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Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


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It was either this or another "WWYCD" thread ;)



Assuming your character somehow got a sidekick even if such a thing wouldn't normally be the case, what would your Character's sidekick be like?

Heck, what conditions DO you think your character would take a sidekick under? What purpose would the sidekick serve?

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?




Marshall Becker is an alien, and looks like one - six tentacles emerging from a spheroid trunk, 2 eyes on stalks at the terminus of each tentacle.


Sidekick... Should be an Earthling, someone who could help him interact and adjust to Earth civillization. Someone to announce to terrified bystanders that Marshall is the hero, like the Hulk's old sidekick, whatsisname. A Japanese schoolgirl would probably be in poor taste, but I'm going with it for now. She'd have to be a martial artist of some sort - she could learn a variation on arshall Becker's native fighting arts, using a chain in place of tentacles.


Conditions? Mutual dependence. If it was apparent that she was mission essential. Of course, he'd be VERY concerned for her safety, since deputizing a native and getting them injured is strictly against GDF policy. He'd rather not, but she'd be invaluable as a translator (not of the language, but of the culture) and ambassador.


More realisticly (?!), he'd likely have a 'bot salvaged from the wreckage of his ship as a sidekick. Use him as a research aid and 'bot Friday. "bidi-bidi-bidi..."

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?




Marshall Becker is an alien, and looks like one - six tentacles emerging from a spheroid trunk, 2 eyes on stalks at the terminus of each tentacle.





That looks painful! He should keep smashing his eyes everywere...:)



Well, let's see...The last superhero I am developing, Maciste, is a character straight from the sword and sandals italian movies...He could have a kid sidekick with his same powers on a lower degree and it would be called the Son of Maciste...But I can't devise a suitable name..."Macistino" sounds ridiculous but maybe it's good since he is a sidekick...

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Flesh Gordon - Hyborg is already effectively his sidekick. Hyborg is a cyborg Aquaman pastiche designed before DC decided to hack off the source character's hand. For a non PC sidekick, probably a sarcastic Butler-Bot, someone to constantly make snide remarks and try to clean up after Flesh.


Style - An apprentice would be traditional. For a Mandrake and Lothar feel, and to break tradition, a huge football player type with perfect diction. As a running joke, as Style isn't physically impressive, Style would soon be mistaken for the sidekick.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Assault's sidekick would probably be more like a full partner, and would almost certainly be named Battery.


I really should design him.


Argh!! :idjit:


One of my high school buddies used to carry aroud a couple of batteries and packages of salt just so he could make a similar bad pun.


Bad Assault!



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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Soulbarb already has a sidekick/partner -- her current boyfriend Nocturne, who is also her 0-pt. AsPow DNPC. She's posessed by a demoness from Hell, he's a quasi-vampire by drug-induced mutation, together they fight crime!


Cerulean have a sidekick? Could be anything, really; he's got Weirdness Magnet as one of his disads. Probably more like a sidekick-of-the-week...

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Hmm ... War Wolf's sidekick would likely be another robot, just because he's having a hard time relating to the rest of his team (who are predominantly mystically-powered and sort of weird). Most likely, it would be one he built himself and was designed as a stealth/scout type (something the team really lacks), but would likely combine in a sort of Powermaster Transformer/Megazord combo way to boost his combat abilities when stealth was no longer a necessity.


It would probably have the 'Megaman X Maverick' naming convention, with a qualifier in front and the animal form it resembles second, and its name would also alliterate.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


It was either this or another "WWYCD" thread ;)



Assuming your character somehow got a sidekick even if such a thing wouldn't normally be the case, what would your Character's sidekick be like?

Heck, what conditions DO you think your character would take a sidekick under? What purpose would the sidekick serve?


Well, clearly, the only appropriate sidekick for Hell's Angel would be Hellboy, right? Right? Bueller?


Heh. But seriously, I don't see most of my characters having--or wanting--sidekicks. If they did have sidekicks, though, it would be a "sidekick" in the same sense that Willie Garvin is Modesty Blaise's sidekick--he's at least her equal, and her superior in some things (and vice versa). Really more of a team than hero and sidekick.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Rock Bottom: One of his old classmates from the Venture Institute, perhaps Whiz Kid (speedster); it would be more of an equal partnership, even if the media might not see it that way.


Calculus: His young son, who turns out to have inherited his hyperintelligence upon puberty. The kid will get stuck with Brain Boy, since that's the codename his father used at that age. Calculus would encourage Brain Boy to join a teen supergroup; "I know that just working for your father is a bit much, especially for a kid as smart as you are."


Mask of Justice: One of the Junior Justice Club members, no powers, not really all that great at combat, mostly just there for the Mask to give exposition to. A clean-cut youngster, he's given to phrases like "Golliwogs!" and "The Mask is never going to let you crooks get away with this."


Kira Midori: A fellow police officer, as an assigned partner. In the tradition of action buddy movies, her partner will be as much of a mismatch as possible. They will verbally spar a lot while tracking down crooks.


Talion: Only a crazy person would want to be Talion's sidekick. So, someone crazy. Probably with no actual superpowers or skills, but a willingness to put on a silly costume and "fight crime." Fanboy from the Freakazoid cartoon comes to mind. Probably dies quickly after ignoring Talion's pleas to just go home already.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Uncle Slam. His sidekick would likely be someone he thought could carry on the mantle once he retired. I expect it to be someone young, probably an idealist, but with some messed up ideas about what it takes to protect this country. He'd see a younger version of himself in the person and feel the need to correct the kind of rabid patriotism that blinds him to his actions.


