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Winter Holidays 2021!

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Well, it's that time again.


The last-- unintentional, but an annual event nonetheless-- "tradition" of the Merryneum.  It's bedtime, Jan 1.  (Well, technically it's the wee hours of Jan 2, but we've been on a roll of productivity, and couldn't bring ourselves to stop.


Christmas was enjoyable, as were the seasonal birthdays.  The entire thing was overshadowed by having lost three uncles this season (forgive me if I don't fret too much for a woman I've never met who managed twenty-odd years-- half a lifetime-- more than the oldest of them did), but we had a good time.  We got to meet Chris and his wonderful family face-to-face, even if it was relatively briefly in terms of the time I would have liked to have spent with him (perhaps next time we can get in a quick game!  :lol:  )   Then the New Year, and the traditional meal--


those of you not from the south (and I think a year or two ago, I learned that was something on the order of all but two of you), the traditional meal for heading into the new year is blackeyed peas and greens.  This year we had a massive pot of neck bones, oxtails and rice, and I managed to find six pounds of purple hulls (the best of blackeyed peas) still on the shelves, so I bought all of them), and against all odds, we found a couple pounds of frozen mustard greens (the second best of all greens, but the best ones don't grow here).  Yes, it seems like a lot, but the superstition dictates that the more of these items you consume, the better your health and fortunes will be as you go forward, blah blah blah.   


Problematically, it _does_ get a bit monotonous (except to me, I mean.  For one, I am not a foodie-- not even _remotely_ a foodie, and have proven during the lean years some decades back that I can exist on the exact same thing, day after day, and not only not care, but mostly not even notice), but I have the advantage that blackeyed peas is one of those tiny handful of foods that I will, on occasion, actively seek out.  They are delicious, and the purple-hull variety is the most perfect of the types.  That's neither here nor there, of course.  I was discussing the monotony.


So there's a late-ish lunch of stewed meat and rice, which has been slowly cooking into the rice pretty much all day, and it's delicious.  This is consumed alongside all the peas and greens you can cram into your belly, meaning that supper is a small affair, and-- for reasons both superstitious and practical-- consists of smaller servings of lunch, particularly since it's all still simmering on the stove, making the peas more perfectly mushy and the rice so much more flavorful.  It doesn't change the greens much, but hey-- mustard greens are awesome on their own, and we _did_ have an early fall last year, making them a bit more zesty than they might have been otherwise.  


Nobody (except me, because I don't care) wants peas and greens for breakfast, though the rice and some eggs are well-received by everyone.  Then comes lunch and later supper, which are used-- if you're lucky-- to eat even more of the peas and the greens.  Remember: it's still New Year's Day, so it's your last chance to pack your guts with magic food.  ;)  Ideally (and I've never had a problem with this), you have prepared more food for those two days than the entire family can eat; it wouldn't do to run out of this superstitious blessing now, would it?


Eventually, the day is over, and you head off for bed.


Suspiciously eyeing each other.


By silent agreement, you both end up sleeping on top of the covers, partly because it's hot, and partly because you have learned that a level of suspicion about the new year is important.  Unfortunately, it's a bit chilly tonight.


You would think that at the ripe age of 61 I wouldn't worry about this quite as much, but remember that I do have a spinal injury.  That means that, when she wants to be, she can be faster than I am-- way, way faster if she's feeling particularly evil.


Also, I have a type.  Unlike most men, I will proudly tell anyone that I have a thing for strong women.  I like to wrestle.  ;)   Even back in school, the guys would be ogling the swimsuit models and I didn't give a damn.  I was waiting for softball season because the new pitcher was smokin'.  :D


And of course, the longer you stay together, the more your senses of humor grow together.  Not completely, mind you-- each has their own preference, no doubt, but your tastes take on some seasoning from your partner and even from your shared experiences.


And for whatever reason, if you grew up sharing a bed with siblings, well-- dutch ovens are still hilarious, so long as you're the fastest and strongest.  



