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Because the first guy really didn't KNOW the weapon wasn't loaded.  The article says it was determined later.  He *thought* he had the situation in hand but the suspect was still armed. That is the opposite of 'in hand'.


Even if the suspect said flat out 'it's not loaded' you *can't trust that*. He could be lying.  He raised his weapon towards the new arrivals. Just because he had decided to not shoot the first guy doesn't mean he wouldn't fire at the others now that he was outnumbered.


A man with a gun pointed it at police.  This is not the case of putting hands up and saying "I'm carrying a gun. I have a carry permit." and then getting shot anyways. This is a case of a man with a gun of undetermined capability pointing it at police.


What I want are more body cams, better armor, and more accurate and effective non-lethal weaponry for our officers. I honestly don't believe that if given a Star Trek phaser with a stun setting and a kill setting our officers would chose kill every time.  If we could make a taser that worked against a target of any size in any clothing hitting any extremity at pistol distance with pistol accuracy I think people would use it ... but we can't and until we can this is what we have to deal with.


(Situations where someone points a weapon at an officer and gets shot.  Not the mentioned bull**** with obese men running away in slow motion or freaking out the moment a pulled over guy says 'Just a heads up: I have a gun' which absolutely is a problem that needs to be addressed )

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I have a mixed reaction to this one. On the one hand, the officer who was first on scene shouldn't have been fired. He correctly assessed the situation, and the facts bear him out. On the other hand, the ACLU author is clearly being unrealistic in not expecting the second officer to shoot after the victim started to raise a gun in his direction.

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Died after a robbery. He'd be alive if he wasn't stupid enough to try to do a job he wasn't qualified for and didn't have the tools to perform.

Sounds like theft or shoplifting, not even robbery. He probably would have faced charges if things had gone differently. Whether this is how it should be is a different discussion.
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The incomprehensible star has started dimming again


The Kepler mission found one star, KIC 8462852, which has got fainter several times, with no plausible physical explanation. It's 12th magnitude so you need a decent-sized telescope (at least a 4-inch) to see it; it is in Cygnus (consult Wikipedia for coordinates, and you can get the poop the pros use from SIMBAD) so easily visible from the Northern Hemisphere.

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I have a mixed reaction to this one. On the one hand, the officer who was first on scene shouldn't have been fired. He correctly assessed the situation, and the facts bear him out. On the other hand, the ACLU author is clearly being unrealistic in not expecting the second officer to shoot after the victim started to raise a gun in his direction.


True, his tone about the actual shooting by cop #2 is less than objective. But the story was about the firing of the first officer, who did as his training dictated and correctly assessed the situation. I'm not really certain what the grounds for his firing were - again possibly a fault of the author.

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True, his tone about the actual shooting by cop #2 is less than objective. But the story was about the firing of the first officer, who did as his training dictated and correctly assessed the situation. I'm not really certain what the grounds for his firing were - again possibly a fault of the author.


I read another article about the firing. To summarize (days later, so a bit imprecise): It seems the officer was still new and on his probationary status and the reason given was poor judgement. So, it was actually a BS reason, the author of the ACLU article just didn't find time to squeeze in a couple of lines to cover that while searching for ways to make it all about race.


Edit: As for the according to his training part: maybe so, maybe not. It's possible he actually violated his civilian police training. Civilian police are a lot more quick to the trigger (by way of policy/training) than their military counterparts or even other MOS's serving in similar roles.

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Well, as if we needed a reminder how horrible some folks are...




If you're the praying type, you might want to send up for the families of the victims and those injured

Just heard about this. After going through the IRA bombings and shootings I am rather deadened to the idea of mass killings in Britain. However this is pretty bad. Aside from stadium fires and Hillsborough this is the highest casualty count we have had from an incident at a venue. There are several grounds that hold more like the NEC in Birmingham and Wembley in London. Other artists might have attracted a larger crowd and as this is just before Glastonbury this will have a knock on effect. Ariana Grande is now going to carry this with her as a legacy. 

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I also knew I'd find an article like this one.


The Slate article eventually meanders around to the point that Bem's publication had a big impact on how research is viewed in the psychology community. It buries it under a huge, steaming pile of bad writing, but it does sort of make the same point as the above article. (Without mentioning the journal's second publication pointing out that Bem's results weren't repeatable and therefore weren't valid.) But that's Slate for you.

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She and her fans must pose a really grave threat to ISIS for them to target her concert like that.


There is no curse in Elvish, Entish, or the tongues of Men for the cowardice that monsters like this display. At least I, for one, cannot articulate in any way the depth of absolute hatred that I feel for these...like I said, words cannot even convey.

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I mean, I'd still like to show them my power tool collection, ...

Carthago delenda est. Back them into their last little hole. Break their last strength of arms. Kill all the males, young ones first. Give the females the option of death or being sold into slavery. Destroy all their works, no two stones atop each other. Poison the soil of their homeland so the ground defiled by their birth cannot bear any fruit ever again. Eradicate them so completely that in a century, scholars will have pointless and futile debates about what language they used. Make them one with smallpox, but this time have the b---s to break into the bioweapons labs, seize the last reservoirs of their loathesome existence, and feed those to a plasma furnace, reducing it to less than its component atoms.

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