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Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


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Guest Major Tom

Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


I'm hoping that, once Post-Apocalypse HERO comes out, I'll finally be able

to get a start on my pet project (which has been put on hold pending PAH's

release): a PA campaign that's an Island City/Morrow Project type of world, with some cinematic/comic elements thrown in.



Major Tom :dyn

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


I suppose it's conceivable I'll finish my frontier fantasy setting this year. Although I haven't worked on it in months. And the computer that I had lots of cool period woodcuts on has crashed, and I'll have to start over looking for more.


And I've been spending all my free time playing on Second Life and building crap for it. I'll probably continue to spend a lot of time on SL, too, since it's the first escapist hobby I've been able to draw Mrs Obvious into.

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  • 3 months later...

Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


I have resolved to break into Digital Hero this year' date=' though. I have a few Champions possibilities lined up. :) Right now I'm working up a proposal to submit to Dave Mattingly to bring Professor Muerte back into the Champions Universe. Steve Long has given me permission to use the character. :hail: [/quote']


I just want to let interested parties know that this article is scheduled to appear in DH #44 in July. :D"Viva Muerte" updates this classic villain for the Fifth Edition Champions Universe, building on his Fourth Edition incarnation while taking the character in a major new direction. Besides expanded background and a full writeup for el Profesor, the article also details several of Muerte's all-new minions and devices, with lots of suggestions and examples for using these characters in the CU or original campaign settings.


Character artwork is provided by the redoubtable Darren "MancerBear" Bulmer, who's started posting excerpts on his splendid forum thread, MancerBear's Art Den.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


Greetings Herophiles' date=' it is time for this years [b']Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects[/b]


I'm adapting a series of old D&D adventures into a Fantasy Hero campaign. I'm still a little stuck on where to set them (I actually kind of want to use Turakian Age as the backdrop) but my next campaign (hopefully starting up in the next month or so) will be an adaptation of these adventures (in the order below):

  1. B2 Keep on the Borderlands
  2. A1 Slave Pits of the Undercity
  3. A2 Secret of the Slavers Stockade
  4. A3 Assault on the Aerie of the Slave Lords
  5. A4 In the Dungeons of the Slave Lords
  6. G1 Steading of the Hill Giant Chief
  7. G2 Glacial Rift of the Frost Giant Jarl
  8. G3 Hall of the Fire Giant King
  9. D1 Descent Into the Depths of the Earth
  10. D2 Shrine of the Kuo-Toa
  11. D3 Vault of the Drow
  12. Q1 Queen of the Demonweb Pits

The mechanical parts are pretty easy; for each monster just substitute the equivavlent Beastiary critter, and traps just get re-written using the description in the adventure as a conceptual start. I've still got to some up with a good segue from B2 to A1, and from A4 to G1 (anyone got any good ideas? Or ideas on the best part of Ambrethel to set them in?)


I've also cobbled together a few character building and magic use guidelines that I hope will capture the good parts of the old D&D flavor without losing what I like about Hero. It should be fun.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


Started up a FtF again having had only HC for gaming anything for some time.


This one D&D d20 3.5 set in Eberron.


At HC I have a few games that are still going strong, mostly HERO.


These include High Plains Heroes (Western), Musket & Sabre (Historical (Blackpowder) HERO c1715), Disillusion (Transhuman Space HERO), and The Savage Tide (D&D 3.5 Eberron, Adventure Path)


Not much of a Champions aficionado, but trying, I am running a Dark Galactic Champions (Destination: Transcend)


I always have ideas, and am toying with Iron Kingdoms (though I'd do D&D), and two historical games (Aztec/Conquistador c1500s, English Civil War, like a prequel to M&S).


I have too many pets, aye?

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


Mid-year update:


New Knights of Kambria wrapped up in the spring (most of the characters died in an unfortunate crawl following the Spider Keep adventure.


Current Project:


Developing my historic fantasy game Armageddon 1946. Current playtest rules are using the FUDGE system and are meeting with generally good reviews. I am hoping to have the published game on the market before the end of next year. Unlike Steve, I'm a slower typist and still have my day job to consider. :)


Matt "The-determined-game-designer-with-no-experience" Frisbee

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


I've picked up my long-running frontier fantasy project again. Currently, I'm working kinks out of some spells, and putting in some period woodcuts as eye candy.


It's slowed to a crawl right now though. I've been in a class for the last few weeks, and the homework load keeps me from putting in any decent amount of time. :mad:


Maybe in a couple more weeks I'll be back in full swing on it.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


My current project is to finish up and submit two related adventures to Digital Hero. Curse of the Eagle's Eye, a Pulp Hero adventure, lays the groundwork for The Secrets of the Eagle's Temple, an adventure for Champions. They're written so either can be run alone. And for a Champions campaign, you can run the adventures in sequence (using provided heroic characters for the Pulp Hero half).


