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Everything posted by IndianaJoe3

  1. Some of the magic systems in Fantasy Hero modify spell costs in some way. Lex Magisterium uses a divisor.
  2. I remember a similar topic coming up in the Fantasy Hero forum, but I can't find the thread. The character in question could teleport to his sword, or teleport the sword to him. I modeled teleporting to the sword asTeleport, to a fixed location, with a Limitation based on the fact that the character couldn't control the location, or the location would be where the character already was. "Teleporting the sword to the character" was handled by not simply buying the sword as a Focus. If the object in question isn't built as a power in its own right (like a pouch, or some other mundane object), it gets much more complicated.
  3. Your character can use the maneuvers with any attack defined as a bow. It can be the character's Multipower, a bow taken off a villain, or something from the sporting goods section of Walmart. As long as the player and GM agree that it's a bow, the character can use the maneuvers.
  4. There are two, contradictory things happening: The more rounds you put down range, the more likely you are to hit the target. A gun firing fully automatic is difficult to control, making it harder to keep it aimed at the target. Autofire is trying to model both those things at once.
  5. If most people in the campaign have one (driver's license), then it's free. If the character doesn't receive a definable benefit from it (license to practice medicine, a passport in a game without much international travel), it's free. If it's absence makes the game less fun, it's free. The flip side of this is that a perk that costs points should let the character do something significant that others cannot. A press pass lets the character into public briefings and ask questions. A law license can let the character talk to prisoners ("I'm his lawyer.") Local police powers let you arrest people, and so on.
  6. I favor buying the base attack as being a standard half-phase attack, and using increasing levels of Extra Time on each additional die to represent charging up. For example: 8d6 Blast, +1d6 (Delayed Phase), +1d6 (Delayed Phase and Full Phase), +1d6 (Extra Segment), +1d6 (Full Phase, Delayed Phase) The character can have an 8d6 Blast that goes of on his DEX, a 9d6 Blast that goes at half his DEX, a 10d6 Blast that takes a Full Phase at half his DEX, an 11d6 attack that lands during the next Segment (like a Haymaker), or a 12d6 Blast that activates on the character's next phase.
  7. That's better than Slippery Eel (which is what I was using).
  8. I created a martial art designed to evade and escape from opponents, rather than defeat them in combat. It was taught by the thieves guild in a fantasy game. It had (IIRC), Martial Block, Martial Dodge, Passing Throw, Martial Escape, and Martial Disarm. I never came up with a name I was happy with, though.
  9. I've been trying to think of ways to keep the supposed benefit of the EC (keeps the candidates from pandering to densely populated areas), while making it harder to game the system and win the EC while losing the popular vote. My current suggestion would be to divide the US into Presidential Voting Blocks. These would be 53 special districts, with borders drawn to be both compact and equal in population. The candidate winning the majority of those districts (or, in the case of multiple candidates, at least a plurality) of those districts wins the Presidency.
  10. They all poll pretty well among American voters, less so with political pundits.
  11. What radical elements? The ones that think that taxation should return to Eisenhower levels? The ones that think that cops should be penalized for bad behavior? That health care shouldn't be for-profit? That violent people shouldn't have access to guns? That corporations shouldn't be allowed to ruin the environment (or the economy) for their own profit? That the government should provide some sort of post-secondary education? That we fight in too many damn wars? That corporations get subsidized for doing what they would do anyway? That government should help people that need help? That all US citizens should be allowed to vote?
  12. I am (slowly) writing, as a fan project, Champions Lite. It is intended to be a free, simplified version of Champions. It will, naturally, be incomplete, with abridged lists of skills, powers, power modifiers, and complications. However, the core will be Hero, and every Champions Lite character will be usable, unmodified, with the full version.
  13. From last Sunday's Cyrodil raid (Elder Scrolls Online PvP): "Exploding chickens FTW!"
  14. I'll say, "probably." The design exercise was, "Can I create a viable superhero concept on 175 points?" I don't think I could have had all four powers, at an effective level, without using the Multipower.
  15. I once created a character with a telekinetic Multipower. It had a Blast, TK, Flight, and a force field. The blast and TK were fixed slots, but the Flight and force field were variable. I don't remember exactly how large the pool was, but it was not large enough to run both fixed slots at the same time. The idea was that he would be using either the blast or TK in combat, and balancing mobility with defense for the remainder of the pool. I don't know how it would have worked in play (it was a design exercise), but the concept seemed viable.
  16. I ran into the same problem with Light spells in my Vancian magic system. Each individual spell is a slot in the Spellbook multipower. High-AP spells take up more points in the pool, restricting the amount of other spells the mage can have memorized.
  17. If a character has paid character points for a weapon, do they need to buy a Weapon Element to use martial art maneuvers both barehand and with that weapon? (Assume a superheroic setting, if it makes a difference.)
  18. It's much the same. The book doesn't have anything that the Youtube channel doesn't. Of course, when civilization collapses, the book will be much more accessible.
  19. Doubtful. A substantial number of them are there because they promised to be silly twits. (I suspect we disagree on which ones they are.)
  20. I received an Instant Pot and John Plant's Primitive Technology. I'm ready for anything.
  21. Depends on the player and the group. "Photoreactive visor" (Flash Defense) and, "Thermal Imaging" (IR Vision) are both part of my standard, "Combat Helmet" powers.
  22. The flip side to this is, "Are these skills sufficiently useful to be worth three points each?" From Phil's example, Breakfall is almost certainly worth three points. Characters get knocked down all the time. Is Acrobatics as useful? If not, maybe they should be combined. I feel that there has been a lot of, "splitting skills for concept" without analyzing if the resulting parts are actually worth the extra cost.
  23. I tend to buy body armor and such as Unbreakable Foci. They can still be destroyed deliberately out of combat (or by excessive damage in combat, GM's prerogative), but they don't stop working simply because a little bit of damage gets through.
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