HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,906 questions in this forum
Teleportation and Blind Jumps
Hello there, I've been mulling the "teleportation into an area you can't see" rules for a bit and found a light layer of ambiguity (in my mind at least) about how the penalties apply. I have a character with a Mega-Scale teleport power, Gate. My GM says that a PER roll is necessary to place a Gate at a long distance. For distances of a mile or more this could go as high as -15 or more. I am not debating the ranged penalties at all. We are in agreement that it would apply just fine. What I am seeing is that a blind jump is different from a jump into a location that is hard to perceive. Both interpretations make sense to me, and the layer…
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Resource Points
What book is the "Resource Points" perk detailed in? If it's not in a book where else could i find it?
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Mass combat battle scale
Page 228 of Fantasy Hero has this line "The time, distance, and Range Modifier scales apply to all units in a battle, even those smaller and larger than average." It's under the Size of Units heading. What are the time and range modifier scales this line refers to? The time scale is the only one I actually see more information for.
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Linking and Duration Powers other than Instant
Hello everyone, I have a few questions about Linked (and Jointly Linked) powers of a duration other than Instant (which is the duration used in most of the examples). To assist me in this endeavor, I have ask Johnny Storm, aka The Human Torch, to assist. Now, onto the show... Johnny Storm, a normal guy with no special abilities, hears a rumor that Dr. Doom is at a cafe two blocks down from him. What does he do? "Flame On!!!" This (not so) mild mannered guy instantly turns into the Human Torch, and off he flies to find his team's nemesis! Now, let's say the foundation of his hero persona is the Shape Shift power (Constant, uses Endu…
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Skill Levels, situational
Okay, your previous reply on Trigger interrupts made great sense. If instead of the HKA situation, the character went with a Change Environment to force a dexterity check to not fumble the incantations (thinking more something distracting or interfering like tossing sand in their face, a fake to the head with a weapon or shield, etc). If this kind of ability became more common I can see some casters reacting by staying further away, disfavoring incantations, etc. But if they wanted to try to offset the Dexterity penalties, they could also buy Skill Levels (limited or not) to offset the CE penalties. This might be another of those corner / edge cases you could deal with i…
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Advantaged HKA and pro-rating STR
Greetings, Steve. Thanks again for answering our questions; and my apologies if this is spelled out somewhere in the rule books, and I just can't find it. 😔 When pro-rating the STR used to increase the Damage Class of an Advantaged HKA, does one factor in only the Advantages on the HKA that themselves affect its Damage Class, e.g. Armor Piercing? Or do all Advantages on the HKA apply? I know what the Fifth Edition rules said about that (all of them but Reduced Endurance), but I wanted to be certain of the rule under Sixth Edition.
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Trigger Timing
This thought came to me during this thread: We were discussing incantations and how to stop them. I was trying to think outside the box of non-standard ways and I came up with Trigger. If I have say a rogue type who throws daggers and wants to be able to defend himself against spell casters, would a RKA (thrown dagger) with a trigger "seeing someone start incantations" go off before the spell was cast, even if the spell power was instant? I could not find anything referencing how long things like Gestures and Incantations take to execute besides: (6e1, 382) "(If a character has two or more Instant powers that require Incantations, or Constant powers tha…
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Stretching with neither a focus nor a limb
How do you determine the amount of damage needed to damage a stretched "limb" that is neither a limb nor a focus? Here's the special effect: a character (super) is surrounded by rope-like energy fields that function as a damage shield. She can extend a "rope" to grab other characters at range, doing damage to them as well. Unless I'm mistaken, this is Stretching, probably with extra STR usable only with Stretching. She shoots out a "rope," grabs someone with it, zaps them. It's Stretching in part because other characters can attack the rope. But's not a focus, so what are the rules for determining how much damage is needed to break the rope? This s…
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assigning PSLs
I'm confused by this part of the PSL description in 6E1 "A character can change how his OPSLs are assigned as a Zero Phase Action. However, unless the GM permits otherwise, he may not change the assignment of his OPSLs more than once in a Phase." There's a section that's the same for DPSLs. My interpretation of the rest of the text is that you choose a type of penalty and which attacks they apply to when you buy the PSL. What do you assign from phase to phase?
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Maneuvers and CV
Does using multiple maneuvers stack their CV modifiers for the phase? Martial Throw + Defensive Strike = +1 OCV & +4 DCV? Disarm + Shove = -3 OCV & -1 DCV etc...
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increasing the maximum on Aid
So what is the official way to increase aid without increasing the number of dice? I've heard two different methods and would like to know which is the correct method RaW. 1) Is to buy more dice of Aid with a limitation (-1) only to increase the maximum amount of aid. 2) Use a +1/4 advantage to double the usable max as in CC pg 211 power example "The Madder I get, the stronger I get"
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Line Of Sight Advantage and Penetrative Targeting Sense
If a character has the Line of Sight Advantage on a non-mental attack power, and they have a targeting sense with the Penetrative enhancer, does this Advantage allow them to attack something they can perceive, even if it is behind something they are perceiving through?
