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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Dear Bazza,


I'll watch Smallville, but don't have the DVDs yet. I miss Supergirl on the show.

I preface this comment to say I'm not superman fan, but, have enjoyed the show. All 7/8 seasons. In a couple of moths Season 10 starts
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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


"Sherlock" . . . an updated version of Sherlock Holmes set in contemporary London, starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Martin Freeman as Holmes and Watson (Watson now being an Army medic in the recent war in Afghanistan).


Does it work? Yes and no. Cumberbatch is not who I'd've cast as Holmes, reminding me of a taller, thinner Alan Davis. The series is far too impressed with it's own technical cleverness, with crazy camerawork, moving white subtitles and fast-mo(?) in an attempt to ramp up the tension and cool factor. Plus, there's the entire concept of Holmes in the 21st Century. To me, there's something about that that just doesn't work. Oh yes, and nicotine patches now stand-in for his pipe, giving rise to the phrase "a three patch problem". No, just. . . no. However, the storylines are clever, requiring Holmes to use his wits and deductive reasoning to the utmost and fans will recognise the "modern day mash-up" of the originals.


On the other hand, Cumberbatch does capture Holmes' rudeness, arrogance and impatience with those not a smart as him very well and he is undoubtedly a very fine actor, looking very bohemian in a longcoat and a scarf of Tom Baker proportions. Also, his antagonistic, condescending attitude to Lestrade (and just about everyone else) is well done.


Oh and Moriarty was a disappointment. A cheap copy of Declan Donnelly who talks (and acts) like Graham Norton is not what I want to see. Sure, he's smart, sure, he's evil, but he's not the great presence that Moriarty needs to be. I'd've used a different, original villain, but no. . . He presense is felt way too early on in the first episode and he makes his appearance in the third episode. Disappointing, considering how Conan Doyle only had him appear once, very late on in the books in "The Final Problem". And yes, I know Holmes foils one of his plots in "The Valley of fear" but the man himself does not appear.


So, flawed yes, but worth watching for the novelty value. And for a 7'3" killer who strangles his victims.

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


Most of the first disc of Ultraman. It takes me back. Too bad my wife and kid was there to crack jokes about rubber suits


I admit sheepishly that it was rather enjoyable to use a couple of episodes of the original dub of Ultraman as part of a two-night MSTing program at a convention. Some good riffs there:


Narrator: "If the light on his chest goes out, then Ultraman will never rise again!"

Audience: "Much to the disappointment of Mrs. Ultraman."


We also screened the episode for which they borrowed the Godzilla suit and out a ruff across its neck. He had a very weird expression on his face at the finale....

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Re: What Have You Watched Recently?


I've been catching up on Star Trek: Enterprise (funny how they tacked "Star Trek" onto it once it got canceled).


I've been keeping up with new episodes of Futurama (possibly my favorite series of all time) and I've been downloading and watching Star Trek Fan Movies.

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