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Wwycd: They Blew It!!


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Professor Meurte just threatened to destroy a major American city if not paid $10 billion. Before the city can come up with the money, The Champions fly into the City to stop the Professor. They blow it and the city is completely destroyed. The US government in Retaliation outlaws all superbeings, Giving them thirty days to leave the country forever or be arrested. They are declared persona non grata in the USA.


You now have no rights in America. You will be given $50,000 and whatever valuables of your that you can carry. Then you must leave.


What would you do?

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Brass or Forceline - work to have the law(s) in question declared unconstitutional due to their discriminatory nature, especially since only a small group of heroes were "responsible" for the disaster.


Qurria'al - shrug, and fly off someplace where making a personal effort to aid others, without any expectation of compensation, is still appreciated.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Astro-Knight: Protest, but when the thirty days was up, sell everything he had and give the money to his mother so she will be medically insured. Kiss Erica good bye, and fly off to the stars.


Gaze: He could not speak for the rest of the Saints, but for himself? He would defy it. He's not registered anyways. He's not about to let crime in Las Vegas go unchallenged. The campaign takes a dire iron age tone, and Gaze's player wonders if the White Sox lost or something :)


Max Thunder: Would protest, with all the PRE he could bring to muster, pointing out that this was bigotry. If a group of some ethnic group had lead to a city's destruction, there is no way they'd tell all of THEM to leave. Not every superbeing actively commits or fights crime. He might even end up going to jail voluntairly to protest it. Hopefully, he wouldn't have a 'godly incident', that would not go well.


Recluse: Can't go. He just can't. He is a Champion of Grandmother Spider and defender of a tribe (long story). She would just pull him back to North America if he left. He would feel absolutely sick to his stomach about the lives lost, then suddenly remember that time he ended up forward in time for one adventure via the powers of the totems. This time, he'd try to go BACK in the past, and prevent the destruction entirely. Sure, Time Travel isn't in HIS power, but clearly others can do it.


Scarlet Archer III: Kyle isn't a superbeing, having no powers, but he'd be appalled.Depending on the laws wording and otherwise, he might head to England since the first Scarlet Archer hailed from there.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Millennium Uses his high profile, 26 COM and 30 PRE to hit the talk show circuit to present the voice of reason. The measure is clearly unconstitutional, and he will urge the courts to strike down the measure before the deadline. He will also network with more powerful mentalist to investigate the possibility some politicians are being mind controled.


Cheeta "$50 K? A lousy, stinking $50 K to leave my homeland? Chump change!" He will cash the check, donate it, in cash, to the relief fund for the destroyed city, and continue playing pro football in his Secret ID.


Iron Will Seems unlikely that he is going to be America's first differently abled Astronaut of African ancestry, so call the Russian and Chinese space agencies and see if he can start a bidding war.


Snow Leopard Move to Canada. Her father is Canadian, I should check to see if she has dual citizenship. Canadian father and American mother, born in the States, any one know?


Dolphin Donates the $50 K to the Humane Society to rescue pets lost/abandoned/orphined in the diaster, continue helping with the clean-up efforts. When they come to arrest him, say something like "OK, if it makes you happy, say I'm under arrest and sentenced to community service. But I'm continuing with the cleanup."

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Badger- "Boy was I a dumb@$$ for turning to good.......well, time to go back to wreaking havoc like I did before I went good"


Bob- "(bleeping) (bleep) gov't turns on me after all the (bleep) I've pulled their (bleeps) out of? I'm a veteran of 4 (bleeping) wars! (Bleep) this, there is some fine-looking villain chicks around. I'm going evil.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Snapdragon Goes back to her normal life as a college student while working on te side to get the law or whatever repealed as un-constitutonal. Since her hero ID is actually her shapeshifted it'll be very hard for people to run her down in her non heroic ID.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Snow Leopard Move to Canada. Her father is Canadian, I should check to see if she has dual citizenship. Canadian father and American mother, born in the States, any one know?


Without knowing any more specifics, my instinctive response would be "no". I believe Canada offers citizenship to people born on its soil, but I'm definitely far from being an expert on citizenship and immigration.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


That law is so vague it would almost de facto be unconsitutional... that said, Irving would see if the NYPL wants to retain him as a non-crimefighting spokescreature. He'd be quite content to help people through literacy classes, encouragement of them to utilize library resources, etc.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Hornet stays. Secret Identity enables him to not worry about this. The Groups local popularity is enormous, and would probably be an effective shelter against the feeble federal efforts to discredit them. Perhaps coming up with a method to negate the fallout might do a bit on the PR side --but maybe only after giving a blistering speech that the morons should be blaming the villains, not the heroes, and that without the help of heroes, the Government can't stop routine villiains, much less now declare war on every hero as well. He might also commission a lawyer to challenge the easily unconsitutional groundings of this decision. The team might lock down the headquarters for a bit and work from the covert back up facility.


