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If I may conflate the last 2 posts...


Cygnia's article shows why Pariah's article is never going to work.  Cygnia's article demonstrates the lack of rationality on the right;  Mr. P's is an exercise in rationality.  


The Republicans and their propaganda engine disguised as news media, peddle a mix of fear, exaggeration, and dismissal.  They play purely on emotion, and that's almost impossible to counter with rationality.


Upside:  the NRA's membership itself is declining.  This may tie into LL's point from earlier...their complete refusal to ever even *consider* tightening gun laws is hard to support in the face of so many dead kids.  This makes some sense to be the more convincing crack in the Republican armor, and getting some people to turn away from them.


We can hope, but I'll believe it when the elections show it.  Because  they're still nominating the Vance types.  Not all the time, it's by no means a lock-step, but still fairly often.

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4 hours ago, Cygnia said:


In case you're wondering how serious a crime this was?  Very.

The sentencing guideline appears to be 15 years.  The idiot is 18, too, so he'll be prosecuted as an adult.


The law's wording doesn't appear to give the defense much room at all.  The fact that they're airguns doesn't matter;  many such look *quite* realistic, and that constitutes a believable threat.  20-odd years ago, maybe the "where's the nearest school" might've been taken as a joke...but rarely so now, and 3 days after Uvalde....HECK no.

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16 minutes ago, Cygnia said:


Translation:  bunkering down.  It won't help them;  I've yet to see anything but "they totally blew it" WRT their handling of the situation.  But can you really fire the entire PD of the town?  Who's gonna replace them?


In other news, it's possible that Putin's going full-on Blofeld.  The Russian war effort is still doing...poorly, altho they are advancing.  From an NYT story, Putin replaced the commander, but the new guy....



Soon after his arrival, General Dvornikov tried to get disjointed air and land units to coordinate their attacks, American officials said. But he has not been seen in the past two weeks, leading some officials to speculate as to whether he remains in charge of the war effort.



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If at first you don't succeed, cheat:


‘It’s going to be an army’: Tapes reveal GOP plan to contest elections



Video recordings of Republican Party operatives meeting with grassroots activists provide an inside look at a multi-pronged strategy to target and potentially overturn votes in Democratic precincts: Install trained recruits as regular poll workers and put them in direct contact with party attorneys.




Penniman, the election watchdog, believes the strategy is designed to create enough disputes to justify intervention by GOP-controlled state legislatures, who declined to take such steps in 2020.

“Come election day you create massive failure of certification” in Democratic precincts, Penniman said. “The real hope is that you can throw the choosing of electors to state legislatures.”


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26 minutes ago, Cygnia said:


The more of this crap the extreme conservatives shovel, the more people will see it for what it is. Not all, but everything helps. As I mentioned upthread, I hope everything that's happened recently, on all fronts, is leading to a critical mass of realization that will sink the GOP.

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19 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


The more of this crap the extreme conservatives shovel, the more people will see it for what it is. Not all, but everything helps. As I mentioned upthread, I hope everything that's happened recently, on all fronts, is leading to a critical mass of realization that will sink the GOP.


One would hope, but I'm not so optimistic. When people claim that wearing mask is the same as raping your children (my sister actually witnessed this months ago), it tells me people have stopped listening to reason in favor of whatever fits their narrative, no matter how crazy the idea sounds.

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US agrees to send Ukraine long range missiles after getting promised the missiles WON'T target inside Russia.


That may be asking too much. Knocking out a few rail bridges would do a lot more than, say, the same number of tanks.


I am concerned about attrition here. As near as I can tell, Ukraine kills about 3 Russian soldiers for every 1 soldier Ukraine loses. But, Russia has 3 soldiers for every 1 Ukraine has, so that math is fine by Russia.


Ukraine kills a bunch of tanks, but Russia doesn't care because they have loads of them. They can accept the loss.

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12 minutes ago, Sociotard said:

US agrees to send Ukraine long range missiles after getting promised the missiles WON'T target inside Russia.


That may be asking too much. Knocking out a few rail bridges would do a lot more than, say, the same number of tanks.


I am concerned about attrition here. As near as I can tell, Ukraine kills about 3 Russian soldiers for every 1 soldier Ukraine loses. But, Russia has 3 soldiers for every 1 Ukraine has, so that math is fine by Russia.


Ukraine kills a bunch of tanks, but Russia doesn't care because they have loads of them. They can accept the loss.


All true, but the difference is that Ukraine can resupply (thanks to Western support) while the Russians cannot.  As it is, Russia is currently rushing unmodified T-62 tanks--so designated because they entered service around 1962--to the front because 1/3 of all Russian tanks have been destroyed or captured in Ukraine.


The 70km "short" ranged MLRS/HIMARS missile system is still much longer ranged than tube artillery.  Detailed twitter thread.  Looks like it will still take three weeks to get the Ukrainians trained up though.

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Heller vs. DC ruled that it is  indeed an individual right, but not unlimited. So, his points are moot.


On the bright side, since stare decisis is about to be tossed out the window with women's right to regulate their own wombs, Heller might one day be reversed.


The conservative court kind of shot themselves in the foot on that one. (Pun intended.)

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June 2, 2022 on the NYT podcast/radio program The Daily: California has been passing gun control laws for decades and... they work. At least, in 2020 the rate of gun death in Cali was 8.5 per 100,000 compared to over 13 per 100k in the US as a whole.


Here's how they did it. And (hee hee!) Ronald Reagan was part of it.




Dean Shomshak

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Our old friend teh bunneh dropped this joke on the Book of Face. It's too politically charged to post in the Jokes thread. Also, it's bad. Really bad.



Q: Why don’t Uvalde cops need to wear a condom?


A: Because they refuse to come inside, and when they’re finished you won’t have any kids!


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Comedian Stunned After Asking Man In Confederate Flag Shirt If He’s Pro-Slavery


In a presumed attempt to get the man to see his reasoning, Selvig then asked him if he was “pro-slavery.”

“No comment,” the man said. “But thank you for the interview.”

As the man began to walk away, Selvig reached for him and said: “I’ll give you one more chance — pro- or anti-slavery?”


“No comment,” the man said again. Selvig looked flabbergasted.

“I’ll give you one more opportunity,” Selvig said as the man began to shake his head, “to say if you’re pro- or anti-slavery.”

“No, I don’t … no comment,” the man said and walked away.


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23 minutes ago, Cygnia said:


On the one hand, IMO wearing Confederate symbols is siding with racism and white supremacy by definition.


On the other, give it up.  The man said no comment.  Asking the second is deliberately baiting;  the third, attempting to incite.  It's as out of line as Kevin Hart's "joke."  


On Uvalde:  even a Texas police union is urging cooperation with the investigation.



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