Wish me luck, folks!



Good night.




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I am not particularly a fan of Valentine's Day, if for no other reason than all those stupid jewelry commercials.  Jewelry might have had a purpose back in medieval times, when people needed an easier way to carry around wealth than a purse full of heavy coins, but nowadays it just strikes me as one of the most stupid and impractical things upon which a person can spend money.  And the underlying message of these commercials seems always to be the same--"Buy a woman's love with diamonds!"  Really?  Isn't love supposed to be unconditional, or something like that?


Hope no one minds my venting.  If you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, feel free.  Just keep in mind that every kiss does not begin with Kay--unless that's the woman's name.

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Never was a big fan of Valentine's but that's in part because it's the 2nd worst candy holiday...those being Halloween, Easter, and Valentine's.  (Christmas has its share too, but it's got a lot of other things going on.)

Halloween, of course, runs the gamut.  Its bad candy is candy corn, but hey, the mini bars are often ok.  Probably because we're so used to them.

Easter is the WORST because its top candies seem to be Peeps (the ultimate abomination, IMO), "eggs" where the filling is too often hideous, and the worst of the worst milk chocolate...like chocolate bunnies and the like.  Christmas has a lot of this junk too.

Valentine's...the hearts are bleah.  And they're ubiquitous.  Plus, the standard commercial boxed stuff like Russell Stover or Whitman is just BAD, and it gets hawked even more than jewelry.  (No, I don't intend to track down the number of hours of commercials for those 2 product categories.)


Actually, thinking about it, Christmas tends to bring out more somewhat upscale to upscale stuff.  I remember...ages ago...one local store got boxes of Tobler mixed chocs...and they were generally good.  Not great, not fresh enough for that, but good.  Went on sale after Christmas too, so I....overindulged a couple of those years.  And for a few years, that store carried tortes and chocolate yule logs.  Haven't seen them in probably 30 years.

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5 hours ago, unclevlad said:

Never was a big fan of Valentine's but that's in part because it's the 2nd worst candy holiday...those being Halloween, Easter, and Valentine's.  (Christmas has its share too, but it's got a lot of other things going on.)

Halloween, of course, runs the gamut.  Its bad candy is candy corn, but hey, the mini bars are often ok.  Probably because we're so used to them.

Easter is the WORST because its top candies seem to be Peeps (the ultimate abomination, IMO), "eggs" where the filling is too often hideous, and the worst of the worst milk chocolate...like chocolate bunnies and the like.  Christmas has a lot of this junk too.

Valentine's...the hearts are bleah.  And they're ubiquitous.  Plus, the standard commercial boxed stuff like Russell Stover or Whitman is just BAD, and it gets hawked even more than jewelry.  (No, I don't intend to track down the number of hours of commercials for those 2 product categories.)


Actually, thinking about it, Christmas tends to bring out more somewhat upscale to upscale stuff.  I remember...ages ago...one local store got boxes of Tobler mixed chocs...and they were generally good.  Not great, not fresh enough for that, but good.  Went on sale after Christmas too, so I....overindulged a couple of those years.  And for a few years, that store carried tortes and chocolate yule logs.  Haven't seen them in probably 30 years.


Christmas is when the somewhat upscale stuff somewhat goes on sale :) .  But even better than that is that it's when people actually bake.  This season I received some excellent homemade cupcakes, some less excellent but still good chocolate bark, and more homemade cookies than I could keep track of including gingerbread which you generally don't see any other time of year.

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I remember an ancient arcade game called Pigskin (as I recall). The descriptive text between other screens:


Before football.

Before rugby.

Before bubonic plague.



Sounds kind of like what you're talking about here.

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25 minutes ago, Pariah said:

I remember an ancient arcade game called Pigskin (as I recall). The descriptive text between other screens:


Before football.

Before rugby.

Before bubonic plague.



Sounds kind of like what you're talking about here.



22 minutes ago, Bazza said:

Sounds like Blood Bowl




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