HERO System 6th Edition Rules Questions
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Please consider these as temporary, advisory answers until such time as Steve Long's health and personal circumstances permit him to resume answering rules questions himself.
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6,906 questions in this forum
Mind Link and Telepathic Mind Control
I see under Mind Link that a character with Telepathy can eavesdrop on Mind Linked conversations - would that work in reverse? If a character is part of a Mind Link, and a foe hits that target with a Telepathic Mind Control, would other people Mind Linked to that character automatically hear the telepathic command given to the targeted character? Or can the Mind Controller exclude the others from his "conversation" with the target?
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Power Defense, Adjustment Powers/Dispel, and Foci
If a character has natural Power Defense (IOW, not on a focus), does that protect against Adjustment Powers versus powers in foci worn or carried by the character? For example, the mage Dr. Weird is fighting Cateran, who has 5 points of Power Defense (Mutant Physiology) and a 2d6 HKA (OAF Claymore). Dr. Weird casts a Rust Spell at her, a Drain of 15 points. Does Cateran subtract 5 points from the Drain for her Power Defense, or does her humongous sword lose a full die of damage?
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Breaking Someone Else Out of a Grab
I'm assuming that someone can use his own STR to break someone else out of a Grab (though for the life of me I don't see the actual rule on that, it just makes sense to me - if I'm mistaken, please let me know). If that is the case, can someone use his own STR to break someone else out of a Telekinetic Grab?
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Acceptable sensations for touch group images
Could touch group images cause pain as part of an image? (eg a swarm of bees or a raging fire) The images of course couldn't cause stun, but can a character be in pain without being stunned? What are some examples of acceptable and unacceptable sensations for touch images to cause?
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Deflection / Reflection and AoE Selective
Edited: Never mind, I should have searched first. I see you already answered this one.
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Paralyzing Venom
How do you build a paralyzing venom, per this question: https://www.facebook.com/groups/herofangroup/permalink/2032491176809966 Mostly: How can you build a Based on CON, Entangle I guess. Making it BOEVC\Alternate Combat Value doesn't make it a mental power and Based on CON is only for Mental Powers, right? What's the way to build a paralyzing venom that can be "broken" by CON rather than Ego\Str?
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Constant, Uncontrolled or Both?
I'm having a little problem figuring out if or when I need Uncontrolled. 1) Bipolar has a personal defense magnetic force field, this field is strong enough to affect nearby electronics. (Resistant Defense Costs END plus Change Environment No Range). He also has a multipower of magnetic blasts that the PDMFF should not interfere with. How does this work without (and with) Uncontrolled on the Change Environment power? 2) One of his attacks is projecting a similar bubble to the PDMFF against others (Entangle plus Change Environment). Pretty sure this time CE needs Uncontrolled, but how does it work without it? 3) What happens when B…
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Dimensional Lock
I'm trying to figure out a way of doing something similar to D&D's Dimensional Lock spell (basically, block Extra-Dimensional Movement within a given area), and someone proposed a Barrier, Stops Teleport, Transdimensional. Would this simply create a globe barrier within multiple dimensions? (So someone on Earth 1 could still travel to Earth 2, but would find himself within the globe there as well.) Or would said barrier stop X-Dim travel entirely within the globe?
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Automatons, Defense Powers, and Entangle
This is a follow-up to a question I asked in the Hero Designer forum. While creating a robot in Hero Designer, I gave it the Automaton power Takes no STUN, which I understand means that all Defense Powers are tripled in cost. No problem there. However, Entangle also tripled in cost, and that's a Standard Power / Attack Power, not a Defense Power. Simon informed me that this is in accordance with the rules. Am I missing something here?
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Multiple Sticky Attacks
What happens if someone touches multiple people all affected with the same Sticky attack? For example, Toxic Man sprays a group of four people with his Sickening Spray, which is a Constant Uncontrolled Sticky attack. Teleport Guy wants to get them all to the hospital, so he uses his Mass Megascale Teleport (which requires him to be in physical contact with whomever else he is teleporting). Does Teleport Guy get hit with 1 dose of the toxin, or 4 doses?
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DCV bonus for ranged martial arts
Normally the DCV bonus from a maneuver only affects the DCV vs HTH. What about if you have a ranged martial art, does the DCV bonus from that affect your DCV vs. ranged attacks? I noticed that the cost for +1 DCV with a ranged martial arts is twice the cost of that of a HTH martial art. I could not find anything stating the bonus also applies to ranged combat, but that would explain the extra cost.
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Multiple HtH Attacks
If I understand it correctly, should a character have a HtH Attack (HA) with Advantages, you adjust the user's STR to account for those Advantages. (For example, a speedster has 20 STR and a Speed-Punch that is +4d6 HA, Penetrating (2x; +1), so he does a total of 6d6 HA Penetrating (2x). At least if I'm understanding things correctly.) If the same character has a club, bought as +2d6 HA, OAF (-1), can that be used with the Speed-Punch, adjusting the damage appropriately (so with the club plus his STR he does 7d6 HA Penetrating?) Or can he only use one or the other? Or do they count as two separate attacks (a 6d6 Penetrating 2x HA, plus a 6d6 HA) against the…
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How to make Drain painless
I am building a drain/aid self character in 6th edition. He will have his Drain (END) be zero end, constant, no range, persistent, area of effect( my body), and the Aid will have trigger, zero end, expanded effects, aid self only and linked to the drain. Question 1 Do I need to buy personal immunity to the drain? Question 2 I want to make all elements of the combo invisible. Does that mean I have to buy that advantage at +1X? What about the Aid self, does that also cost +1X, it is an internal only power ? If I wanted to make the effect painless ( like sometimes they show a vampires kiss to be pleasurable, not painful...Yet clearly there is a drain going …
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VPP Limitations
I am looking at a player concept for a MHI level character. It would be built around a contact with the spirit world who has the ability to motivate spirits to do things for the character. This will be modeled as a small VPP with limitations around what ghosts and other spirits can do (clairsentience, light telekinesis, images, etc). The trick is, he can only use the VPP for 5 minutes per day (this would include time when the ghosts are working, not just the phase or two to activate the powers). The two ways I came up to deal with this were Time Limit and a single Fuel Charge. Are both of these constructs legal on a VPP? If so, how would you cost the Time Limit on a VPP,…
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Multiple attacks from different positions
So, a general question came up as to how to do the Goku from Dragonball Z maneuver where they hit an opponent and send him flying with knockback and then move to where the target is about to land and hit him again, ad nausem. (Naruto does this with their Rendan(sp?) maneuvers). My suggested solution is to do a multiple move by assuming the attacker has sufficient movement to reach each knockback landing spot and assuming the movement is sufficient to allow the next attack in the multiple moveby chain. So the questions are: 1) Is this a valid maneuver? (obviously, I am assuming yes but I am not 100% certain) 2) What is the target's DCV throughout th…
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Whens does a power stop after it's left the pool?
