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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. Re: Where Supervillain buy... Of course,that could be because the website hasn't been properly updated for months.........
  2. Help, PCs are eating my Zombies! NOT A GOOD IDEA.Logically,given their extreme infectivity,having normal humans eat Zombie flesh should transform them into Zombies!!! (Which implies that their Transform Power should be bought as an Uncontrolled Persistent Damage Shield that's Always On,and with the Power limitation Only If Infectious Agent enters Bloodstream).
  3. Re: Ripping Telephone Poles From The Ground Actually the Freedom Force computer game does enable your superhero(s) to pick up telephone poles and swing them. However,it does take extra time to do this,so I'd say it should take a half-phase action to pick up the telephone pole and the remaining half-phase action to actually attack. If bought as part of a "'strength tricks" multipower,I'd buy it as Stretching (with the Stretching's Active Points equal to the character's normal STR), only for combat purposes,and with the following Limitations:Always Direct,No Noncombat movement,and OIF:Pole of Opportunity.
  4. Re: The Zoo Crew Returns! How about a wolf ?
  5. Re: Ever wanted to export a book? No.
  6. Re: The Authority:What the heck? True enough.Unfortunately,finding villains who could actually defeat the Authority and NOT kill them (and survive the inevitable revenge trip) must be rather difficult.
  7. Re: The Zoo Crew Returns! Yeeehaa!!!!
  8. Re: FoxbatsMasterPlan.Com To Hound...... What were you thinking? No true hero asks a villain if he (or she) wishes to be the hero's arch-nemesis! Anyone who does this is either a fool or a poseur. This is because any truly worthy hero will pick up an arch-nemesis or two eventually.The rotters are like remoras,always causing trouble wherever they pop up.
  9. Re: Strike Force Actually, my favourite Valiant title used to be Solar,Man of the Atom before they replaced Jim Shooter as writer.
  10. Re: GURPS IST in Champions So when can we see a Fifth Edition character sheet for Douglas Q. Sangnoir? (And no,I won't tell you what the Q. is short for - go and read Chapter 15 of Drunkard's Walk II to find out.And if you haven't read it before,start with Chapter One.like I had to). A
  11. Re: Strike Force Lucky sod.
  12. Re: So, Who Else Is Gonna Grab Galactic Champions ASAP?? I agree with ChaosDrgn about Golden Age Champions with one caveat -Cloutier needed a decent editor (i.e. one with Hero System experience).The bricks typically had hardened damage resistance without hardened PD & ED,for example.
  13. Re: THE ULTIMATE BRICK -- What Do *You* Want To See? It may be more appropriate for Galactic Champions, but I'd like to have rules for high-speed bricks boring through rocks,spacecraft, etc.
  14. Re: Pacifist Fu They look switched to me too.
  15. Re: Anthropomorphic races Another great RPG resource is GURPS Shapeshifters by Bob Schroeck.It has rules for every type of shapeshifter,and plenty of examples of shapeshifting beings. And I'm not a furfan- I just happen to like well-written comics such as Freefall.
  16. Re: "Mobility" as an Adder I'm with Archer on this one.Remember, the girl in question couldn't breathe while slimed.I'd buy it as an Entangle that Blocks Sight with a Limitation "Must target specific hit location".
  17. Uh-oh.... Foxbat,you aren't planning to kidnap Green Dragon's sister,are you.....
  18. Wasn't there a story in Groo where Groo was elected ruler of a country that had been ruled by a brutal dictatorship? He soon became a puppet of the merchants and was forced to resign. Clearly therefore a government can only be democratic if the voters can force a bad ruler out of power,which is what happened in Haiti. And wasn't there a Popeye story where he became the benevolent dictator of some country? If memory serves,it didn't work out too well.
  19. Unless you're talking about the demons in GURPS Technomancer,which could return after being killed,at least in some circumstances.
  20. If you're playing Diablo II how can you be posting on this discussion board at the same time? Even if you are on battle.net. I have been playing the Diablo II expansion set,Diablo II:Edge Of Destruction (version 1.10),and it is a huge improvement over the original Diablo II. (I'm still in Act II though).
  21. Of course,it's only in modern times that vampires have been vulnerable to silver and/or sunlight.(Originally,vampires just lost their powers in the daytime).
  22. It should -a lot of these tricks were used in Dr. Who for years.
  23. True.I guess it shows how much the vile meme known as d20 has infiltrated the gaming community.Even I am not immune to this vile meme - I'm still buying DRAGON Magazine.
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