In fact, so outrageous the reaction, Hornet begins to suspect an even more sinister plot, that the device was remote detonated to blame the Champions, defame superheroes in general--either by anti-metahuman factions in government, or a villian influencing the government.


Blaze (and temmates) laughs, and goes about buisness as usual. What are they going to do..arrest them ? (Overconfidence and a Cosmic power pool go hand in hand)


Ranger definitely goes undercover, trying to figure out the massive brain failure in the government. Becoming a vigilante really doesn't bother him, and in fact frees him from some of the constraints that annoyed him while operating in the public view.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Starguard -- if she was by herself, she'd probably leave. The New Sentinels, OTOH, would be taking a stand.


(Edit -- Starguard is a Canadian citizen, so if she /has/ to leave, she just goes back home.)


Dr. Pain -- "So, by making America the all-you-can-eat-buffet for every supervillain on the planet, you think you're making people SAFER? And you're spitting entirely on the Constitution besides? I didn't do a hitch in the 82nd Airborne to defend this kind of crap! You bastards want me, you come get me!"


Baron von Darien -- sighs, shakes his head at the eternal stupidity and short-sightedness of rulers and courtiers, moves back to Europe.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Without knowing any more specifics' date=' my instinctive response would be "no". I believe Canada offers citizenship to people born on its soil, but I'm definitely far from being an expert on citizenship and immigration.[/quote']


While not necessarily disagreeing with marketeer, the answer is "it depends."


Under international law, there are a number of ways to determine citizenship. The two that apply here are jus sangre and jus ___ (can't remember off the top of my head the term). Jus Sangre, means by blood. As such, a country may allow someone whose parents are a citizen (or even more attenuated) to claim citizenship by blood regardless of where they were born.


The other is based on the location of your birth. If you are born in a country, that country can recognize your citizenship.


In the US we recognize both. Children of illegal aliens born in the US are US citizens. Children born outside of the US to US parents (like me) are recognized as US citizens.


In the scenario described, the Superhero was born in the US to one US parent and one Canadian. She is definitely a US citizen. I suspect that she is also probably a Canadian citizen, if she or her parents filed the appropriate paperwork with the Canadian government prior to her turning 18. I believe that Canada also recognizes Jus Sangre.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Adamant - Well, he's not a U.S. citizen, and works on an international super-team. If the Global Guardians don't deploy to the United States anymore, so be it... good luck with all that villainy! Likewise, if they decide the team is going to ignore this mandate and go anyway, he'll do that. Probably the main reaction would be to wonder what the heck they're thinking?


Chemo - He lives in Brazil, his citizenship is Chilean, and he's never been to North America anyway...


The Analogist - Is Canadian, and part of a state sanctioned Canadian super-team. Those Yanks are wierd...


Singularity - Would probably hang up his tights and return from sabbatical to his job as a physics professor at Princeton. This super-hero thing was just a lark anyway.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


My current character is govt.-sponsored, so I'm not sure if he'd be exiled.


If he were, he'd probably continue super-heroing under a new ID and get his equipment through Argent and/or the black market.


To be honest, depending on how the GM handles it, there's a part of me that'd be tempted to call his bluff: "My character leaves. Now what ?"

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


None of them would leave.

Uncle Slam would either continue work for PRIMUS, or go solo, heading an underground movement of heroes who still perform heroism but do it in total secrecy.

Anthem would carry on much like now, except not don a uniform. She'd remain inconspicuous, move to a city where people might not know who she is, and fight crime in secret.

Audra Blue would have to be arrested and deported. And that would not go down without a brutal confrontation with the authorities. And since they would have no superpowered help, it wouldn't be easy for them.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


As A whole Team Vanguard would stay:


Hardware mods: The current vanguard com Has A image inducer built in (Foxbat stole on , and tried to get into the base looking like Vanna White(wheel of fortune). the Team tech buddies at Stryker Industries would probably alter the coms so they would de undetectable vs a mutie scan , etc


Certain Members woulld use there ultra high contacts and try and get the law repealed, one would try and run for president and change it that way

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Snow Leopard Move to Canada. Her father is Canadian, I should check to see if she has dual citizenship. Canadian father and American mother, born in the States, any one know?

I am fairly confident the answer is someone born to a Canadian citizen but not born in Canada has the right to apply for citizenship and will tend to get through without difficulty, but you still have to apply for it. So if Snow Leopard had applied for dual citizenship at some point in the past, Snow Leopard could easily be a dual citizen now, but it's not an overnight process.


The same holds true in reverse, by the way. If you're born a citizen of another country and have one US citizen for a parent, you have to apply to get your American citizenship before you get all the relevant documents. You just won't get your application rejected, assuming you go through all the right motions.


You now have no rights in America. You will be given $50,000 and whatever valuables of your that you can carry. Then you must leave.

What would you do?

Most of my heroes would have a hard time imagining wanting to live in a country where the government would make that sort of decision. Or be allowed to get away with it. That is... unless that's part of the campaign premise to start with. But completely changing the tone of the game midstream is not cool unless you basically want to start over (and the players agree to start over.) If it's a mind control plot, or something, that's different of course.


