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Power Time!


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You are suddenly granted several new abilities - what will you do with them?


These are the abilities -

+10 STR

+10 INT

15m Flight

1 BODY Regen/Day

Resist Prot - 7PD/7ED/5MD/5 Flash Def (Sight)/ 5 Flash Def (Hear)

Physical Comp - Abnorm Chem (15pt)

Psy Comp - Your Choice (20pt)

Nut Allergy (20pt)

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Re: Power Time!


Well, if this was true, I'd cry a bit...probably die the first time I ate a bag of almonds.


assuming I understand the nut allergy early on...

The physical stuff (Stronger, flight, resistant defenses) would all but eliminate my fear of heights and other sundry cautions. Being strong enough to do more physical labor might send me to the gym to show off.


but the +10 INT would probably allow me to more quickly study for my A+ and Windows 7 Certifications....and most likely be a catalyst for me to get security certified and possibly give actual programming a crack. Or better focus my writing.

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Re: Power Time!


Find an agent to capitalize on these new abilities, miss allot of my favorite candy. I'd try to help when my abilities were useful (say people trapped in the upper floors of a burning building) but even with those enhancements I wouldn't make much of a superhero. I'd be Olympic Weightlifter strong and fairly smart but I've have my regular health and vigor (poor), my regular combat ability (verging on non existent) and no experience in law enforcement or related fields.

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Re: Power Time!


Similar to Enforcer, if I survive my first Reese's cup, I would a little bolder (hopefully not foolishly so). I like the idea of good deeds, but becoming a crime fighter in the really real world is legally problematic. Even in a conservative state like mine, you just can't go around beating up bad guys just because they are bad guys; however, those powers would be very useful and legal when used for community heroism, like fighting fires, rescuing trapped survivors, and searching for lost hikers and such, and if you are a person of good character, there is also the role model potentials that go with the celebrity that would logically follow.

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Re: Power Time!


Seeing as I'm muching on chocolate-covered peanuts while surfing the Herogames Forums, when the powers descend on me without warning, I'll probably gag, choke, and fall over and die from the horrific nut allergy I never had before.


Thanks a pantload, whoever!

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Re: Power Time!


20 point suscepability to nuts

common 3d6 instant will daze most people but you would have to force feed or bury them in it for a while to kill them

So regen will not be needed if it was a handfull tossed back then thrown up

just pray your enemies don't find out your weakness

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Re: Power Time!


You are suddenly granted several new abilities - what will you do with them?


These are the abilities -

+10 STR

+10 INT

15m Flight

1 BODY Regen/Day

Resist Prot - 7PD/7ED/5MD/5 Flash Def (Sight)/ 5 Flash Def (Hear)

Physical Comp - Abnorm Chem (15pt)

Psy Comp - Your Choice (20pt)

Nut Allergy (20pt)


The big useful one that I see here is the +10 INT. With this I would take money out of my retirement fund and go back to school. I'm sure that I would get a lot more out of it than I did the first time.


Being four times as strong would be nice, but strength generally isn't as important as it was in times past.


Being able to fly 11 mph noncombat, while cool, really isn't very useful. Probably in order to avoid being locked in a lab somewhere to be studied, I would throw something on my back that looks like a jetpack whenever I had the urge to fly.


The other stuff would be good if I wanted to be a vigilante, bouncer or a commando. As pointed out by an earlier poster there are legal problems with being a vigilante, so that one is out. With my new genius level intelligence I think that I could do more good as a doctor or scientist than a bouncer or commando. Though if Osama bin Laden were still alive it would be tempting to try to hunt him down.

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Re: Power Time!


I'd steal a few tens of million dollars in cash. Maybe from a bank, maybe from druglords in Mexico, maybe from the Chinese or the Russians. We're talking burglary (that is, something like digging into a vault or breaking open a safe) rather than strongarm robbery. The +10 INT would let me figure out the most vulnerable and safest one to steal from, and the rest of the package would let me carry out the heist in a way no conventional planner could expect. Then I'd quit, change identities, and live in quiet comfort for the remaining years of my life. I might have move to somewhere else in the world to do it. The nut allergy increases my inclination to make that some small, quiet island country in the South Pacific where they don't grow walnuts, almonds, peanuts, etc.

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Re: Power Time!


So, I'm small arms proof, can fly at a sprinting pace, can lift 4x as much, can heal from wounds quickly, am supersmart, and picked up a nut allergy...

Assuming I know all this, and don't have to find out abrubtly ("No one could have survived that!"), then I think I would use my new supersmarts to figure out how to solve my money problem (All I ask is for enough money to prove that money can't buy happiness... "I guess I'll have to rent!"), then I think I'll either try to cure cancer OR fund people so they can cure cancer.

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Re: Power Time!


Of all these abilities the INT would be of the greatest benefit. While I would like being greatly stronger, I don't see any way that I would take any actual benefit of it, same with the protection. I most likely would never realize the regen. As far as the nuts go, I already have reasons to avoid them, as a result i most likely would never discover it. As far as the INT goes, instead of going back to school and doing things the traditional route, i would go to the library and study all the reference materals there, same with online. After doing that, I would attempt to get on such shows as Jeopardy and use that to make huge sums of money. As far as the other other abilities go, I doubt that I would ever really use them.

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Re: Power Time!


I'd have to give a lot of thought as to the best way to proceed long-term, and would probably make a much better plan after having the extra INT, so I think I'd wait and see. :winkgrin: (Plus, some perspective on what it's like actually having the powers would be helpful in planning...)


But for the short-term, I'd look for some line of work that's very highly paid (but is highly paid because it's very dangerous, not because it requires a lot of specialized training or experience), that wouldn't be dangerous to me because of my powers. I'd work at that and stockpile some cash while working out the long-term plan...

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Re: Power Time!


I would go on a Hippie slapping spree of Epic Proportions.


Well, unless the +10 INT helped you realize they were right all along. :)


As for the powers themselves... nothing jumps out at me as being life-changing in a good way. The nut allergy (depending on how it's defined) would be annoying at best. The extra STR would be nice, but the INT would have me hit the point of diminishing returns. I'm certainly not going to benefit from the regeneration or the resistant protection unless I join a profession where I risk serious bodily injury. I'd make a heck of a soldier or a cop (except in New London).

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Re: Power Time!


Well, unless the +10 INT helped you realize they were right all along. :)


As for the powers themselves... nothing jumps out at me as being life-changing in a good way. The nut allergy (depending on how it's defined) would be annoying at best. The extra STR would be nice, but the INT would have me hit the point of diminishing returns. I'm certainly not going to benefit from the regeneration or the resistant protection unless I join a profession where I risk serious bodily injury. I'd make a heck of a soldier or a cop (except in New London).


Point of diminishing returns?

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