A power pool power ends when the points for it are changed in the pool. To my knowledge a combination of Constant/Uncontrolled and or Trigger allows it to exist after the pool changes. Is that correct? Am I missing something?
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Clairsentience question
If I pick up +6 Telescopic with Normal Sight, and Clairsentience which includes Normal Sight...do I get the +6 Telescopic with the Clairsentience? If so, then if I also include +4 Telescopic as part of the Clairsentience package, does that now mean I'm +10 Telescopic when using the Clairsentience?
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Invisibility Fringe follow up
Thanks for the detailed response to my earlier questions. I'd like to clarify the difference between using your Nontargeting Sense to make a PER roll, and seeing someone's Fringe. I'm under the impression that you can see someone's Fringe with your Targeting Sense, which is why you suffer no CV penalties if you succeed. So in question 1 I ask how long it takes to make a (Targeting) PER roll to see someone's Fringe, but in your reply 1b, you talk about how long it takes to make a Nontargeting PER roll. Are these rolls intended to be the same thing--as in, for a Half Phase action (or shorter if GM permits), you can try to detect an invisible character, and if you succeed, t…
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Invisibility in combat details
I'm trying to figure out the details of being attacked by Invisible characters and seeing their Fringe in combat. Based on the Invisibility rules and the Inability to Sense an Opponent section, my understanding is that there are three levels of Invisibility detection, in increasing order: 0. Undetected: 1/2 OCV 1/2 DCV HTH, 0 OCV 1/2 DCV Ranged, possible Surprise bonus 1. Nontargeting Sense (PER roll, 1/2 phase): 1/2 OCV -1 DCV HTH, 1/2 OCV Ranged, lasts until your next phase (Changed from 5th Ed, where it lasted until Stunned or "turned attention elsewhere" (attack someone else?)) 2. Saw Visible Attack (PER roll, no time, automatically succeed…
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Follow Up: Lightning Reflexes
Sorry, just to clarify:(items in BOLD are the requests for clarification) Lagman the superhero, Dex 8, DCV 7, +12 Lightning Reflexes for all actions other than Recovery is fighting the ominous Waiter Dex 18. They both go on the same segment. Lagman has been hit previously with the Waiter's "Wrong Orders" stun only attack and is down to 10 stun. On Dex 20, Lagman decides to do a recovery but needs to wait till Dex 8. Is his DCV 7? On Dex 18, the Waiter decides to strike at Lagman. He hits and does 8 stun past defenses. Lagman hasn't declared a recovery yet so the recovery action isn't spoiled, correct? Does the Waiter know Lagm…
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Also Lightning Reflexes
An addendum to dsatow's question (which may be covered in that answer). Assume a character who is a little less on the nose. Blasty Ben has a 15 DEX. However, he also has +8 DEX, only if his action includes an attack with his Blasts Multipower (Ben can get +2 to DEX-based rolls, act sooner, etc., as long as he also blasts something on the same phase), and +7 Lightning Reflexes for his QuickBlast. Blasty Ben wants to take a recovery this phase. Does it start: (a) At DEX 30, since he had to decide to Delay and not use his QuickBlast (i.e. based on the earliest time in the phase that he could take any possible action); …
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Lightning reflexes
An interesting point was made in the forums, can lightning reflexes be used for everything but recoveries in the following example? A character has a Dex 1 but has bought +19 Lightning Reflexes for all actions except for recoveries. His phase comes up at the effective Dex of 20 but he wants to take a recovery at Dex 1. Is he considered to be holding his action until Dex 1 or is he doing nothing till Dex 1 or is he taking a recovery at dex 20? If a villain attacks him before Dex 1, is his recovery spoiled or is it unaffected?
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Can you use reflection on stretching? The reason I ask is because I just watched Incredibles 2 and saw Voyd do the classic bit of redirecting a stretched punch.
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An area of effect through walls
So, if I wanted to make an area of effect that penetrated through walls, how would I do this? Is indirect correct? Or is AVAD? Dr. Weird Destiny casts a temporary curse on Morbid, the sorcerer. The curse makes anyone near Morbid fall asleep. AoE damage attacks are normally blocked by walls, so someone on the other side of a wall from Morbid stay awake but that's not what is wanted.
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1/2 DCV Followup
You answered earlier that 1/2 DCV cannot be affected by PSL's. What about Zero G? Zero-G Training (no penalties in zero gravity): 6 Character Points Environmental Movement: One to three 2-point Defensive Penalty Skill Levels (these PSLs offset DC penalties as well as DCV penalties) - E
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