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damage resistance
Damage resistance was dropped in 6th edition what was it replaced with if at all?
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Desolidification & Mental Powers
If my hero has mental blast and wants to target an opponent that is desolidified, can he? Does desolidification make you immune to all attacks that don't specifically counter it, or can you still be hit by mental powers?
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Perceiving an obvious focus
Does having an obvious focus mean that others automatically know that you have the power the focus provides even when the power is not in use. Your answer to dsatow’s question on invisibility raised this point. I have always gone by the assumption that an obvious focus is only obvious when the power is in use. For example if you have ring that shoots energy beams it is only obvious that the ring is the source of the power while you are actually using it. If that is the case would invisibility not cover the obvious focus while not in use? If that is the case would not the armor be invisible unless the person takes damage?
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It has been discussed that if you have an obvious focus and you use invisibility, the focus would stay visible. Let's start with what I think I know the answer to. Does that apply to items like armor? IE a mage uses invisibility UoO on a knight. Does the knight's armor(OIF) become invisible? Next the real question: What if the invisibility is an area of effect (like say surface)? If the area of effect coats the knight and his armor, is the armor invisible?
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I know crush must follow grab or crush. Does the crush or grab bonus damage increase the hold strength? i.e.: I grab someone with a martial grab with a 20 Str and getting an effect hold of 35 Str. If I martial crush them next phase, is my Str effectively 20 or 40?
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Naked Talent Advantages
I'm a little confused on Naked Advantages used to make Dark Champions Talents. When using such Talents, do I take into account the Advantages of a power to know if the Talent applies? For example, a character has a gun that is 6 DC and has Advantages that bring it up to 60 Active Points. They have purchased a Talent like "I Never Miss" at a level that only covers 45 Active Points. Would this ability work with the gun because it is 30 Active Points based on its damage classes, or would it not work because it has other Advantages that make it 60 Active Points overall? I wasn't sure what is considered the "Active Points" in this case.
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Change Environment, ability roll effects
In the forum topic below, someone is wondering if there is a list of specific effects you can force with an ability roll affecting power. I don't believe there is (I looked in 6e 1 and 2 and APG 1 and 2 but easily could have missed something). The ones I came up with were pretty common and basic. https://www.herogames.com/forums/topic/97881-shooting-with-intent-to-miss/?tab=comments#comment-2697009 So if there is a more comprehensive list, where might we find it? And if not, this might be something to add to your growing list of things you can cover in the ever elusive APG 3. =P - E
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Negative Knockback dice totals
Is it possible to have a negative value for knockback dice? Say I'm flying in ZeroG (-2 KB dice), I roll with a punch (-1 KB dice) from an incoming Blast...that puts the attacker at a total of -1d6 dice to roll for KB. Do you roll the 1d6 and add it to your body to determine KB or is there some rule I'm missing that states KB dice can only be positive?
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Blocking Ranged Attacks?
Say my character has the Deflection power, and wants to block a ranged attack using her power. She's got a speed of 4 and it's Phase 5, so technically she can't act until Phase 6. Do I have to declare the block on Phase 3 during her turn while she's doing all of her other stuff, or do I just say that my character is blocking the moment the GM says "Okay, the enemy is shooting at you"? If it's the former, can I just have that explained like I'm 3 to 5 years old because it actually makes no sense to me at all. If it's the latter, how does the 1/2 phase cost factor into that? Does my character just start Phase 6 with half a phase already used up from the block? A…
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Flying grab
This has probably been answered somewhere but I figure I'd ask anyways. is the following statement true: If a person has flying grab(martial maneuver), the grab can occur anywhere in the path of the full move. Thus a person can grab someone and then complete a full move.
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Desolidification usable on others
A character with Desolification takes, Desolidification - Usable on Others, and both have the same "effect," could the character then "pull" others into the Desolid "world" and then fight them one on one? Also, I don't think it does, but would it require two separate "desolidification" powers? Or could it be done with the same power? Look forward to your insights!
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Rapid attack skill
New to the system and have a question. If a character has rapid attack, ambidexterity, fast draw and multiple attacks. Can he draw 2 pistols with a zero phase action and fire each pistol twice as they are a half phase or is the character limited to one shot with each weapon?. I am a little confused. thanks for any help in advance.
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Multiple Defenses
I'll admit that this whole AD&D (1st Edition) conversion is really pushing me. I've found a bunch of oddities in HD that Simon patched, and a bunch of really strange questions. It's actually been pretty enjoyable. I've done more digging to try and find the answer myself but no dice...so here it this morning's quandry: AD&D was fond of the total effects (magic missiles ALWAYS hit, some spells are save or DIE!) that Hero doesn't do (which I admit is nice, it always sucked to have a world renowned uber powerful character instantly destroyed for flubbing a single die roll), but there are some effects that do need that kind of total effect to ke…
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