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That guy on the bottom right, Ian Weeks, is obviously having a lot of trouble reconciling all these developments -- most of which he hadn't heard before -- with his world view. I think his expressed skepticism toward all news media represents a common defensive rationalization when someone has their firmly-held beliefs rocked. Rather than blame the party that's demonstrably at fault, he tries to tar all comparable parties with the same brush.

Edited by Lord Liaden
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I think that's fair.  I think he's also lying to himself about how skeptical he's been.  I might try to avoid that...but I've probably fallen into that trap myself.  He really hadn't heard about the lawsuit?  Wow.  But I guess we shouldn't be surprised.  I don't step over to the other side of the fence much either.  The difference between me and him probably isn't that big.


The woman on the bottom left pretty clearly is one who'll move to OAN or Newsmax...that was clear before that last question about whether to stay with Fox.  She pretty clearly bought the MAGA election steal story completely, and nothing and no one is going to change that.  That's interesting to me.  Fox can shape the story initially, they can push a line...but once that line's out there, it has a life of its own, and not even Fox can shift it.  It seems likely that these are the viewers that will abandon Fox in HIGH percentages, especially now that their principal prophet is gone.


It's also scary to me that the election lies *still* have such influence.


But i've been saying this for quite a while, and it still bears repeating.  Fox News waged a war on truth.  Truth lost.  Today's addendum:  I think much of the social repression we're seeing now has its basis in that characterization.  It becomes far easier for demagogues to thrive in an atmosphere of distrust and doubt.  When factionalism dominates, it's easier for a radical faction to become dominant.

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2 hours ago, unclevlad said:

But i've been saying this for quite a while, and it still bears repeating.  Fox News waged a war on truth.  Truth lost.  Today's addendum:  I think much of the social repression we're seeing now has its basis in that characterization.  It becomes far easier for demagogues to thrive in an atmosphere of distrust and doubt.  When factionalism dominates, it's easier for a radical faction to become dominant.


I wouldn't say that truth lost. More like lies pushed truth out of some of the populace it once held. All polling shows that the majority of Americans aren't buying the lies, and those who do are diminishing, by attrition if nothing else. Lies also have a habit of turning to bite the hand that feeds them, and I believe we're starting to see that happening now. There will be more.

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Well, Biden is officially running for reelection. I am not surprised though like many I am concerned somewhat about his age. Then again, he did beat Trump once before and has proven to be better in many areas than I expected. If he runs, and wins, I would not be surprised to see VP Harris play a more prominent role. I'm not a fan of VP Harris but we move on

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16 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Personally, I'm confident that Biden and Harris are both at least competent to hold the office and not sink the United States. There's no one among declared or likely Republican candidates for whom I could say that.


Oh, no argument there.

I realize I am rather prone to despair in the last few years and I need to work on that. But it's hard not to dwell on 'oh this could go bad if..' sometimes, but I still remember how many folks were so confident Trump would never be president and we know how that went. Roe Vs Wade would not be over turned, and we're seeing how that plays out. So on.


It feels like every time decent people drop their guard, they pay for it. Eternal Vigilance is the price of freedom and all that.

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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Personally, I'm confident that Biden and Harris are both at least competent to hold the office and not sink the United States. There's no one among declared or likely Republican candidates for whom I could say that.


That can be taken a step further.  The 2 most prominent candidates are trying to sink the US.

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8 hours ago, Cygnia said:

But where the toxin has taken root, they're doing their damnedest to make sure it stays, whether by gerrymandering or intimidation.

To wit:





The newly released draft of the eight-page study, provided by the Florida Department of Health, indicates that it initially stated that there was no significant risk associated with the Covid-19 vaccines for young men. But “Dr. L’s Edits,” as the document is titled, reveal that Ladapo replaced that language to say that men between 18 and 39 years old are at high risk of heart illness from two Covid vaccines that use mRNA technology.


"No significant risk" to "high risk" is not a revision, it's a complete reversal. 



