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Nice work Dallas. 9th Grader arrested for bringing a home-made digital clock to school. Race has no bearing on this case, Police said. 

Guess which group 9th grader belongs to?



It's caused something of a storm on tech sites...




Seven Kids Not Named Mohamed Who Brought Homemade Clocks To School And Didn't Get Arrested

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"Don't be a conspiracy theorist. They might be a little prejudiced, but I'm sure they thought he had a bomb."



"But they didn't evacuate the school, like you do when there's a bomb.

"They didn't call a bomb squad - like you do when there's a bomb.

"They didn't get as far away from him as possible, like you do when there's a bomb.

"Then they put him and the clock in an office: not like you do when there's a bomb.

"Then they waited with him for the police to arrive, and then they put the clock in the same car as the police.

"Then they took pictures of it."


"... Damn... They never thought he had a bomb."

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"Don't be a conspiracy theorist. They might be a little prejudiced, but I'm sure they thought he had a bomb."



"But they didn't evacuate the school, like you do when there's a bomb.

"They didn't call a bomb squad - like you do when there's a bomb.

"They didn't get as far away from him as possible, like you do when there's a bomb.

"Then they put him and the clock in an office: not like you do when there's a bomb.

"Then they waited with him for the police to arrive, and then they put the clock in the same car as the police.

"Then they took pictures of it."


"... Damn... They never thought he had a bomb."

It's just fortunate they didn't pack the guy off to Gitmo. Apparently there are quite a few people here in America who believe that we should be at war with Islam -- all of Islam, that every single Muslim on the face of the planet if our enemy down to the last infant. They probably want him kicked out of the country, even if he is a natually-born citizen.

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It's just fortunate they didn't pack the guy off to Gitmo. Apparently there are quite a few people here in America who believe that we should be at war with Islam -- all of Islam, that every single Muslim on the face of the planet if our enemy down to the last infant. They probably want him kicked out of the country, even if he is a natually-born citizen.

exaggerate much?

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Avoid reading the comments on Yahoo articles, and you should be fine. Like I said elsewhere, those guys were probably banned everywhere else.


Pres. Obama has invited the kid to the White House. And Bristol Palin blasted him for it. But that last bit isn't exactly news (or newsworthy).

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Not much of an exaggeration at all. Spend 2 minutes on a Yahoo news comment section and you'll find someone calling for the death or deportation of all muslims.


MSN isn't much better.  Any article about Muslims, or Obama, or both, will have hundreds of comments against them, and about how Obama is secretly Muslim, or that he's a racist--that last one is especially popular.  If there's any doubt that bigotry is alive and well in the United States, one need only go to the comments section after any MSN news post.

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Never underestimate humanity's ability to suck. 


You laugh, but I became a much less unhappy person when I consciously, and drastically, lowered my expectations for people in general.  Of course that guy cut me off in traffic, he's a human, and humans are little better than hairless chimps.  Of course that man is racist, he is trapped in a bubble of prejudice and propaganda that only logic and critical thinking could break him out of, and few people are so equipped.


It is as though I'm one of a small number of sapient beings, living among a population of animals that have yet to be Uplifted, and I set expectations accordingly.

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