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Because of Vladimir Putin, the Russian economy has been devastated. The Russian military has been publicly humiliated and critically degraded. Russia's global reputation and influence have been cut to shreds. Russian society is being driven by state-sponsored paranoia and repression. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Russia's best and brightest have fled the country. A "lost generation" of young Russians is being chewed up in a pointless war.


It will take generations before all this damage is healed, if it ever is.

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2 hours ago, Clonus said:


Still reading the whole story but there's a very early comment that's notable:  the National Fraternal Order of Police is NOT defending the officers.  QUITE the opposite, in fact.  From The Hill:



The nation’s largest law enforcement organization spoke out on Friday against the “brutal assault” of 29-year-old Tyre Nichols, who was fatally injured during a traffic stop by Memphis police earlier this month.

“The event as described to us does not constitute legitimate police work or a traffic stop gone wrong,” Patrick Yoes, the national president of the Fraternal Order of Police, said in a statement. “This is a criminal assault under the pretext of law.”


One of the points in the article is big, to me.  From the Reason story:



Stop buying police propaganda. The initial Memphis Police Department statement about Nichols' death bears little resemblance to the horror and brutality that five officers actually visited upon him. Here's how the department described the situation at first: "a confrontation occurred," and "afterward, the suspect complained of having a shortness of breath."


Yeah, we do hear this regularly.  People are lying...many people in this case.  (A question in my mind is whether the EMTs feared reprisal if they said anything.)  It's a repeating pattern...downplay, downplay, downplay until it explodes in your face.  The story indicts the media too;  they're not critical enough, too often.  There have to be red flags here...the duration of the event feels like the first one.  The timeline includes a 3 minute period after the police caught up to Nichols, where they beat on him for 3 minutes.  That is a LONG time.  There's about a 20 minute interval before he's treated.  Got to think that's another flag.

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Besides, it means he gets the privileges, and doesn't have to do much work.  


One could argue that NOT serving on committees means he's derelict in representing his district, but there's no mechanism to recall him, so he's nothing more than a placeholder in any case.  There is 0 chance he'll get Party support in '24;  likely very little chance he can beat almost any primary challenger, and probably could only beat a really bad Democratic candidate.


Wait a sec.  I take that back.  Just looked up the 3 names Bolo mentioned.


0 chance of support.  Lucky to receive 1% in the primary.  Lucky to receive 5% against ANY Democrat, no matter how liberal.


But, you know why he's not resigning.  These are likely the last paychecks he's *ever* going to get.



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"I let my emotions take control" Dude, when you drive to DC, then spray police officers with your chemicals as you try to over throw a lawful election, then BOAST about it later, this wasn't just some slip of temper. It's premeditated, and as a Ex Marine, you're an Oathbreaker and a damned traitor.


I'm all for mercy in many cases, but in this situation? Zero sympathy.

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I'm not saying this to try to exonerate the guy, but what I'd love to know is what he was thinking throughout 2020?  What led to this, why did he do it, how did he become so willfully blind to the nature of what he was doing?  What can be done to mitigate it from happening again??  Maybe nothing.  If the root causes lie in the decades-long effort to marginalize and dehumanize the "Liberal Establishment"...probably nothing because it's a practical impossibility to muzzle the vicious media elements who create this.  But if we can't identify the causes of radicalization, we can't even start to address them.

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the whole James O Brian "hate the conman not the conned".  At some point though someone (in this case the ex-marine) has to be responsible for the harm they caused, and most importantly others need to realize that person will continue to harm people if not dealt with.  So punishment / imprisonment is our only capable action here.


Been pretty interesting to think of this culture war in the superhero context, and the g****mn nightmare that would look like.

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38 minutes ago, unclevlad said:

No question.  The git deserves the time.  If anything I think he's getting off lightly.  But if we can't work out the underlying factors, it's going to continue to happen.


This. This right here.



38 minutes ago, unclevlad said:


Was it P.T. Barnum who said, "There's no such thing as bad publicity?" It seems like that's the operating philosophy here.


Which reminds me of something else that P.T. Barnum said....


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