Yet the researchers who viewed a copy of the edits said Ladapo removed an important analysis that would have contradicted his recommendation. 


The man's license should be revoked.  This is gross scientific malfeasance.  Oh...wait.  He's the top of the chain of the group that could do so....


What this also does is to poison the analysis of anything released by the CDC.  If we claim this Florida study was edited for political purposes, then "well why should we think the CDC's answers aren't written by those woke leftists?"  


I might actually quibble with one word, Cygnia.  It's not a toxin, it's a cancer.  Very malignant, and overjoyed to metastasize and spread everywhere.

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2 hours ago, Sociotard said:

Tucker Carlson just got offered a job with Russian state media. I had to double check it wasn't the Onion. I mean, I can't imagine him taking the job, but it is still funny.




RT had a tweet out offering him a job about an hour after the announcement of his firing.


But Carlson has been seriously discussed in the mix of possible 2024 GOP presidential candidates. So I'd expect him to go in that direction and just continue to collect checks from the Russian government under the table....



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DeSantis' own words may prove to be among the stronger arguments that it's reprisals.  From the related CNN story:



For DeSantis, who has built a political brand by going toe-to-toe with businesses he identifies as “woke,” the latest twist threatens to undermine a central pillar of his story as he lays the groundwork for a likely presidential campaign. An entire chapter of his new autobiography is devoted to Disney, and the saga is well-featured in the stump speech he has delivered around the country in recent weeks.


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Montana House Republicans ban Rep. Zooey Zephyr from House chamber for remainder of legislative session


Montana’s Republican-dominated House voted Wednesday to ban Rep. Zooey Zephyr, who had said GOP lawmakers would have “blood” on their hands for passing bills restricting transgender rights and rallied protesters Monday after Speaker Matt Regier blocked her from being recognized to speak, from the House chamber for the remainder of this year’s legislative session.

Under the disciplinary measure approved on a 68-32 vote Wednesday, Zephyr – the 34-year-old Democrat from Missoula who last year became the first openly transgender woman elected to Montana’s legislature – will be allowed to retain her seat and cast votes remotely. But she will not be able to participate in debates. The session is scheduled to end next week.

The move by Montana Republicans comes just weeks after two Democratic lawmakers in Tennessee were expelled over their protests on the House floor demanding action to address gun violence after a mass shooting at a Nashville school. It’s the latest example of a Republican-dominated state legislature restricting who can be heard – and what can be said – about policy debates that minority Democrats in the state view as matters of life and death.


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In Republican state legislatures, the people can have someone speak for them, as long as they say what Republicans want to hear.

1 hour ago, unclevlad said:

DeSantis' own words may prove to be among the stronger arguments that it's reprisals.  From the related CNN story:


This should be definitive proof that Ron DeSantis is not smarter than Donald Trump. He's just more boring.

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More on the Fox abrupt change of stance, from NYT:



Private messages sent by Mr. Carlson that had been redacted in legal filings showed him making highly offensive and crude remarks that went beyond the inflammatory, often racist comments of his prime-time show and anything disclosed in the lead-up to the trial.


Despite the fact that Fox’s trial lawyers had these messages for months, the board and some senior executives were now learning about their details for the first time, setting off a crisis at the highest level of the company, according to two people with knowledge of the discussions.


On the Montana story...yeah, OK, maybe it's repressive Republicans, but from the story?  I'm not sure about that.  Granted that detail is lacking, it's plausible to infer she was at least stretching decorum.  Story gives this quote from her:



“And when the speaker asks me to apologize on behalf of decorum, what he is really asking me to do is be silent when my community is facing bills that get us killed. He’s asking me to be complicit in this legislature’s eradication of our community, and I refuse to do so and I will always refuse to do so.”



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23 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

Director? Well, if that's true, from what we're hearing of Carlson's conduct, it would be the first time I feel sorry for people working at OAN.


You're quite generous.


Me, I don't see it, cuz I don't see Carlson moving behind the camera yet.  If ever.  Unless it's a combo gig somehow, but I think he is going to try hard to keep himself on camera.

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