HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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Hi Steven i'm sorry to reposting this but i couldn't be able to find your previous answer dated i think 2009. In APG2 i at page 37 it states that: The Adding Damage rules apply to Telekinesis in the standard way. Thus, Telekinesis (STR 40), which costs 60 Active Points, has 12 DCs for purposes of adding damage to it. However, the GM can rule that the DCs of Telekinesis are based on the STR used rather than the Active Points, if he feels that’s more consistent and/or won’t case game problems. So my question is if this is the standard rule and if an hit of a 60ap telekinesis alone worths 12dc of damage. Thanks and sorry again for the re…
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Multiple Damage Reductions
Nvm. I found it!
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Defenses Against Change Environment
I've noticed that in a lot of situations, to defend against damage-causing Change Environment abilities requires having an appropriate form of Life Support. Do abilities like Damage Negation and Damage Reduction reduce the damage that can be caused by Change Environment?
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Usable By Others and Multiform
If a character has Multiform, and is in his base form when granted a UBO power (e.g Flight), then changes to another form, does he maintain use of the UBO power in his new form, or is that only in the form in which he received it?
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I am a little confused as to what options to use from the Linked Table (6e1, p385). A character has Resistant Protection (SFX is a self-sustaining 'Force Field' - i.e., no END cost, and is still Persistent). The character wishes to buy some Life Support (safe environs) that are Linked to the Resistant Protection (since it is the 'Force Field' that is granting the protection). The Life Support has lower Active Points than the Resistant Protection. Would the Linked limitation on the Life Support be -½, -¼, or even -0? Forex, do I apply the -¼ reduction because I don't want/need the "proportionality" that comes with Linked? Do I apply the -¼ reduction because the Res…
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Flying Dodge vs Dive For Cover
The Flying Dodge maneuver can be aborted to and includes a full move, which could get a character out of the range of an AOE attack. If a character has bought this maneuver, do they gain the effective benefits of Dive For Cover when using it?
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Costs endurance to maintain aid in a multipower
If something costs endurance to maintain like aid in a multipower, can you switch slots and still maintain the aid?
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Must pass through intervening space
Hello Steve! I'm trying to build a power that allows the character to cover short distances in any direction almost instantly by transforming into some kind of energy. The character is invulnerable but cannot pass through walls or other solid barriers. Teleportation seems to be the obvious base power for this. My question is, does the limitation "must pass through intervening space" allow the character to move unharmed through fire and to move vertically through the air or does it mean that he remains in physical form and can only move on the ground? Thank you!
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Cheat Sheet
I am new to the HS and recently got a bunch of 6e Champions books. Is there some sort of table or cs that spells out all the acronyms?? Thanks!
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How does penetrating officially work?
Greetings! I am fairly new to 6e and only slightly familiar w/ 4e so I still have a lot of questions and confusions about certain aspects of game. In this case I would appreciate an official clarification on how Penetration actually works. I had a side note about this on another post and someone pretty much confirmed what I understood how it works: " Um, Penetrating doesn't mean that all damage goes through, but rather that a certain amount gets through. So if the 4d6 rolled, say, 6-4-3-2, the 15 total would have bounced against your 20 rPD, but at least 5 BODY would get through (2 from the 6, and 1 each from the 4, 3, and 2). On average, 4 BODY would have gotten …
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Cooldown power
Hi Steven i have two questions: -the first one is if a continuing charge can be applied to endurance reserve and if the reserve when activated works normally for the time the charge allows; -the second one is if is correct to build a power linked to an endurance reserve with continuing charges to render a weapon or power with cooldown I tried to build such a power this way: Blast 8d6 40bp; double endurance (-1/2), jointly linked - 1/4. Total cost 23pt Endurance reserve 80 end, 3 rec (23bp); restricted use - 1/4, 6 continuing charges 5min - 0, delayed use 1 hour (-1,5), jointly linked - 1/2. Total cost 7pt …
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Triggers within Multipowers question
A question regarding powers with and Multipowers: If a power with a trigger is placed in a multipower slot, say, the STUN transfer multipower on 6E1 197 (30+36 AP) should this a) Require a single multipower slot within a 66+ multipower. b) A single single multipower slot within a 36+ multipower. c) Two slots within a 66+ multipower. d) Two slots within a 36+ multipower. Personally, I'd say a), but trigger powers have always seemed kind of tricky.
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Image movement
If I create a one-hex image of a mobile actor (an animal, a cop, a thug) can it move out of the area in which it was created? Or can it only move within that area?
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Time limit and continuing charges
6E1 page 347 says that you can give a power continuing charges to avoid expending a charge each phase with time limit, and it says the GM typically caps the value of continuing charges at -0. In this case does capping it mean it doesn't become more of a limitation or it doesn't become an advantage or both?
