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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. There was nothing innocent about that wish. Londo knew what the implications were, and he didn't care.
  2. I did run a game at 225 points and it worked OK. One of the reasons I was playing with such low point totals was so a, "trained normal" could plausibly compete with supers. It also meant I didn't have to explain why the world didn't change drastically when people started getting superpowers.
  3. That would bring the real cost down to 2, which I think is about right.
  4. I think we're thinking along the same lines. The object has to physically be in the character's mouth. This has obvious problems for dangerous items. Is that worth -1/2, or even -1?
  5. I'm not sure it's worth that much. There's a lot of useful items you can fit into one cubic foot. Do you think that, "must put items in mouth" is worth anything as a Limitation?
  6. I get: Cheek Pouches: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+1/4) (6 Active Points); Limited Power Power loses about half of its effectiveness (Limited Carrying Capacity; -1), Limited Manipulation (-1/4) Real cost: 3 pts That does seem a little expensive, but I'm not sure what Limitations to add to bring the cost down.
  7. Anyone who's trained to look for these sorts of things, I'm sure. Humans sometimes conceal things in their mouths (and other, less comfortable places) as it is.
  8. Extra Limb, Inherent, No Fine Manipulation, Limited Power (Limited Carrying Capacity, -1) Adjust the value of Limited Carrying Capacity as you see fit.
  9. I think it's possible to do a street-level superheroic game at the 175-point level. The trick is scaling the rest of the game to fit.
  10. I don't like systems that give too much importance to critical hits. That said, letting players reroll a poor damage roll on a, "crit" does add fun to the game.
  11. You don't see many double-barrel bolt-action rifles.
  12. It's only a, "fishing expedition" if they run out of evidence and keep looking. The Benghazi hearings were clearly one (well, after the first, anyway). The Kavanaugh investigation barely got started and wasn't allowed to continue. It's not a fishing expedition, it's part of the coverup.
  13. Some cops have a CvK - they go out of their way, putting themselves at risk, to avoid killing suspects. Other cops don't, but that only means they're willing to use deadly force when warranted (or the player doesn't want the issue to come up). Some cops have, "Judge, Jury, and Executioner" (and probably some other odious Psych Comps as well).
  14. Make sure you have Java installed. Make sure that HD is unzipped. Windows will, "helpfully" let you look inside an archive without extracting anything. If you try to install it without extracting it first, nothing will happen (speaking from experience). You need to install HD to a directory that you have non-privileged write access to (Documents, or similar).
  15. Elon Musk already exists in MCU continuity (cameo in IM#2). We'd have to make him John Carmack or Jeff Bezos.
  16. I've been known to use the phrase, "cat-socking motherfather."
  17. I see the Complication and the Limitation as different parts of the same package. The Complication (applied to the character) defines the code of conduct and how it is triggered. The Limitation (applied to the Powers) determines which abilities are affected. it's quite possible for a character to have abilities that are not granted by a deity, and would be unaffected when the deity removes granted abilities. The character may be able to avoid game mechanical penalties by following the code of conduct, but they still have to deal with the effects of following that code in-game. A code that is trivial to follow should be worth no points because it doesn't complicate the character's life or limit his abilities. A code that is difficult to follow would be worth a lot of points because it really complicates the character's life.
  18. Limited Power, "Expires after [duration]." Use your judgement to set the value of the Limitation.
  19. This sounds like Regeneration to me as well. "Non-Persistent" (-1/4) means that character needs to deliberately turn it on as a zero-phase action. Add Extra Time or Concentration if it needs more than cursory attention to function. "Wounds Only" will probably be -1/4 or -1/2, depending on how common other sorts of injuries are. (If they essentially never occur, this might be a spot for one of the, "-0" Limitations they're talking about in the other thread.)
  20. One thing I've noticed about Hero is that there is a culture of treating the rules as absolute. It doesn't have the same tradition of, "hacking" that FATE (for example) has. Many of the ideas in the APGs could be used to customize campaigns, but they rarely make it into anything published. (I think that The Widening Gyre uses the heroic lift table from APG1, but I'm not aware of any others.)
  21. There are several non-exclusive ways this can be handled. "Only When Following Deity's Wishes" is a typical Limitation for clerical spells. It's usually -1/2, but that can be adjusted. "Must Stay In Deity's Favor" might be more limiting, maybe -3/4 or even -1. Balancing this might be tricky, as you don't want the character to receive a large Limitation for something that might not come up, or, conversely, a small Limitation for something that routinely impairs the character. The second way is, as you suspected, a Physical Complication. This scales better than you might think. A character with only a few spells will be Barely Impaired (+0) if he loses them. A character that relies on spells might be Slightly (+5) or even Greatly Impaired (+10) when they lose all of them. Don't worry too much about scaling the Complication to the power level of the campaign. The third way is to have the character take a Psychological Complication involving their faith. It makes sense that a fickle deity would only grant spells to those with the greatest faith.
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