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15 minutes ago, Ternaugh said:


It's California. A big, Blue state that has already thumbed his nose at the reversal of Net Neutrality and several environmental issues. And it's home to Nancy Pelosi.



Makes sense too.  


Any interpretation leads to the implication that he's unstable, at best.  So scary...

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So Melania gets a major policy shaper canned?  Wow.


And 2 more, major people...chief of staff, head of homeland security...are apparently soon to get the boot?

Double wow.

Combine that with the story wcw cited and I get an image of a cornered, angry, frightened rat thrashing and biting at everything.  With really bad hair and worse tanning bed marks.....


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21 minutes ago, GM Joe said:

I'm sure it's hard to be happy when the fun parts are over, and all that's left is doing the job.




Has he ever done the job?


Another round of despotism.  Trump claims basically an unfettered right to limit WH press passes.  On one level, that makes sense, but it's such a blatant challenge to freedom of the press that it can't be tolerated without qualifiers.  Yes, the White House can ban someone for cause...overly disruptive, PROVABLE factual distortion (unlike Trumpian factual distortion), stuff like that.  But never simply because they're perceived as Not On Your Side.

Even the legal analyst at Fox is saying CNN is very likely to win this case quickly.

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42 minutes ago, unclevlad said:



So Melania gets a major policy shaper canned?  Wow.


And 2 more, major people...chief of staff, head of homeland security...are apparently soon to get the boot?

Double wow.

Combine that with the story wcw cited and I get an image of a cornered, angry, frightened rat thrashing and biting at everything.  With really bad hair and worse tanning bed marks.....


The Economist suggested that Trump's frequent staff shake-ups come from his experience as star of The Apprentice. Lots of twists and turnover to keep viewers interested.


So he runs his administration like a TV show. The horrible thing is, this possibly shows deep insight into American culture and character.


Dean Shomshak

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Incidentally: When you find current events too depressing (or infuriating), I recommend you take a break with Steven Pinker's Enlightenment Now: The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress. Humanity actually has made life much better than it used to be, by methods that we can continue using to make life better still. And it's not just in the developed world: The rest of the world is catching up fast, from increasing life expectancy to declining bigotry.


There's also plenty to offend people on both the left and the right. I consider that a further ground for recommendation.


Dean Shomshak

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27 minutes ago, DShomshak said:

The Economist suggested that Trump's frequent staff shake-ups come from his experience as star of The Apprentice. Lots of twists and turnover to keep viewers interested.


So he runs his administration like a TV show. The horrible thing is, this possibly shows deep insight into American culture and character.


Dean Shomshak



I think the premise...he runs it like a TV show...has considerable truth, but my takeaway from that would be, it's because he doesn't think the jobs in question are any more important...and that, of course, the first priority of the jobs is brown-nosing.

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I will say this for Trump: he has a sharply-honed instinct for where people are exploitable. But he's so obvious about it! He talks like every snake-oil salesman I ever met. Everything he's involved with is always the biggest, the best, the greatest ever!! Everything he opposes, and everyone who criticizes him, is the worst in history!! He's long on grand promises, ludicrously short on how to make them happen. Every time someone calls him on that lack, he replies, "Trust me." If there's one thing to remember, it's to never take the word of a salesman who asks you to trust him.


The only way to not hear it, is to not want to hear it.

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3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

I will say this for Trump: he has a sharply-honed instinct for where people are exploitable. But he's so obvious about it! He talks like every snake-oil salesman I ever met. Everything he's involved with is always the biggest, the best, the greatest ever!! Everything he opposes, and everyone who criticizes him, is the worst in history!! He's long on grand promises, ludicrously short on how to make them happen. Every time someone calls him on that lack, he replies, "Trust me." If there's one thing to remember, it's to never take the word of a salesman who asks you to trust him.


The only way to not hear it, is to not want to hear it.


Can I get an Amen from the congregation!!! 


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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

There is also the matter of the $100B+ in Saudi defense/weapons contracts that the President proudly declared won't be going to the Russians or the Chinese.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by avarice.


Ah but Trump is all about efficiency.  Both at once!

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2 hours ago, Pariah said:

There is also the matter of the $100B+ in Saudi defense/weapons contracts that the President proudly declared won't be going to the Russians or the Chinese.


Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by avarice.


Trump has demonstrated repeatedly that money is one of only two measures of success, and motivators for action, that he recognizes. Not economics, which he clearly doesn't understand; only bottom-line figures.


His other measure, of course, is the adulation he receives.

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17 hours ago, BoloOfEarth said:




Sorry, just couldn't stop myself.


As long as she doesn't send more than 30,000, it's no big deal.  Or so I was told two years ago.


Edit: After the way the media treated the Clinton e-mail, I have absolutely no use for their fake outrage, now.

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10 hours ago, Badger said:


As long as she doesn't send more than 30,000, it's no big deal.  Or so I was told two years ago.


Edit: After the way the media treated the Clinton e-mail, I have absolutely no use for their fake outrage, now.


The big difference here is that the law Ivanka broke was not a law when Clinton was using her private server. The only even potential illegalities found in the entire ridiculously long investigation into Clinton's emails were mishandling of classified materials, which were mostly classified after the fact.


On the other hand, Ivanka's use of a private server, when combined with the fact that she has not provided those emails as directed by the law, constitutes a clear felony violation.


And the news media covered Hilary's emails more than all policy issues combined during the 2016 election. Every detail was belabored again and again. For something that wasn't even a crime.

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