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Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)

Andrew Cermak

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


You're assuming that just because I play M&M that I have no interest in the CU as an entity unto itself. I see the CU as a living breathing world in much the same way I see Marvel or DC


A living breathing world SHOULD have knobs and jobbers, characters who are little more than agents in individual costumes as well as characters who can devastate cities with a missed shot. Spider-Man doesn't just fight the Green Goblin and the Rhino, he also fights the Kangaroo and the Disco Hustler.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


IMO the purpose of official books shouldn't be to cater to those who choose to use the material in a non-standard way. If someone wants to play a 250 point CU game that is fine but the books shouldn't be written for those people. The books should be written for the CU standard and is someone wants to play lower or higher point games they should do the legwork themselves. It's far easier for the 10% of buyers who play at 250 points to make characters weaker then it is for the 90% who don't to be forced to make the adjustments' date=' IMO.[/quote']

What is "non-standard" about a low powered game? Entire sourcebooks have been written for lower powered games. Teen Champions and Dark Champions immediately spring to mind. What's wrong with including some villains that cater to this power level? Did someone make it a rule that anything that differs from the 350 suggested power level is "non-standard"?


Speaking only for myself, including some lower powered villains in VV&V is a selling point, not a negative. YMMV

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


What is "non-standard" about a low powered game? Entire sourcebooks have been written for lower powered games. Teen Champions and Dark Champions immediately spring to mind. What's wrong with including some villains that cater to this power level? Did someone make it a rule that anything that differs from the 350 suggested power level is "non-standard"?


Speaking only for myself, including some lower powered villains in VV&V is a selling point, not a negative. YMMV

I agree 100%. Even if a villain character is too puny to go up against the hero individually as built, there's no reason he can't team up with other low-powered villains or suffer a radiation accident to compensate. Even many 350 point games are essentially "street level+" anyway.
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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


One of the best villain teams I ever created started out as too-low-powered one-shot wonders. The heroes ran against them individually, beat them handily... and then the Ravager got ahold of the loser villains and upped their power levels to make them a challenge to the heroes. The next time they fought, the heroes were quite shocked. They became a team the players looked forward to facing.


Caveat: I don't own VVV and haven't seen it yet. So this is pretty general.


Another use for otherwise wimpy villains is to take advantage of a hero's Vulnerabilities or Susceptabilities. If PC #1 can beat Buzzsaw with both hands behind his back, but PC #2 gets trounced by him, you've set up a good emnity.


Also, I don't know if anyone else throws news items into their game, but I've used otherwise-unusable characters in news items to flesh out the world.


So they're not *completely* useless, if used in interesting ways.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I'm going to have to get this book now after reading all these posts just to see what everyone is talking about up close and personal. I figure at the very least I'll have a whole book dedicated to a Rogues gallery for each of my players, if they really are underpowered. That would be just way too cool... Art to me doesn't really matter all that much, especially when you look back at the really early books. (1st ed) If I based my buying off that I might not have ever started playing Champions. (I miss the picture of the guy holding his head on all fours after being punched in the face... I always looked at that and winced, thinking wow that had to really hurt.)

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


There is some stuff in this book that I can use, the problem is that some of the stuff I can use just plain doesn't work in my gameworld.


So that means it's basically a sheet. :)


I can write a new background and use the sheet, which is fine, it just means that when I write the background, it should feel good.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I just got my copy today.


I don't see anything in the Writer's Guidelines, but based on this book and other recent character sourcebooks I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that the current character design policy is to not give unusual-looking characters Distinctive Features, instead leaving it to the GM to decide if the character is unusual looking in their specific campaign and add an appropriate Distinctive Features Disadvantage.


Leaving out characters who can assume a normal human form...


Overbrain: Disembodied flying glowing brain.

Ape-Plus: Gun-toting mutant gorilla.

Lynx: Cat-girl.

Mr. Zombie: Rotting corpse.

The Curse: Withered mummy.

Grotesque: Flesh melted off his body.

Leviathan: Micro-Godzilla.

Plague: Covered with lesions and sores.

Python: Green-scaled snake man.

Rictus: Permanent death-like grin.

Syzygy: Robed robot with a featureless spherical head.

Terrayne: Giant rock monster.


Not a single Distinctive Features among them, except the occasional "Mutant" or "Magical Aura". Terrayne is Distinctive because of his elemental magic aura, but not because he's a 2-ton walking rock pile?


