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Southern Cross

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Everything posted by Southern Cross

  1. Neither do I. However my comments about powers with standard effect are still valid.I'll use if for Aids & Succors,but its really a limitation on offensive powers.
  2. No it would have a significant effect.Assuming 20 points in defenses,10d6 attacks & 30 STUN on the average,the average PC in that campaign would take 3 hits to KO instead of just 2. And it gets worse at higher power levels- a 60 STR brick with a 30 PD & 60 STUN will ignore 10d6 Normal Attacks and even 12d6 Normal Attacks will take 10 hits to KO them,instead of 5.
  3. Which is why Oxford & Cambridge should both have the Scholar Skill Enhancer. And considering the "old-boys network" they should also be Well-Connected,with lots of Contacts. They should be the British equivalent of Batman & Robin.
  4. Definitely NOT Need -not only was the sword destroyed at the end of the Mage Storms trilogy,but the Black Paladin is the sort of monster that the sword was created to defeat.
  5. True enough, I remember when a stargate was hit by a giant meteorite and was still functional, and another episode featured a gate still working even while it was still being sucked inside a black hole .
  6. I agree with all of the above -and when did Thunderball become so nasty? Granted,he's a longtime supervillain,but this is the sort of thing I expect from Mr. Hyde.
  7. Where's the writeup for the Beserk Fury Talent?
  8. A STR of 23 is very low for a Vampire..
  9. With friends like this who needs enemies.....
  10. Based on his work on X-Men I would have to say that doesn't look likely..... Chuck Austen should have NEVER become the new Avengers writer.
  11. GURPS Spirits has the latest spirit rules (as you might expect) & I think that it also has the Ectoplasmic Projection Power from GURPS Aces Abroad.It also include various templates,including a sorceror template,so you can now have your mage say "I am a Mage,not a sorceror! Sorcerors summon spirits!" and show the apppropriate template to prove it.
  12. You've given me a great scenario idea-what if someone joined the IHA and upon finding out it's true purpose,decided to reveal what the IHA is REALLY up to. The whistle-blower then decides to go to the heroes,because he's also learned that the heroes suspect the IHA,but have no real proof of its illegal activities. The heroes now have to defend their best chance to expose the IHA from its wrath.
  13. The GM is being very unfair.In the comics,most villains don't teleport away.In the case of mass teleports,generally only one villain (usually the team leader) teleports the entire group away. And it should be possible to trace a teleport. I'd use Mind Scan with the following limitation :Must make EGO +20 Roll (-1 Value?). I'd also require the Trigger Advantage,set to only go off if somebody nearby teleports away.
  14. Oh well,everybody makes mistakes.... Personally I preferred Genocide to the Institute for Human Advancement,which I think is a deliberate attempt to fool Saps (the nickname the Tomorrow People gave Homo Sapiens) into believing the organization is intended to advance humanity,when its clear to anybody with half a brain that their agenda is the complete opposite. At least Genocide is a more honest name,plus it's a better fit for the four-color genre. Personally,I'd have my namesake character,upon arriving in the current Hero Universe,encounter the IHA,exclaim "Oh the public arm of the Genocide organization",and have everybody start referring to the IHA as Genocide.
  15. Oh,one small correction : Surbrook's Stuff is in the Misc. Hero System Links.
  16. Michael Surbrook has writeups of the Final Fantasy characters on his website (including a Sepiroth writeup).Check under Surbrook's Stuff in the Hero Links section.
  17. Probably someone with superpowers. would be chosen to serve as such a liason.Remember how U.S. Agent became an Avenger? (And I'm terrible with names,so no name for the agency.Sorry). (Four to go!)
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