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Where is your campaign based?


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I live in Britain so I based my campaign in Britain. Infact I based it in the area we live so they can fight over the places they know. The Champions are British. Villains are mostly British or European based but some have not changed. Millenium city does not exist in Britain.


Do non Americans base their games in America?


Do Americans base their games in other countries?

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


It's typically best to go with what you know' date=' so yeah, most of my games are based in America. I usually just use the Champs U with some additions.[/quote']


This, though I do have the occasional vacation to another country now and then.

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


I live in Florida and ran a superhero campaign set in Sydney, NSW, Australia... it was back in the dark ages before the Internet and most of my info came from Encyclopedias, Atlases and travel brochures.


More recently, my campaigns have been based in the United States with San Francisco being the setting for the current campaign which has been running on and off since October 1996.

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


My Champions game is based out of Aspen, CO but the PC's have done a ton of dimension/globe trotting recently.


They are currently at a small farm house in Iowa, having just returned from the Unseelie Court. They got there via London, England and prior to that helped put down an uprising of werewolves and old gods that had assembled in the Black Forest of Germany...

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


Originally Metahumans Rising was based in a "superfied" Arlington, VA, USA. As the GM I've lived in New York, New York, USA so I've been to DC on several occasions when I was younger. However, this is not why the campaign was set there. Actually, it was more based on the characters created tended to have federal powers and work for government agencies so it was a natural fit. This meant I had to create a new city but that was okay.


Later in the campaign the PCs were based out of a ranch in Three Rivers, New Mexico with a trip to San Angelo (the original intended setting for the game, this is not the same San Angelo as presented in printed products). There have also been stories in Nairobi and France. Currently the PCs are between India and a location called Zero Island about half way between Australia and Japan.

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


I set mine in Cincinnati-which is where I live. Millenium city and the battle of Detroit has not happened yet. My group, The Misfit League, is the primier Midwest group, although they've gone national, international and even interdimesional upon occasion. The Champions are a NPC NY city group that we get along quite well with- and is more famous nationally.

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Guest steamteck

Re: Where is your campaign based?


My camapign is on the fictional world of Nereen on the continent of Cinnibar and centered around the city of Lasari. All my alternate world campaigns ( Supers, SF,Fantasy,Steampunk) are based on variations of this world

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


I've usually used Brisbane, Queensland, Australia as the base town, although with scenarios elsewhere. (I've played in games set in Melbourne, Victoria, and in various places in the US.)


I've also used Inguria - the setting presented in Superhero 2044, the first superhero RPG ever published. The game system is (mostly) junk, but the setting is a nice piece of very concise and inspirational writing. There are a couple of problems with it - the population seems a bit low for the amount of crime that exists - but it's simple enough to make it into something that works.


It also can work as a "future" setting for time travel adventures.


I'd like to use it more. I'd have to get my act together to do that, though.


I'd like to run a Golden Age game at some point. I'm not sure what setting I would use for that. Ideally I would establish a separate city for each PC... Clearly they wouldn't be particularly detailed, and I would swap bits around as required. Hudson City and Vibora Bay would be good places to start, but it would really be a Pulp Hero setting.

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


My last Champions team spent a session putting together characters and debating about the campaign city.

We ended up voting for Miami because no one had been there and we could make up fictional city settings (and destroy them) at will.


We were the Guardians of Destiny. The name was chosen just so we could say, "We're on a mission from G.O.D"

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


Long ago, when Champions was young, we based our campaign(s) in and around the college town we lived in (Urbana-Champaign, IL). A bit later I ran a fairly brief Chicago based campaign...And an also very brief Orlando FL based campaign. Most recently, the base of operations was Norfolk, VA which was based on ideas I had while living/working there in 2003-2004. That team (Team Norfolk) had their last session in action "on the road" up in Alaska....As for "universal aspects"? I don't use too much of the published CU. I tend more towards the Wold-Newton style of universe. Heroes all over both the US and the world. Some legacies of older heroes. Some brand new. While the details are still somewhat in flux, the world of my Champions players is also related to the world of any Star Hero players who might sign on at some point......And both are related to Golden Age heroes who formed both the Guardians Of Liberty and their offshoot, the Guardians Of Liberty Youth (or GOLY!.....and yes, Project Onomatopoeia makes an appearance or two :thumbup: )



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Re: Where is your campaign based?


Epic City is in the United Societies of America... A "What If" world where just a few different political and strategic decisions changed the entire look and feel of the Earth. It's outlined in this document: The World of Epic City


Learn more by clicking the Epic City link in my sig.


Since the OP is from Britain, he may be interested to know that in the world of Epic City, the British Empire still exists!!! :)

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


The City of Lazarus is located somewhere on California's central coast. I've been ambiguous about it, as it's direct relation to other cities isn't relevant, since you spend all your campaign time there.


Obviously it's home grown. It's the "City of Tomorrow" that failed. Its designer decided, after achieving at everything he ever set out to do, to build Utopia. When it failed, it killed him. The city is incomplete, and those who remain behind constantly alter the leylines and redirect the geomantic energies that were in it. Had it been completed, it's believed it would have harvested energy seemingly from nowhere. Instead, each time the city council approves a new building or an owner tears down his own building, pockets of energy start to build up or are released somewhere, causing all sorts of mayhem. It's also a city of destiny, rumored to be the fabled 5th city of legend whose downfall will take the world with it.


Sounds fantsy/sci-fi but it's contemporary superheroic with lots of ideas pillaged from books thrown in.

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


Learn more by licking the Epic City link in my sig.


No thanks, I might want to learn more but not if it means licking anything of yours. No offense, I like you well enough, but liking and licking are two different things....


Lucius Alexander


On the other hand, the palindromedary is more willing to lick things...

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Re: Where is your campaign based?


I live in Italy, and i based my campaign in italy. In Rome, where we live

this was very funny some time later when we go in some place and remembered "hey here your chars created a sheet of ice" "here the very heavy villain was stopped while fleeing" and similar


on the plus side, i can use google map to find a suitable place for an adventure and noone is wondering if this is something realistic, and i can use my knowledge for the game; for instance, i placed the base for RS33 (italian version of torchwood agency) on the place i work

(really... if you could see the palace... brrr... 18 floor building, with corridors ending in noplace, entire floor completely empty and underground passage from two building... if there's something like RS33, i'm sure it's here u.u )


btw, i did this because campaign is low level iron age "just discovered power" game, a twist between misfits and heroes... more misfits than heroes actually :)

if i would run a "classic" superhero campaign, i would prefer using a totally fictionary american city like gotham or metropolis or star city

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