Anthem. She's too young to really have a sidekick; she's pretty much sidekick level as heroes go. But I suppose if there was someone bent on fighting crime but who had little to no existing ability, just desire, she'd feel the need to protect them. She'd teach a little martial arts and see what she could do about procuring them some protective gear. But all this would only be after a lot of trying to talk them out of this.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Enforcer. Enforcer's sidekick would have to be mobile to keep up with him. probably someone with similar abilities (flying brick) but younger and less powerful whom he'd be able to show the finer points of heroism too.

Honestly, unless the kid had name already, Kid Enforcer would be his moniker.

Enforcer's b*tch would be Durak (inside joke).

Mantis Early in his career, Mantis was more Batman than Shang Chi. He'd have no trouble with the idea of a sidekick. Someone he's training to be their own brand of skilled normal hero. Probably, as he was becoming more martial artist than costumed adventurer, he'd take a student and give them a name based on a particular Kung Fu style: Young Tiger, White Dragon, Crane, etc.

Psi Queen Treated all her fellow heroes as sidekicks anyway.


Captain Blaster: would be thrilled with a sidekick. He'd probably simply give one of his older battlesuits to someone and train them in it's use. If he could choose the wearer (ie it wasn't some gang punk with a heart of gold who stole the suit), he'd choose someone who could understand it's principals and maintain, upgrade the suit on their own. Someone he could bounce ideas off of.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Oddly, a friend's been drawing up a super for me called "Owlgirl." As he asked me about her personality and background, I realized she'd be the perfect sidekick for one I managed to only play a few times, Diane Sky, aka "Whisper." She'd be looking for a protege to carry on her work, and since Owlgirl's main features are silence and getting into places where other people can't, she'd be perfect.


Interesting how that turned out . . .


I'll post the pic when he's done.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Assault's sidekick would probably be more like a full partner, and would almost certainly be named Battery.


I really should design him.




I suggest going with the ability to charge Assault's powers. Makes them definately the sidekick AND fits the name. :)

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


heh, thought of a sidekick idea for my other active Champions character...


Silence - someone who can talk, for one. They would be the impulsive urge to her restrained and reserved attitude, someone who has views on the idea of good and evil. Someone who would stir her into a more active stance, most likely through sheer enthusiasm than anything else.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


I like Bone Daddy's idea of having a Japanese female as a sidekick:D



Seriously, though, badger isnt exactly a people person. But I could see him going 2 ways 1) A kind of spokesperson, sort of, someone who could get info, maybe do a little PR (or be the one to handle the public, as he avoids the limelight) that sort of thing OR 2) this would be the more likely, someone younger who he can mentor and teach his skills and powers to.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Black Cat: As a martial artist and a teach that one is pretty obviuos - she'd take a student on. That sort of happened. When her ID went public and she went to jail for a short time, she turned her studio over to her senior student, ownership and everything. When she got out, there was a local mixed martial arts superhero/gamg (full masks and everything) going around stopping low level crime. When she finally met the leader to talk to him, it turned out to be her senior student, following her example, and a bunch of like minded martial artists around the city. She let them keep going, and acted as an unofficial advisor.


Meeb: would just go into mitosis. :)


Ballistic wouldn't do it. His fiance' got killed by a supervillian, and he had a super agency that he started that was pretty much wiped out during a invasion. He is still feeling the emotional aftershocks of that, and would not let himself get close to someone else who could get killed.

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Guest HeroPink!

Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Glarg: Will be self-appointed; Glarg wouldn't look for/"accept" a sidekick. Glarg understands "friend" but not any more exact relationship.


Panweesio: Has posed as more "conventional" superhero, even with sidekick. Images/Mental Ill he's done, would do again. Not a real sidekick; no-one gets that close.


Thena: Cute les/bi. Willing to explain human culture -- or a fellow ET. Should have Teleport, XDM, such to keep up with her. Not 18 or less!


Lana van Hoom: Has a buttload of servants incl. guards. Not interested in "real form" hanger on/sidekick. Sidekick for "super forms" has some real probs to deal with: each 'other' has no knowledge of earlier 'others' & almost none of "real form" -- sidekick needs to talk each 'other' into accepting as sidekick. Also, has to have a lot of different abilities/powers, to be of use in ANY situation; someone that good won't accept mere sidekickhood.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Fore-Eyes: No matter the kid's powers/abilities/schtick Fore-Eyes would take them on/train them etc. if he foresaw doing so being of a benefit to them only to seperate himself from them, allowing them to make their own way in the world when he fore-saw it was time.


Hard-ball: Alexis was orphened when her parents became colateral damage in a mafia hit. Burning for revenge she swore to track down and make those responsable pay. She was lucky enough to be saved from an inevitable fate worse than death by Hard-Ball (who was tracking the same people). Once he realised she had nowhere to go and was as devoted to the destruction of organised crime as him he took her on as a 'ward' (Ie. allowed her to crash at his place, and trained her in his crime fighting ways). She now fights along side him as Rookie, and most people think she's a boy. And the fact that a barely teenate girl is living with an ex-con (in their secret IDs) doesn't see social services coming down on them like a ton of bricks really says something about the neighbourhood they live in.


Caress: Wouldn't take on a sidekick, more the 'headmistress of a private school for evil villianesses' actually.

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Re: Who Would be Your Character's Sidekick?


Well at the moment Avalon's preferred sidekick would be somebody who can help her get her powers and body back. In more ideal circumstances she'd probably team up with somebody who was a fighter or brick. That way they'd cover each other's weaknesses.


If Twilight went for a sidekick, he'd probably go for a street kid he could train up like his mentors did with him.

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