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Your occupation, please.


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It seems as though every super with a secret ID will fall into the same group of occupations: journalist, military, photographer, or wealthy. While there are exceptions to this norm, they are rare and far between. The most common exception is a younger character being a student. I would like to hear about some of the more unusual occupations that a super would take. This could be related to their power(s) (track/field for speedsters) or with skills (private dective for detective skills). There might even be no connection to the adventuring character (ie: accountant). Any character occupation that would make you drop your jaw is what I would like to hear about.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


My most recent character is one you missed: Cop


Same game we had a minotaur who worked at "Jack Burgers" as "artie the night manager", he put on a little paper hat and insisted that no one knew he was minotaur. Dealing with a Str 80 minotaur not many people argued the point...

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Re: Your occupation, please.


I'm not sure if this is what you're talking about, but The Greek (super-smart weaponsmaster) worked as a clerk in a bookstore/café, when she wasn't honing her chess skills. None of her co-workers realized who she was, because she mousied up, and she was playing chess online under a pseudonym.


I miss being able to play her. :(

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Re: Your occupation, please.


The thread title made me want to yell:




The last four champs characters that I played that had secret IDs were:


- a detective

- a wheel chair bound former footbal player turned indy rock sensation.

- a research scientist / medical doctor

- a wild west show/circus performer turned mercenary


EDIT: I can count, really :(

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Uncle Slam... Westcoast Director of Operations for PRIMUS. But not for long. If the current storyline holds up, I expect that in the next 3 games he'll resign his commission and announce his candidacy for President of the United States. Whether I have him win or not is another thing.


Anthem... Anything and everything. Girl can't keep a job due to her tendency to run off and help people at inopportune times. Waitress, Maid, Bicycle Courier, Data Entry, and so on. Currently she's a live-in nanny just to tend the kids (not their education). Not sure what she'll be next game ;)


Audra Blue... Security expert and hacker extraordinaire.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


The thread title made me want to yell:





Darn, you beat me to it!


More seriously, I recently made a solo flying-brick for my girlfriend who is an Assistant DA. It should provide plenty of storytelling ideas.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Plex 1 was a test pilot and driver

Plex 2 was a mechanic

Mindstar was a Doctor

Modred was a spiritualist


That was the only characters I played with any regularity. (Though I did play a Dark Champions character a few times that was a lead singer in a metal band. Attitude like Nathan Explosion and with sonic powers, go figure.)


The players in my current group are:


Rush Doctor/Surgeon

Vulcan Scientist/Engineer

Titan Artist

Star Spangled Banner Diplomat

Persona Private Investigator

Psyche Private Investigator teamed up with Persona

Arcane Wealthy, no job in particular (keeper of lost and forgotton lore)

Eclipse Ambassador

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Let's see, I had one who was poor and was a busser/dishwasher in a restaurant owned by another of the heroes... Helps if the Boss is with you when you're skipping your shift.


Got one I'm working on right now... If I can manage the points for it, he's senior partner in a lawfirm specializing in international, corporate and contract law. Think of "The Firm". It'll be interesting to see how long I can manage to maintain mob/mafia contacts with my secret ID. (And yes, if you do it right it means Watched By The Mafia, Watched By The Bar Assn and Dependent NPCs (the whole firm) - even if you don't take the points for them - for quite a number of hooks handed to the GM to make your life miserable.)

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Aquatic- Is enrolling in college to get an degree in engineering, but is also paid to be a superhero by the OSC so in a way his job is being a superhero.


Banner-Freelance Journalist, but he has had numerous jobs in the past... encluding exotic dancer. He was feeling rebellious at the time.


Comet- Yes, he is a millionare playboy. The first one I've been able to play in a long long time.


Gaze- A Vegas Stage hypnotist.


Jaunt-Soon to graduate Highschool.


Mole-Works part time at a music store, wants to be a musician.


The Saint- Bill's just trying to get by in 1950s Vegas, has no regular job.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Current Champions characters:


Zl'f: Executive assistant

Blood Orchid: Interpreter

Justicar: Catholic priest


Former characters:


Ranger: Physicist

Spirit Ninja: Supermodel


I try not to fall into that "predictable" occupation with my characters. :)

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Lets See Current and Fomer PC's and a select few NPC's



Pinky- College Student

Little Rock- Circus Perormer

Rage- Pro Wrestler


Former PC's/NPC

Vandal- Archaeologist/Professor

Reptyle- Pilot

American Avenger- Lawyer

Totem- Vetrenarian

Sunburn- Sales Clerk in a Surf Shop

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Re: Your occupation, please.


Deuce: Has a two-stage Secret ID- the first very few people know about, the latter somewhat more do...


Former SIS secret agent from 1946-1966:cool:


Import-Export Director, Gambling and Gaming Equipment, Pegasus Gaming Ltd., Chicago, IL/Reno, NV (a division of Transworld Consortium LLC);)

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Re: Your occupation, please.