I've seen it in other books for a while (Halfjack, anyone?), but it seemed particularly noticeable here.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


the current character design policy is to not give unusual-looking characters Distinctive Features


As Line Developer I almost never permit Distinctive Features based on odd appearance for a Champions Universe character, and never have. There are too many unusual-looking people around; it's just not that disadvantageous IMO.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


As Line Developer I almost never permit Distinctive Features based on odd appearance for a Champions Universe character' date=' and never have. There are too many unusual-looking people around; it's just not that disadvantageous IMO.[/quote']


Hmm I never thought about it in those terms, but that's an awesome policy.


Time to go back adjust a few characters to reflect this.


Rep time!!

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


As Line Developer I almost never permit Distinctive Features based on odd appearance for a Champions Universe character' date=' and never have. There are too many unusual-looking people around; it's just not that disadvantageous IMO.[/quote']

I can see the logic in that but I have to disagree. A "normal" looking character can do things that a 9' humanoid rock pile can't, such as blend into a crowd and generally be inconspicuous if the situation calls for it. Of course, as line developer I like that you are keeping a consistent policy, but in my campaigns Distinctive Features are in.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I can see the logic in that but I have to disagree. A "normal" looking character can do things that a 9' humanoid rock pile can't' date=' such as blend into a crowd and generally be inconspicuous if the situation calls for it. Of course, as line developer I like that you are keeping a consistent policy, but in my campaigns Distinctive Features are in.[/quote']


Yeah, unless supers are very common, I think DF has a place and some of them are going to be very disadvantage in role play and any attempts are social interaction. A character with a horrid appearance is going to find it more difficult to interact with "normal" people much of the time. DFs can also drive plots (its much easier to set the character up, hard to claim mistaken ID unless there are allot of walking rock piles or you could be mistaken for someone or something else) and present other minor physical limitations in day to day to life.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


Distinctive features still has its uses if like me you have characters who are

Giant Snails wearing bowler hats who live in metal shells with a howitzer on top;

A giant clothes wearing gun toting Polar Bear;

A giant Purple Worm wearing a suitable sized trenchcoat and hat;

A dwarf sized Dr Destroyer;

A humanoid dragon;

a brown furred, cloven footed, horned man;

An Angel complete with wings, armour and burning halo;

a red skinned, horned, winged female;

a man who is half tank and half man;

a winged dinosaur in gangster get back;

a Beholder with armament to put an Apache helicoptor to shame

a green skinned, hoofed footed, horned hammer wielding woman;

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I'd love to hear some of the background behind THOSE characters. As for the debate, I usually allow distinctive features if it makes the character stand out noticibly in a major way. If you Detect as a mutant and most of humanity doesn't, that warrants a feature. Simply being ugly does not...because many MANY people are ugly..or have scars and what not.



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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


The only real problem I have with this concept is consistent application. Past books seem hit-or-miss, although more the older ones than the newer ones.


Grabbing a handful of books, again ignoring characters that can turn human...


Conquerors, Killer and Crooks

Distinctive Features

Istvatha V'han and minions








The Monster




No Distinctive Features

Takofanes and Demon Servitor

Crowns of Krim









Lemurian Golem



Arcane Adversaries

Distinctive Features

Kapilasa (relevant for possession)



Mind Thief

Spawn of Vulshoth


Tobias Vandaleur


No Distinctive Features


Vilsimbra (illusion powers)

Hand of Deizzhorath

Bocal McFarlane



Viper: Coils of the Serpent

Distinctive Features

VIPER Agents




No Distinctive Features

Boa Constrictor





Demon: Servants of Darkness

Distinctive Features

Luther Black

Herr Doktor Pandemonium

DEMON Brother

DEMON Initiate

Devil Dog


No Distinctive Features

Black Shepherd

Left Hand



Champions Universe: News of the World

Distinctive Features



No Distinctive Features


Duke Steel








Champions Worldwide

Distinctive Features


Turs al-Sh'ab

Joseph Otanga



No Distinctive Features



A'asifa Rumlia

Living Sphinx




El Tiburon

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


The only real problem I have with this concept is consistent application. Past books seem hit-or-miss, although more the older ones than the newer ones.


Grabbing a handful of books, again ignoring characters that can turn human...


