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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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For the last couple of days, Facebook has been trying to sell me Neo-Nazi T-Shirts. Do I need to cull people from the Friends List to see to it this doesn't happen again? And if so, what's the point of Facebook?.


I'm not sure what the point of Facebook is, but I believe you can specifically block 'ad' type posts you don't want to receive.

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Michael, you might have set that off yourself if you were noodling about teh Intarwebz researching/boggling at the activities of those folk.


This seems most likely. IMO, try clearing  your search history and browser cache. You can also report the ads as offensive with a drop down menu on the ad. And if you search for info that you don't want being used to fuel ads, just use a private window.

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[insert obvious reference to pithed weasels here, Then hope it gets ignored.]


On another note, apparently Exxon and the White House sent out exactly the same press release when announcing a new project on the Gulf Coast, I would think the Gulf Coast would have a few doubts of the trustworthiness of Big Oil after recent experiences. Or that just about any rational President would have asked his Secretary of State to at lkeast put his stake in Exxon on escrow until he's done serving in the Cabinet,


And Ben Carson. who some have seen as a voice of reason in this cabinet, can;t seem to tell the difference between voluntary immigration and being kidnapped, sent across the ocean in hellish conditions, and sold as disposable property with no official identity. How could he be so clueless about his own heritage?

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And Ben Carson. who some have seen as a voice of reason in this cabinet



, can;t seem to tell the difference between voluntary immigration and being kidnapped, sent across the ocean in hellish conditions, and sold as disposable property with no official identity. How could he be so clueless about his own heritage?

Yeah. I thought my opinion of Carson was about as low as it could get, and then I heard about this last night.

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For a while I thought Donald Trump's habit of appointing people to positions they have absolutely no experience in was a kind of cronyism. Now I'm wondering if it's a deliberate tactic, derived from a perception of anyone who was part of the existing government system as being a component of the "swamp" they're determined to drain.

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"Drain the swamp" was a straight up lie.  They put a Goldman Sachs exec in charge of the Treasury and an oil exec in charge of State.  They put the "King of Bankruptcy" in charge of Commerce.  They tried to put a fast food CEO in charge of Labor.  Chao was left in place at Transportation because she'll go along with the privatization of our infrastructure. Other appointees, like the ones for Education, Energy, and the EPA, were chosen to oversee the destruction of their agencies, and they've admitted as much.  And this has all been the GOP agenda for decades, so it should not confuse or surprise anyone by now.

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