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using mind scanning to track a target
How do you handle mind scanning a target from a building and tracking that target when it leaves the build and travels into say a park. The mind scanner is constantly paying the end throughout. 1) Is it that the mind scanner can not keep tracking of the target? 2) Does the mind scanner need to re hit the target if the area the target is in changes area or number of people around? 2a) If a re-hit to target is needed, then do they need to reroll effect?
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Mass & Shields
How is the mass for a shield figured out? The Mass Limitation explains how mass for armor is based on PD & ED, but I can't find anything for the mass of shields based on DCV.
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Adjustment Powers to END when character Knocked Out
Good day. 6E2, 106 says a character's END equals his STUN total upon waking up. How does that affect Adjustment Powers applied to the character's END? For example, a character has 10 points of Aid applied to his END (giving him an additional 50 points of END). That character is then Knocked Out. Does he awaken with his STUN total, as usual, or does he have the additional 50 points added to that as a result of the Aid?
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Sorry if this has been addressed somewhere or sometime before, but I did a search or two and couldn't find anything. So surprisingly enough, over the years of playing 6th edition none of the Players in my campaigns have ever Shoved an NPC. But now it has come up and I have been reading up on it and have a couple of questions, and might have found a discrepancy in how Shoves are resolved, or at least maybe an error in an expansion on the rules/example. In the write up on Shove in 6E2 79, it says the target gets Shoved back 1m for every 5 STR of the Shover (on a successful attack), it then goes on to say the person being Shoved can resist using the…
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Teleportation and Blind Jumps
Hello there, I've been mulling the "teleportation into an area you can't see" rules for a bit and found a light layer of ambiguity (in my mind at least) about how the penalties apply. I have a character with a Mega-Scale teleport power, Gate. My GM says that a PER roll is necessary to place a Gate at a long distance. For distances of a mile or more this could go as high as -15 or more. I am not debating the ranged penalties at all. We are in agreement that it would apply just fine. What I am seeing is that a blind jump is different from a jump into a location that is hard to perceive. Both interpretations make sense to me, and the layer…
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Resource Points
What book is the "Resource Points" perk detailed in? If it's not in a book where else could i find it?
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Mass combat battle scale
Page 228 of Fantasy Hero has this line "The time, distance, and Range Modifier scales apply to all units in a battle, even those smaller and larger than average." It's under the Size of Units heading. What are the time and range modifier scales this line refers to? The time scale is the only one I actually see more information for.
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Linking and Duration Powers other than Instant
Hello everyone, I have a few questions about Linked (and Jointly Linked) powers of a duration other than Instant (which is the duration used in most of the examples). To assist me in this endeavor, I have ask Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, to assist. Now, onto the show... Johnny Storm, a normal guy with no special abilities, hears a rumor that Dr. Doom is at a cafe two blocks down from him. What does he do? "Flame On!!!" This (not so) mild mannered guy instantly turns into the Human Torch, and off he flies to find his team's nemesis! Now, let's say the foundation of his hero persona is the Shape Shift power (Constant, uses Endu…
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Skill Levels, situational
Okay, your previous reply on Trigger interrupts made great sense. If instead of the HKA situation, the character went with a Change Environment to force a dexterity check to not fumble the incantations (thinking more something distracting or interfering like tossing sand in their face, a fake to the head with a weapon or shield, etc). If this kind of ability became more common I can see some casters reacting by staying further away, disfavoring incantations, etc. But if they wanted to try to offset the Dexterity penalties, they could also buy Skill Levels (limited or not) to offset the CE penalties. This might be another of those corner / edge cases you could deal with i…
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Advantaged HKA and pro-rating STR
Greetings, Steve. Thanks again for answering our questions; and my apologies if this is spelled out somewhere in the rule books, and I just can't find it. 😔 When pro-rating the STR used to increase the Damage Class of an Advantaged HKA, does one factor in only the Advantages on the HKA that themselves affect its Damage Class, e.g. Armor Piercing? Or do all Advantages on the HKA apply? I know what the Fifth Edition rules said about that (all of them but Reduced Endurance), but I wanted to be certain of the rule under Sixth Edition.
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Trigger Timing
This thought came to me during this thread: We were discussing incantations and how to stop them. I was trying to think outside the box of non-standard ways and I came up with Trigger. If I have say a rogue type who throws daggers and wants to be able to defend himself against spell casters, would a RKA (thrown dagger) with a trigger "seeing someone start incantations" go off before the spell was cast, even if the spell power was instant? I could not find anything referencing how long things like Gestures and Incantations take to execute besides: (6e1, 382) "(If a character has two or more Instant powers that require Incantations, or Constant powers tha…
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