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Dust Raven

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"I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.  Gopher, Netscape with frames, the first Browser Wars.  Searching for pages with AltaVista, pop-up windows self-replicating, trying to uninstall RealPlayer.  All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in the rain.  Time to die."

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If I could have a conversation with my microwave, I imagine it would go something like this:


Me: "How long should I cook this?"


Microwave: "Do you want it too hot or too cold?"


Me: "What if you cooked it just right?"


Microwave: "WHaT iF yOu CoOKeD iT jUsT RigHt? lmao, ok Goldilocks.  Just for that I am going to beep louder than your smoke alarm for no particular reason."


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A penguin is driving through rural America when his car breaks down.  The tow truck drops him off at the nearest place to get his car fixed, a combination gas station, auto repair shop, and convenience store.  The penguin is wandering around in the convenience store while he waits on his car, and finds a freezer with ice cream bars in it.  He is hot and hungry, so although he has never eaten ice cream before, it seems appealing, so he buys one and starts to eat it.  He isn't wild about the flavor, but the cold creaminess is nice, and he enjoys it even though he makes quite a mess, getting it all over his beak and face.

He has just finished the ice cream when the mechanic comes in to tell him about his car.

"Well," the mechanic says "it looks like you blew a seal."

The penguin quickly replies "Oh, no, it's just ice cream, I swear!"

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So I've been looking at used cars for the past couple of weeks. 


I found a listing for a Volkswagen Quantum at a good price, but the reviews are all terrible. 


They say the GPS stops working if you look at the speedometer.

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