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What's *your* superpower?

teh bunneh

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


I have the streetlamps thing too, but I've bought it as a Distinctive Feature (I seem to have the same effect on automatic sprinkler systems, though I haven't determined the connection).



My actual Powers are:


Eiditic Memory (only for movie plots & dialog and RPG rules)


+10 COM & Seduction 16-, both requiring me to already have an SO. I've also found I can simulate this power by pretending I'm gay, so it might just have Variable Limitations.


LS: Immunity to most drugs, particulary anestetic (sp?), Only To Reduce Effect By Half (either that and/or an appropriate amount of Power Defense, Always On). Something like 8 shots of novicane last dentist visit and I still felt the drill (only tickled a bit by that point though).

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


My real superpower:


Disaster Repellent: 12d6 Suppress vs Natural Disasters Effects, all at once, Area Effect: Hex, Megascale 1"=10 km, No Range, 0 END, Persistent, Always On


Distaster Luck: 8d6 Luck, Only vs. Natural Disasters


I've always suspected it, but I had it confirmed during our recent spat of hurricanes. They were all supposed to hit me, and some did, but my immediate vicinity was left relatively unscathed everytime. Down the street could be a disaster, but I'd be fine. Hurricanes, blizzards, earthquakes...I always narrowly evade them.


You can see it's very expensive. that's ok, because I have a ton of disads... :rolleyes:

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


im pretty sure i have a couple of die of luck because im always finding money when i need it. I think I also have a die of unluck to balance it out though.


Bump of direction I remeber the first time I visited LA and came within 200 yards of the front door of the only person i knew in the entire city entirely by accident if it wasn't for the seductive sight of the beverly hills shopping mall I'd have probably walked right past his house.


also major transform contents of the average student kitchen into passible meal[trust me this is not easy especially near the end of term]

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


Ok, here's mine.


Hopeless Dreamer/Depressed Realist: 15 points of Mental Defense, Lim: Only to prevent moods from changing by outside sources.


Body Fat LS: Does not need to eat, Fuel Charge


Unimportant Invisible to Normal Sight & Normal Hearing, No Conscious Control


Why can I remember that? Edetic Memory, No Conscious Control


Women want me as their friend Mind Control, Area Effect, Invisible, Set Effect: Women want me as their friend and confide in me. (Trust me, it's not as great as it seems) Additional dice bought with OIF: Wedding Ring

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


My superpower is THE VOICE. I have a voice that is deep and loud, and I constantly strive to keep it at an acceptable level. If I need to, however, I can make myself heard in the most crowded room, make someone next to me cover their ears, or intimidate others who are looking to pick a fight with me or others. I have on several occasions, stopped a shouting match between strangers on the verge of a fistfight, just by yelling, "HEY!".

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


Do perqs count? If so:

Contact: Godess of the Parking Spaces 14-


Otherwise, just:

NightSight: +2 perception, only to counter darkness penalties.


Immunity to mosquitos (This one I got when I was 17. I noticed that my little brother was immune to them and decided that it was unfair, so I decided to be immune, too.)


Unearthly Calm: +10 presence, +5 ego, only when injured. When my hand went into the table-saw, I'm the one who kept everyone calm and got things coordinated to get me to the hospital.

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


My powers:


Enhanced Visioin (can see pretty well in near total darkness)


The mutant ability to kill any conversation I join by only saying one line (and not even using anything gross or unrelated to the topic)


Trustworthy Face (people feel they can tell me all their problems and think I will magically wave my hands and fix everything)

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


Shouldn't that be 'Marital Dodge'? ;)


Lately, I seem to have ...

10d6 Mind Control, Only to piss off, No Conscious Control, Incantations. Everything I say is wrong. :(



Damn you, CorsshairCollie... I should have thought of that! Daaaaaamn Yoooooooou! ;)



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Re: What's *your* superpower?


I have several super powers.