For my current game, some of the PC's (past and present) occupations:


Flex: Action Movie Star (public ID, though - when you can survive a bulding falling on you... they can save on SFX budget)


Aegis: Auto mechanic (owns his own small shop)


Absolute Zero: Police Detective (2nd time that was used in our game)


Major Force: Doctor (Force... no relation!)


Soundwave: sound technician


Ignis: Arson investigator


Rigor: Teacher of the blind (yes, he is blind as well)

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Re: Your occupation, please.


There isa reason heroes tend to have one of a few "typical" occupations, though.


Patroller and Detective heroes need flexible schedules, and they especially need jobs where they don't have to be up early in the morning if they have been out too late beating up criminals or on stake-out. That's why it's actually very unrealistic that Daredevil is an attorney - when does he prep for cases?


Detectives and Science types, and maybe martial artists and mystics to an extent, need a lot of space and sometimes specialized equipment to practice their specific brand of heroism, which tends to steer them into occupations that allow them to afford stuff and a place to put it.


Plus, it's best to have an occupation such that you don't attract widespread public attention when you have to suddenly drop a gig or whatever in order to go heroing (at least, if you don't have a public ID). I mean, let's say you're a major fashion model and you have to skip out on a major show in order to go be Slender Woman or whatever. Not only will you be lucky if you can keep your job after one or two such disappearing acts, but they attract attention and questions that a hero with a secret ID can ill afford.


In fact, I'm amazed that heroes have the range of jobs that they DO. Like I noted, Daredevil would be a crappy attorney, given his nocturnal activities - he doesn't get enough sleep, and he doesn't spend enough time prepping for court. Plus, he can't just drop a case in the middle of arguments to run off and do whatever.


That having been said, I had a few characters who had more unusual jobs.


Holocaust barely scraped by a living as an adjunct math professor - despite being brilliant, her attitude kept her from getting a tenure track position. She often cancelled class or left assignments written on the board. She eventually got a think tank job, where she could do work on her own time and submit reports as needed, without having to show up at an office.


Similarly, Captain Conifer was a research professor of botany. But, as a research professor, he could come and go more or less as he pleased. Plus, tenure.


My ringer for Elasti Girl was a washed up ex scream queen who eked out a living as the host of a Saturdays-at-midnight horror movie showcase on a small cable affiliate, and supplemented her income by signing autographs for ten bucks a pop at conventions.


I had another character who was a night disc jockey for a classical music AM station, and tended to prerecord his shows, commericials and all, and just play the master tape while he went out patrolling.


My favorite, though, was my skilled normal who gained her prodigious talents FROM her job. Blessed with an eidetic memory, she used her BA in English to get freelance editing jobs for how-to books, companies that made textbooks for police academies, and for Paladin press... a publisher who used to put out books like "How to Change Identities" and "How to Convert an SKS to Full Automatic" and the life (I have no idea if they are still in business). Having full recall of every book she ever worked on, she had quite the collection of skills, and could work from home on her own schedule.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


There's a reason all three of my characters have LS: Reduced sleep (1 point): in terms of maintaining a dual identity, it makes things MUCH easier...


Shinji Miromoto - n/a. He's a professional hero. However, if I can convince the current team he's on that he's not particularly competent in hand-to-hand, I'm planning on him having a secret identity as ANOTHER hero...


Jake the Troll - student, if I'm playing him in an undercover role. Otherwise, he's just Jake.


Icon - also a student, either high school or college.

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Re: Your occupation, please.


SaiyanSlayer: avert your eyes!



































My character, Phidippus, is an extremely talented comic book artist. Not entirely original, mind you; but between his skill of 19-, extra hands and eyes, and the fact that he only needs to sleep about an hour a night, he can get a lot of work done very quickly. I figure he's currently drawing the Champions-licensed book at the very least; since he's got a pretty good working relationship with the "real-life" Champions, he'd want to make sure they were well represented - and who would be better to draw them than someone that knows them well, and knows what the life of a superhero is like first-hand(s)?


So far, his teammate Ashley (SaiyanSlayer's character) has no idea that he does anything other than superheroics - Phidippus has confined his work to the times Ashley's been out patrolling or asleep. (I've dropped a couple hints here and there, but I haven't gone over the top.) I figure the Danger Sense might help to keep him alert, to protect his I.D. if Ashley came barging in unannounced.


To be honest, Phidippus is really more of an NPC at the moment (since I'm always the GM, I didn't have anyone else to jabber about), but I'm looking forward to when SaiyanSlayer takes over for me for a while (as he's mentioned he'd be up to the task) and I describe what I'm going to do for the day.


"What? Since when does Phidippus do that?"


"Since forever - he just hasn't told Ashley!"

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