After that? For a long time I've wanted to write up a DH article, kinda like Jason does in YGHC, on Nicola Tesla. Maybe I'll get going on that (though I have no illusions I'll be able to do as good a job as Jason).


Other than that, I'll continue running my Champions campaign, featuring Chicago's very own superhero team, S-Squad.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


My current project is to finish up and submit two related adventures to Digital Hero. Curse of the Eagle's Eye' date=' a Pulp Hero adventure, lays the groundwork for [b']The Secrets of the Eagle's Temple[/b], an adventure for Champions. They're written so either can be run alone. And for a Champions campaign, you can run the adventures in sequence (using provided heroic characters for the Pulp Hero half).


Very nice idea! I did something similar once with the classic "Horror World/Anopheles" adventure, using the suggested modern supers/pulp elements.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


2007: Already Finished Foxbat For President


Working on "King of the Mountain"


Working on "Mind over Matter."


2008: Paul Revere High. Somehow, when they came out with Teen Champions, they forgot a public high school setting and only concentrated on the X-Men Stuff. Should be ready along with Mind Over Matter, though it will be Legacies Oriented. (There's a reason all my stuff has a warning label.)


2009: Legacies, Legacies, Legacies. Gods be willing, this will be done by GenCon 2009, and be ready for publication sometime between 2010-2011.


After that, and I REALLY mean this...It's all up to you, the READERS, and a healthy dose of "My Players!" I really do intend to have the world be 50 percent "Because YOU demanded it!" Assuming things get that far.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


The characters are finished and all but two of the preludes have been run so the pieces are finally in place as John Watson tries desperately to assemble a group of people both capable and willing to battle the evil forces that are even now moving to seize control of the world - or My LEG-esque campaign set in 1893 is finally going to start.


The Psi-Lords of Metro City's second arc is coming to a close so I'm actually looking for something else to run for my Friday night group. I've been considering something unusual - A small Bedouin tribe in just pre-Islamic Arabia runs afoul of the Banu Quraish and are forced to flee into the desert. I was thinking sort of like Battlestar Galactica but with camels.

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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


Revising Armor and the Strength Table.


I know that the formula for "How much can I carry if my strength is ...." more or less works, but the numbers can be a little clumsy.


Now, using the idea that +17 STR means x10 Carrying capacity, +33 STR means x100 and +50 STR means x1000, and "64x2 = 125" makes life a little easier.


Then we only need to rate carrying capacity vs STR for STR -23 (1kg) to STR 50 (1000kg), then apply the modifiers for x10, x100, x1000, or indeed, x1/10 (-17), x1/100 (-33) and x1/1000 (-50), to work out carrying capacities at the extremes.


How does this afffect rules for Armor?

Keeping the formulae under my hat for now, but my prototype Armor rules allow GMs and players to work out, for example, how much a pair of DEF 5 gauntlets will weigh, and even factor in levels of growth and shrinking, to work the weight of armor (or armor pieces) for a giant or a dwarf.


The "final" product will have tables to help GMs and players work out what they need, and will even help look up how much DEF the walls of a stronghold will have, given the density and thickness of the stuff from which the walls are made.


So, do you think I have too much time on my hands?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


Greetings Herophiles, it is time for this years Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects



Do you remember Your "2003" Pet Gaming Projects



Do you remember Your "2004" Pet Gaming Projects



Do you remember Your "2005" Pet Gaming Projects



Do you remember Your "2006" Pet Gaming Projects



Do you remember Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects








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Stat block/character sheet by Sketchpad



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The Crusaders by Werehawk



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by Remjin



Destination: Transcend by Mastermind





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Hero Wiki by Curufea



CountZero's by CountZero



Victorian Hero by freak6117



Soylent Hero



Empire (Cyber Hero) by ghost-angel



Cyber Ninja Pirates by zornil



Faction Paradox (Amber) by Curufea



Unified Framework by Doc Democracy



Dragons and the Church of the Messiah by Super Squirrel



by Mastermind



Foxbat For President by Balabanto



King of the Mountain by Balabanto



Mind over Matter by Balabanto



Revising Armor and the Strength Table by superferret



Hero Product Reviews by ghost-angel





Dies The Fire by Matt Frisbee



Island City/Morrow Project by Major Tom








KAZEI 5 - Revised by Susano





Digital Hero Articles & Miniatures by proditor



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Digital Hero Articles by Lord Mhoram



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"Super" secret by Starwolf



Star Hero Articles by BobGreenWade



Curse of the Eagle's Eye (Pulp Hero Adventure) by BoloOfEarth



The Secrets of the Eagle's Temple (Champions Adventure) by BoloOfEarth



Professor Muerte by Lord Liaden








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Re: Your "2007" Pet Gaming Projects


You could probably move my project to Other Hero Genre since it'll be all the books, not just the Champions line ;)


And if you want to put a link, link the Books Reviews Thread in the Company Questions forum.


You should bring them all linked together somewhere so I can.



Saves me the work ;)




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