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What Fiction Book (other than Science Fiction or Fantasy) have you recently finished?


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I recently purchased  the captain America the winter soldier novelization the secret files but the story only wet as far as cap's first battle with the soldier when I buy a novel I expect the complete story if the novelization is in two books I can see that but tell me where the story is continued[ sorry abou any spoiler I did not see any spoiler tags in the posting area

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I recently purchased  the captain America the winter soldier novelization the secret files but the story only wet as far as cap's first battle with the soldier when I buy a novel I expect the complete story if the novelization is in two books I can see that but tell me where the story is continued[ sorry abou any spoiler I did not see any spoiler tags in the posting area

Even if you can't find the "spoiler" tag, you can always mention that there are spoilers at the beginning of the post instead of at the end.  You can also manually type the spoiler code (or whatever it's called).


EDIT: Not that I feel you had any real spoilers, just pointing out the obvious.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Never Go Back by Lee Child. This is the latest in the Jack Reacher books and features the titular hero going back to his old unit to see the new CO and then finding himself co-opted back into the army and charged with two crimes. How he gets out of it and what he does are interesting. You can beat the system.

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  • 1 month later...

The Old Man and the Sea by Hemingway.  Apparently a 130-page book is all I have time to read nowadays, but Hemingway's spartan prose gets a lot done in those 130 pages.  It's easy to see why this book won a Pulitzer.  This isn't the first time I've read it, but sometimes it's nice to reminisce.  Still a compelling read--hard to put down even though I obviously know how the book ends.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

The Visitor by Lee Child. Women who suffered harrassment in the army and then left are being murdered. Cause unknown but they are then covered in army camaflague paint. No violence or sexual assault. And the first two were cases handled by Reacher so the FBI drags him in and tries to blame him for it. The killer has a really sneaky method which leaves no visible trace.


Star Island by Carl Hiasson. The lookalike for a popstar is kidnapped by a paparazzo who wants to photograph the girl for a coffee book that can can be released once she dies. The book returns the renegade governor and lone of the villains from a previous book who having lost his hand to a barracuda now has a weed wacker attachment. Lots of fun.

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Pride and Prescience, or a Truth Universally Acknowledged by Carrie Bebris.  It's a mystery story, beginning at the wedding of Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennett.  The main players include Darcy and Elizabeth, Bingley and Jane, Caroline Bingley and her rich new American husband, Louisa and Mr. Hurst, an archaeology professor named Professor Randolph, and a shady character named Mr. Kendall (to whose daughter the aforementioned rich American was previously romantically attached).  Bizarre things start happening to the Bingleys, especially Caroline, immediately after the latter's wedding.  She seems to be going mad. Many mishaps and strange things happen, and it is up to Lizzie and Darcy to fogure the whole thing out.  It's a pretty good read.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Prepare to Die! by Paul Tobin. A novel of superheroes, sex, and secret origins (as indicated in the cover blurb). I bought it from the author at Rose City Comic Con last weekend, and only just started it a couple of days ago. I'm enjoying it.


The protagonist is Steve Clarke, aka Reaver, a superhero who is Nigh Invulnerable , superhumanly strong, and about three times as fast as human (reaction time and running speed). He doesn't fly, doesn't have supersenses. But he does have the power to take a year off your life every time he punches you (assuming he pulls his punches and doesn't just kill you outright). Other supers in the book include Octagon (a mastermind), Tempest (weather controller), Laser Blast (guess!), Macacbre, Stellar, Paladin, Kid Crater, Warp, Siren, and others.


The story is non-linear, jumping around in time a lot from the present, to Reaver's childhood, origin story, and the highlights (or lowlights) of his career, slowly filling in the background of his world, and his relationships with other supers, both heroes and villains. It's told in first person, and it's well done. I like it.

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  • 1 month later...

Read The Burning Room by Micheal Connoly. Harry Bosch and his new partner are ordered to solve a ten year old shooting that turned into a murder, and con their way into working an old arson case. Bosch is put on suspension at the end of the book, so I don't know if he goes back to the Unsolved Squad or gives up and retires.


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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Reading another Douglas Reeman book. This time it's Strike From The Sea.





From the back cover:


The Beast. She was the largest submarine in the world, an undersea cruiser with twin turret guns, her own spotter plane, and forty "fish" in her tubes. She was Soufriere, and she was French, but it was 1941 and Hitler's legions held Paris...


Ainslie's men. They were the hand-picked best of the Royal Navy and de Gaulle's Free French, armed with Bren guns and revolvers, shuddering through the straits of Borneo on an ancient rust-streaked tramp, steaming for the lagoon where Soufriere lay hidden.


Their job: seize her.

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  • 7 months later...

The Wolf In Winter by John Connelly.


This is another of the Charlie Parker books. Different in that it focuses on the people of a Maine town who try to stop Parker from investigating the death of a homeless man and the disappearance of that man's daughter. Can you say bad idea as that brings out Louis and Angel ?

Again the battle between good and evil is prevalent. If you have followed the story for a while (this is book 12), it is more rewarding as characters from previous books appear so it makes more sense to be familiar with the series. I noted some discontent with what some people saw asa heavy handed ending but I was happy with it.

I already have the next in the sequence and am enjoying it.

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