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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. sounds like a typical lie spread about by anti-roleplayers.For a group of fanatics who profess to being truthful,they seem to be quite willing to say anything that would benefit the cause,whether it is the truth or not.
  2. Same here.Of course,I also have the 4th Edition versions of both these books....
  3. What I'd be interested in would be more on how DEMON uses Summon.According to virtually everything I've read about Demon-Summoning implies it normally has to have the Specific Being Advantage,unless the summoner is trying to Summon a demonic army. As Summoning is (even without the +1 Advantage described above) a rather expensive Power,it should be bought with plenty of Limitations.Fortunately traditional demon-summoning spells have plenty, usually involving Gestures,Incantations,Fragile OAFs (circles of protection) and plenty of Extra Time. But what I'm really interested in is how much of a Limitation requiring multiple people to perform a Summoning is.If a spell requires all of DEMON's Morbanes to function,how Limited is the Power?
  4. No it doesn't.I'd only allow the super to use the 'body by weight" tables if the attack was bought as a Megascale Area Effect attack large enough to cover the entire planet,and I'd also require such an attack to be bought with Megascaled range at the same level. That's a total of + 3 1/2 in Power Advantages (assuming a standard Area Effect).
  5. Oh KA,after checking up un Meteor I noticed that if you wanted to have him use his Armor, Damage Resistance,and Density Increase simultaneously all at full power,you would need a 110 Multipower reserve,and Meteor only has a 100 point Multipower reserve. My solution would be to reduce the Damage Resistance slot in the Multipower to only provide 15 points of Resistant Defense (saving a point) and have the costume provide 5 points of Damage Resistance (by using the three unspent points). (Yes this means that Meteor's resistant defenses would not be increased when he uses his Density Increase ).
  6. Second -rate Dr. Destroyers aren't sporting by nature.Besides,if Muerte only got one use out of it "Brainwashing Giganto" before the campaign started, he shouldn't have to pay points for it. And I agree with Monolith about the "redeemable villain" bit - I always thought that the 4th Edition version of Mentalla was reformable.
  7. From memory the last owners of the Justice Machine were the smae people who put out a comics adaptation of "IT! The Terror From Beyond Space".I think the firm's name was Millenium Comics.
  8. Something else that I just realised - in 5th Edition you have to buy Regeneration with the mandatory Limitation Usable Only Once Per Turn (Which is supposed to be a -1 1/4 value limitation,but is listed in my copy as a -1 Limitation ). Also,if Meteor's base STR is increased to 50,and you keep his current PD,REC and STUN values,you actually save a point,plus your base Leaping is increased by 2". (Obviously the meteor did more damage in this version,and as a result augmented his strength even further).
  9. True enough -but remember the sourcebook only applied to the first incarnation of the Justice Machine.As the comic moved from publisher to publisher,it seemed to reboot continuity every time the creative team changed.
  10. I've been thinking about Meteor's costume -given his origin,wouldn't it provide him a bit of protection? I'm thinking of adding the following Power (and dropping the Damage Resistance slot in the Multipower,as well as lowering the extra PD & ED to 3 points to compensate): Armoured Costume: 6 DEF Armor ,OIF (18 Active,12 Real).
  11. Actually,if i understand Meteor's construction correctly, 20 points of Meteor's PD & ED come from his Armor slot.If that's the case,he can't have more than 25 points of Damage Resistance,even with his Density Increase fully activated,as Damage Resistance only makes existing defenses Resistant.
  12. Check out Mark Stanley's Freefall.It features Florence Ambrose,one of the fourteen genetically engineered Bowman's Wolves in that universe.
  13. What really bothers me is that if these jerks are an example of "low-powered" novas in the Aberrant universe,how powerful are the "High-level" novas?
  14. Agreed.My namesake character is going to have Flight bought with this Variable Advantage.
  15. Remember,though that those stats represent Vulshoth just released from eons of bondage,when it should be possible to beat it back into its prison dimension.Given enough time free ,it should become virtually invincible. And remember,one of Vulshoth's goals is to release the OTHER Kings of Edom. It's possible that Vulshoth is actually one of the WEAKER Kings....
  16. This seems correct innomiatus from what I recall from memory.Unfortunately when we moved to Onehunga ,the movers lost about a third of our stuff,including some of my old roleplaying books,which included all my DC Heroes books and boxed sets.
  17. That doesn't make sense.....
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