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Justice League Film

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Most people I've read or heard from didn't love Justice League, but didn't hate it either. Generally it seemed to be liked; the most common comment I came across is that it's "a step in the right direction." Of course given what the studio had invested in and riding on this movie, that's far from the reaction they were hoping for.


The real challenge for DC movies now is to rebuild their brand so that audiences are drawn back to giving their movies a chance. By the time JL rolled out the fans had clearly stopped buying what the studio had been selling. OTOH no small part of the success of Black Panther has been the reputation Marvel has built up for turning out films which are at minimum entertaining, and sometimes great.

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Going the self-contained film route has reportedly been bandied about, but no firm decision has been made on that yet. Warner looks to be pumping the brakes on that huge slate of announced DC movies, to take a hard look at their strategy going forward, which IMO is a smart move at this point.


The Aquaman film was already shot by the time JL came out, so it should essentially build on what JL gave us for the character. Word from the studio for the in-production Shazam movie (I'll never stop wanting to call him "Captain Marvel" -- that's who he was for seven decades, dammit!) is that it's going to be the most "lighthearted" DCEU film to date. Make of that what you will.

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Most people I've read or heard from didn't love Justice League, but didn't hate it either. Generally it seemed to be liked; the most common comment I came across is that it's "a step in the right direction." Of course given what the studio had invested in and riding on this movie, that's far from the reaction they were hoping for.


I think that, had DC not taken a gigantic crap all over Superman for two films then put out the mess that Suicide Squad ended up being, Justice League would have been a big hit.  It wasn't bad at all and was enjoyable despite its flaws.  If they keep along these lines (Wonder Woman and this) they won't quite be putting out Marvel level fun, but they should be able to dig out of the hole.


DC seems to take its self a bit too seriously, like they're afraid of being called childish or dumb for doing comic books.

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Word from the studio for the in-production Shazam movie (I'll never stop wanting to call him "Captain Marvel" -- that's who he was for seven decades, dammit!) is that it's going to be the most "lighthearted" DCEU film to date. Make of that what you will.


It should be.  Captain Marvel should be a big cheesy gee-whiz kind of character, not some brooding angryfest.  He's a really nice, innocent kid in a super powerful adult's body, there's so much they can do with this concept.  Lately, the comic books have been a bit less fun and gosh and more tough guy modern jerk kid unfortunately.

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99% of the Destruction was done by Zod while Superman was on the literal otehr side of the planet. Trying to prevent more of it/a extinction level event. At the risk of his life.


I dunno what movie you watched but I saw the fight between them flattening and knocking over entire buildings.   That was after Superman deliberately punched and crashed his opponents into half of Smallville instead of fighting them in the field where the fight started.


I get it, crashing and exploding buildings is cooler than a fight in a field somewhere, its more exciting and looks more badass.  And the visuals of buildings falling over was too sweet to resist for the director, but Superman did nothing to protect people until the last scene where he murders a man in cold blood.  In fact, he went out of his way to make sure people would get hurt.  He wasn't a shining beacon of hope like Justice League tried to portray him as.  He was a marauding alien destroying and killing.  And I'm glad they tried to move away from that in Justice League.  They finally figured out the right direction to go, only took them 3 films and five years.

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