Suppress Laughter 15d6 uncontroled (Joke Killer)


2d6 NND explosion no range personal immunity Uncontroled (Defense is holding your breath) (toxic Gas)


Skill levels +2 extra time 2 hours (Mad Thinker)


I also have the ability to take most Champions caharacters and make them more powerful with fewer points completely within the rules and in keeping with the idea of the character (linked to Mad Thinker)

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


Precognition (No Conscious Control, only useless information. (used to be 'Only in Dreams' but I musta put points into it without knowing).


Detect spelling/grammar/logic mistakes (Usable only on others).


Good listener (Mind control, IPE, Incantations, Set effect (Trust me with your deepest secrets)


Just one of the gals (Mind control, Always on, IPE, Only on women around my age, Set Effect (Only to make women forget I'm actually male).


Unbreakable mind (Ego +50, only to defend against the psychological effects of 'disturbing revelations')


Odorless Man (Invisible to Smell group (possibly taste, no-ones told me), Always on.)


Eidetic Memory (Only for useless trivia related to movies/RPGs/music lyrics/etc.)

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Re: What's *your* superpower?



My superpower?


20/15 Eyesight, Enhanced Senses, Enhanced Perception (+1 to PER Roll, Sight), Telescopic (+2 to PER Rolls, only to offset the Range Modifier) (4 Character Points)




I have that one as well, in addition to:


Personal Bread Trail Bump of Direction, Only to places I've been before (Really useful in shopping malls)


Positive Computer Aura 5 5-point Skill Levels, Computer Related Skills, Usable Against Others, Only to make make computers work right (-1/4) (Computers myseriously seem to work beter around me)


Counter-Act Negative Computer Aura 5 5-point Penalty Skill Levels, Related Anti-Computer Related Skills (Computers work better around me, even if the person having the problem has a Negative Computer Aura) Activation Roll 14- (usually, but not always)



Furthermore, I've discovered that the lovely lady I'm married to has:


LS: Immune to Jet-Lag




LS: Immune to Negative Effects of Time-Zone Changes


(She one flew from Alabama to South Korea and felt absolutely no effects from either the trip or the 15 hour time difference)

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


What are friends for?: Detect Personality Strengths and Flaws (Sight and Hearing group): RSR - Conversation, Sense, Analyze, Discriminatory.


I don't have a sweet tooth, I have a HOT tooth!: Immunity: Hot/Spicy Foods


Stop it, you're impressing me to death...: 5d6 Major Mental Transform: Penetrating, Radius, Damage Shield, 0-End, Persistent, Selective Target, Only to remove Psych Lims like Arrogant, Overconfident, Megalomania, etc., RSR - Conversation

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  • 6 years later...

Re: What's *your* superpower?


Super-Willpower: +30 CON, only to stay conscious during work-related tasks. (-1)


Super-Creativity: +15 INT, only to come up with 'off the beaten path' ideas that make great stories and superhero adventures (-1)


Super Fashion Sense: +5 to all KS: Fashion Rolls, Requires appropriate materials and Focus of Opportunity (-1/2), and +5 to PS: Salesmanship rolls, only in the fashion industry (-1), Requires appropriate materials and focus of opportunity (-1/2)

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


10D6 Mind control always on, persistent. zero end. Only vs pretty girls. Only for this command: "Do not give Pizza Man the time of day."


I lucked out with my wife, she has a lot of mental defense and unluck. Either that or God wanted to punish her for some reason. Ah, and she has striking appearance too!


and right now I'm under the effects of Summon killer cold, works on others, armor piercing vs spouses.

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Re: What's *your* superpower?


I have +2d6 Striking Appearance, only vs. gay men. This would be sweet, if I were gay.


+3 levels with pouring liquids so that they don't spill, even into narrow necked bottles.


Eidetic Memory, only to recall where things are. I never misplace my keys, but oddly my memory sucks for things like birthdays and places and such. (My wife has the reverse; she can tell you the exact date we went on vacation 10 years ago, but she spends several minutes every morning trying to find her keys/purse/security badge or whatever).


LS: Immunity to poison ivy. (I have never had a case of poison ivy, but I haven't purposedly rolled in it either to test this out. But my father can weed poison ivy with his bare hands without effect, so I like to think I inherited that trait).

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