Conquerors, Killer and Crooks

Distinctive Features

Istvatha V'han and minions








The Monster




No Distinctive Features

Takofanes and Demon Servitor

Crowns of Krim









Lemurian Golem



Arcane Adversaries

Distinctive Features

Kapilasa (relevant for possession)



Mind Thief

Spawn of Vulshoth


Tobias Vandaleur


No Distinctive Features


Vilsimbra (illusion powers)

Hand of Deizzhorath

Bocal McFarlane



Viper: Coils of the Serpent

Distinctive Features

VIPER Agents




No Distinctive Features

Boa Constrictor





Demon: Servants of Darkness

Distinctive Features

Luther Black

Herr Doktor Pandemonium

DEMON Brother

DEMON Initiate

Devil Dog


No Distinctive Features

Black Shepherd

Left Hand



Champions Universe: News of the World

Distinctive Features



No Distinctive Features


Duke Steel








Champions Worldwide

Distinctive Features


Turs al-Sh'ab

Joseph Otanga



No Distinctive Features



A'asifa Rumlia

Living Sphinx




El Tiburon


How many of those are DF strictly for looking strange?

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


How many of those are DF strictly for looking strange?


Quoting each Disadvantage below. Some of them do have other DFs as well, but they are separate Disadvantages.


Conquerors, Killer and Crooks

Istvatha V'han and minions: Regal Bearing And Regalia/V'hanian Uniform

Fiacho: Altered Ugly Human

Durak: Smashed Scarred Face

Ultrasonique: Scarred Face

Binder: Facial Scarring

Blackstar: Gray Skin

Grond: Big Ugly Mutated Green Body

Leech: Leech-Man Body

The Monster: Monstrous Visage

Shadowdragon: Dragon tattoo On Chest

Slug: Elder Worm Body


Arcane Adversaries

Kapilasa (relevant for possession): Solid Black Eyes, No Matter What Body

Vulshoth: Giant Sanity-Blasting Monster

Angler: Living Hyper-Dimensional Geometry

Mind Thief: Repulsive Slimy Bug-Thing

Spawn of Vulshoth: Giant Sanity-Blasting Monster

Squrm: Slimy Tentacled Horror

Tobias Vandaleur: Face Of A Toad


Viper: Coils of the Serpent

VIPER Agents: VIPER Uniform

Oculon: Alien Eyes

Ripper: Purplish Flesh, Grafted Armor, Ten Feet Tall


Demon: Servants of Darkness

Luther Black: Visible Corruption of the Qliphotic

Herr Doktor Pandemonium: Der Kehlkopf Strapped To His Face

DEMON Brother: DEMON Robes

DEMON Initiate: DEMON Robes

Devil Dog: DEMON Robes


Champions Universe: News of the World

Slug: Elder Worm Body


Champions Worldwide

Obelisque: Enormous Jet-Black Monster

Turs al-Sh'ab: Badly Scarred

Joseph Otanga: Scarred face and Broken Nose

Katar: Scarred Face

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I can't verify any of the rest of them on that list of those without Distinctive Features, but Hornet is described as able to change back into a human-looking form, IIRC. He hasn't paid points for it, so I'm assuming it's one of those handwavy-type-things where he could, say, subsume his insectoid looks at will, but it's not an instant change (taking a lot of combat rounds to do so) - and therefore not really more convenient than having a different outfit to change into.


Some of the others might avoid distinctive features for similar reasons.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


I can't verify any of the rest of them on that list of those without Distinctive Features' date=' but [b']Hornet[/b] is described as able to change back into a human-looking form.


Some of the others might avoid distinctive features for similar reasons.


Missed that one. I think I eliminated dual-form characters from the rest of the list though.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


The usual guideline I use for DF is a line taken from "The Real Cyberpunk Handbook"


Can the police identify you by the piercings/tattoos/rituals scars you have on your body?

If the answers is yes/yes/yes you have a Distinctive Feature.


DF to me usually, but not always, means "Unique Identifier" - like say "Giant Green Skinned Four Armed Person" ... not many of those around y'know.

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


The usual guideline I use for DF is a line taken from "The Real Cyberpunk Handbook"


Can the police identify you by the piercings/tattoos/rituals scars you have on your body?

If the answers is yes/yes/yes you have a Distinctive Feature.


DF to me usually, but not always, means "Unique Identifier" - like say "Giant Green Skinned Four Armed Person" ... not many of those around y'know.


Using that criteria, though, some characters wouldn't warrant it because the possibility of police catching and arresting them is irrelevant. For example, would the fact that Takofanes is very obviously Takofanes, really matter much to him?

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Re: Villains Vandals And Vermin (VVV)


***Rise from the Grave!!! Awaken foul thread***


OK, with thread necromancy completed, I just wanted to check to see what characters people have actually put to use and what their assessment of the book is with a couple of miles on the odometer.


Any particular favorites? Characters that you thought would be good that disappointed? Characters that you thought would be disappointing that have been pleasantly surprising?

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