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yeah but aren't they at least supposed to try?


Yes, that is why I cannot consider myself a GOOD Christian.  I am far from Christ-like.  

“The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left untried.”- GK Chesterton


But I suppose i've derailed the thread.


In unrelated news An Unmanned Russian Spacecraft is plunging to Earth ,

Superhero origin time kids!

Flawless use of a G.K. Chesterton quote Should be worth not just kudos, but mega kudos.  Unfortunately, I am not really able to award those.  

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Yes, that is why I cannot consider myself a GOOD Christian.  I am far from Christ-like.  

Flawless use of a G.K. Chesterton quote Should be worth not just kudos, but mega kudos.  Unfortunately, I am not really able to award those.  

maybe you're too hard on yourself. 

I consider someone a good Christian when they do their best. Falling short of perfect isn't a flaw.


Admittedly I'm an outsider. I am technically a Presbyterian but went because I had to. Once I'd been accepted to the church my mom said it was up to me.

My visits since I was twelve have been largely ceremonial (Weddings, funerals, etc.) or a couple of visits to the Methodist church that married me and my ex. 

So my opinion on what makes a good Christian is based on what I remember coupled with the "What kind of person are you."


The latter carries much more weight than the former. 

I think you're a good guy. Especially when we disagree; you're someone who at least reads the arguments of those who disagree with you and you're polite and even when mad don't give into the kind of swearing tantrum I myself do on occasion (though not here, don't want the ban)


Also you could substitute any group for "Christian" in there as well. 

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I hadn't either.  Fortunately, it's defined at that link Cygnia posted:
"For those who aren’t aware of the concept of a “Gronk novel”, it is an erotic novel about or involving Rob “Gronk” Gronkowski, who plays tight-end for the New England Patriots football team."


I didn't bother to read any more of the link.

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Couple Suing Sperm Bank for Wrongful Birth (Child is Obviously Biracial and not from the Requested Donor)


The whole thing is behind a paywall, but this is what I can see from elsewhere.




In their first response since the case sparked a national race debate months ago, lawyers for Midwest Sperm Bank this week pushed for the suit's dismissal because they said Illinois law does not recognize damages or extra costs associated with raising a healthy child.


In her lawsuit, filed last fall, Jennifer Cramblett said she became pregnant in December 2011 through artificial insemination with sperm donated by a black man instead of a white donor as she and her same-sex partner had intended.


Cramblett said she learned of the alleged mistake five months into her pregnancy, when she called the sperm bank to reserve another sample from the same donor so her partner, Amanda Zinkon, would have a child with a similar blood relation as the older sibling.


The mistake resulted, the litigation alleges, because the sperm bank keeps handwritten records and an employee misread the donor numbers. The couple selected donor No. 380 after reviewing the man's profile but were instead given sperm from No. 330, according to the lawsuit.


A month after Cramblett said she learned of the mistake, the sperm bank sent a partial refund check and an apology letter. The couple's daughter, Payton, was born in August 2012. The child is described in the lawsuit as "a beautiful, obviously mixed race, baby girl" whom her parents "love very much."


Cramblett accused Midwest Sperm Bank of breach of warranty and "wrongful birth," which is how the applicable Illinois statute is worded. But in their motion to dismiss, attorneys for the sperm bank said the law regarding wrongful birth claims applies if Payton had a hereditary or genetic disorder that could have been detected through "prudent medical care" before conception or birth.


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Oh this is too good.




Unidentified "street artist" figured out that while dangerous potholes could be left untouched for more than a year, if a penis were spray painted onto it, the hole would be filled within a couple days.  It's like batman, except instead of government projecting a symbol to call for a vigilante, its a vigilante projecting a symbol to call for the government, and the symbol for government is a bunch of d**ks.

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Oh this is too good.




Unidentified "street artist" figured out that while dangerous potholes could be left untouched for more than a year, if a penis were spray painted onto it, the hole would be filled within a couple days.  It's like batman, except instead of government projecting a symbol to call for a vigilante, its a vigilante projecting a symbol to call for the government, and the symbol for government is a bunch of d**ks.



This is great... and the argument against smacks of hypocrisy given the source



“Has this person, for just one second, considered how families with young children must feel when they are confronted with these obscene symbols as they walk to school? Not only is this vandalism, but it’s also counter-productive,” an unnamed council spokesperson told theManchester Evening News.


You know, I don't know if this person has or hasn't thought about it, but don't scream "Think of the children"  when it takes someone doing this to actually make the roads safer for everyone including the children. If I were a parent, yes, I'd wince if my little kid wandered across that bit of art... 

I'd be more worried about getting into a car wreck with said kid in the vehicle thanks to the city's neglect

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This is great... and the argument against smacks of hypocrisy given the source




You know, I don't know if this person has or hasn't thought about it, but don't scream "Think of the children"  when it takes someone doing this to actually make the roads safer for everyone including the children. If I were a parent, yes, I'd wince if my little kid wandered across that bit of art... 

I'd be more worried about getting into a car wreck with said kid in the vehicle thanks to the city's neglect

Roads don't hurt children. Penises hurt children.

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Oh this is too good.




Unidentified "street artist" figured out that while dangerous potholes could be left untouched for more than a year, if a penis were spray painted onto it, the hole would be filled within a couple days. It's like batman, except instead of government projecting a symbol to call for a vigilante, its a vigilante projecting a symbol to call for the government, and the symbol for government is a bunch of d**ks.

And yet truck nuts are okay? :think:

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Welcome To Liberland


So--does anyone think they have a snowball's chance in a sauna of succeeding?


As an actual country, no, not a chance in hell. As a minor tourist attraction and oddball novelty, yeah*, maybe, depending on the reaction of the owners of the land. It's perhaps telling that the "president" of Liberland still lives in the czech republic and has shown no signs of moving to the "country" he's "president" of.


cheers, Mark


* indeed, you can already buy Liberland hoodies and T shirts online.

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