Cerulean wouldn't really understand how the rulers of the country he found himself in came to this decision, but it wouldn't really bother him personally. He has no real ties to America and could as easily work from any other country -- besides which, the Spire is perfectly capable of floating over international waters if it comes to that. He'd be more concerned about the reactions his teammates would be having to such an event. And he'd consider it a vastly foolish decision considering the likelihood that V'han would take this opportunity to invade again, this time in the face of very little opposition. Most likely, something fishy is going on, though it will probably take the team's mentalist, a reserve member, to clue us in.


Glaive and Beastwarden would move to Canada. They don't have any more attachment to America than Cerulean does, but as street-level heroes they are less likely to be involved with solving plots on this level; moreover, they don't have any of the right contacts to do so.


Soulbarb is already doing her best to hide her existence from everyone around her... which, as it turns out, has just become a very good thing. Still, as a high school student, she doesn't really have the ability to just pick up and go unless she can convince her mom to move out of the country, which seems unlikely. Probably not all that much would actually change for her, except the tone of the world around her would go from Bronze/Steel age to Iron age, and she'd become more of a vigilante than simply a reclusive heroine.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Professor Meurte just threatened to destroy a major American city if not paid $10 billion. Before the city can come up with the money, The Champions fly into the City to stop the Professor. They blow it and the city is completely destroyed. The US government in Retaliation outlaws all superbeings, Giving them thirty days to leave the country forever or be arrested. They are declared persona non grata in the USA.


You now have no rights in America. You will be given $50,000 and whatever valuables of your that you can carry. Then you must leave.


What would you do?


Hell's Angel, who is registered with DOSPA and cannot therefore disappear into her civilian identity, would hold a press conference announcing her refusual and her intent to file a billion dollar lawsuit against the federal government for its unconstitutional actions. She is a native born American and thus cannot be legally exiled or stripped of her citizenship (which is what this amounts to), and she has no connections with the Champions, which makes this a complete travesty of justice.


Black Mask simply abandons his costumed persona and goes undercover. He has neither the time, money nor inclination to fight this in the courts, though he'd agree with Hell's Angel on the law.


Man-Ape, who is a very public figure and quite wealthy (the perks of being a former star in a very popular tv show and investing wisely) announces that he'll be helping to fund a class-action suit like the one Hell's Angel has announced. They would probably merge the two actions, for that matter.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Mr. Terrific would retain an attorney, and prepare a suit requiring clarification of the definition of the affected class of people. Since his obvious powers are brought on by taking "power pills", and the effects of those are extremely short duration, his argument is that the statute is unconstitutional, because there is no clear difference between his position and someone who commits acts of poor judgment while under the influence of an intoxicant. Since there is ample precedent behind the principle that even PCP-heads are still citizens with rights, the lawsuit is pretty simple in this case.


That said, he'd probably brush up his resume as a biochemist and look to emigrate, preferably to one of the Commonwealth countries in Oceania. He has enough cash in to hang out, even with zero income, in Canada with refugee status for a while (since Canada is 2.5 hours away by car). He doesn't own real estate, and if it weren't for the books and notes from his work, his total property would be rather portable.


His greatest short-term concern is that it might be decided that he Knows Too Much (since he's been a test pilot for high-end aircraft) and has to be permanently silenced in a clandestine way. That (documentable) concern is part of his petition for refugee status in Canada.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Ghost Archer: What is it the NRA says? "If you outlaw guns, only the criminals will have them?" If you outlaw superheroes, the only paranormals left will be the superviilains. I think I'll stay and risk the wrath of the governement and continue what I do. It might be a bit harder on the villains, since I can no longer turn them in to the government. I can hear them yelling about THEIR rights being violated by that 'illegal super powered vigilente". So . . . I'll have to mete out my own justice and I am a whole lot scarier than a courtroom.


Icehawk: Since I have a public ID and as much money as that guy over in Redmond, I wonder what happens to the economy when someone dumps half a trillion dollars in stock on the market? I already own this nice little island in the South Pacific and I can live with working on my tan, after all, I never wanted to be a 'superhero' in the first place.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Jessica - isn't considered "Super" in our world, so the law may not pertain to her. If it did there's a large Vampire and Werewolf community that the government won't be wanting to start a war with...


Silence - one place is as good as any other as far as she is concerned. The money would mean little to her. She'd hand the check back to the nice government person and walk off to somewhere else (well, fly when she reaches the ocean). Unless others she is with convince her to do otherwise of course.

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Re: Wwycd: They Blew It!!


Dr. Damascus: Basically already the case. McCarthy has made metahumans persona non grata. ( game set in '50s ) But he has remained. His duties are beyond the ken of governments of men.

Señor Mysterio: No hablo ingles. ¿Cómo esto me afecta en México?

The Paladine: Nukes can't stop him, and he answers to a higher power. But he's nice and will move out of the country to New Jersey for a while.

Bingo the Clowno: He answers to a funnier power...

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