girlfrind/PRIMUS contact with the info and have her run it through the agency and bring the rest of his team in on the details. (aka "Summon the posse.")

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future' date=' who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.[/quote']


Ghost Archer: This must be me from the VERY far distant future as my mother is nearly 30000 years old and looks all of 25. Then again . . . how many times have I tried to revisit a place in time where my earlier self has been and not been able too? A certain 'entity' I can't stand even to think about tells me it is impossible for me, or one like me, to loop in time like that. This is obviously not my future self but it still will bear investigation. Time for a Road trip.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Dead Head: Would initially freak out, but then resume his calm/joking routine, and wait for ***** to come in it's own sweet time.


Doktor Archeville: Would rush his furutre-self's corpse to his lab, find out where in the timestream it came from, and tune his Temporal Viewer to it, trying to see just what it was he was trying to warn himself about.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest HeroPink!

Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Please excuse me replying to a thread more than two weeks old. I don't usually grave dig, but this was too interesting to pass.


Your PC is in the middle of an adventure when a version of the PC apparently from the future, who looks much older and apparently has been battered aroudn pretty severely, appears in the middle of the adventure, says "Beware! Beware of the ******!", and then collapses and dies at your feet.


Now whatever replaces the asterisk has not appeared in the campaign yet, but apparently when it does it is going to be noticed. Apparently you will be so concerned about it in the future that you sacrificed your own life to alter the past to prevent it from becoming a threat.


What will your character do?


Glarg: He will not understand what is going on, will not understand that odd person is (supposed to be) him, will soon forget the word "******".


Thena: She will head to some dimension where she can talk to her later self. That or go into the future to see what's up. If cannot, she will assume it's a trick.


Panweesio: This is totally outside Panweesio's understanding: time to ask a Contact to figure it out. Will assume it's all a trick, but can be persuaded it's real.

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Re: WWYCD: Don't Say You Didn't Warn You


Adonis would be concerned, but also skeptical. He has read enough SF/F to know that time travel to warn your own past rarely works out. He would at least be open to the possibility that this person actually traveled diagnally back in time is not from his own future, but the future of an alternate time line, so ***** may not ever appear in his own world or may not become as big a threat as in the future of this person. On the other hand Adonis would also start looking for a means of time travel. If **** should appear and it was due to something that Adonis did because of his foreknowledge kept it from being such a huge threat, than Adonis would shape shift to look the way he did at the time of the warning and travel back in time to give the warning, so as to protect the time stream. All the while, cursing himself for creating a situation where he would have to do this to prevent creating a paradox.

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