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If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Cloak - super-cool darkness powers and dealing with the 'beast within'


Nighthawk from the Squadron Supreme - flying winged gadgeteers have to overcome super-powered criminals with flair and likely being under-powered


Black Knight/Valkyrie - Magic Sword, flying horse, armor . Pretty cool combination for a regular guy with regular problems and he'd have the added bonus of trying to deal with energy blasters and bricky-powerhouses.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


It's be a toss up between:


The Thing

Been a Grimm fan since Marvel Two-in-One.



Because of the 'tude (man ... what it it with archers and attitude?;))



A big Petey fan since GSXM#1 ;)



Like Kurt's Piousness and always found it interesting when used in stories.



Not a huge fan of the "Wolverine's here, we can go home" Logan, but rather the Wolverine that was around circa the 170s-220s of UXM.



A friend once told me I'd play him well ...



Almost forgot him ... always been a fav o' mine ;)

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Spider-Man. THE Marvel character. I build so many cheap ripoffs, would be fun to play the original. Wiseacre, brick with awesome gadgets, danger sense, amazing agility, wall crawling, good scientist and detective...I'm there.


Thing. Man-in-a-monster, gruff exterior with heart of gold. One of the most experienced heroes around, amazing how smart he can be when he can't just let Reed do all the thinking.


Colossus. Another tough as nails brick, but with the soul of an artist and able to change to pass for human, though still treated as a monster by some due to being a mutant. Able to be superheroic knight in shining armor to Nightcrawler's swashbuckler. Plus get to say things like "Da", "Tovarisch", "By the White Wolf", etc. :P


Ant-Man. Gotta give Pym some love. Abilities that are hard for baddies to fully plan for and stop, often a key to the Avengers' victories. Comes up with some bizarre but brilliant stuff.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


It occurs to me that we have all overlooked perhaps the single most important thing to consider when choosing a Marvel universe character, namely: "Which character gets to smack Wolverine around the most?"


Hmm...may have to change my vote to Cyclops. :D

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


It occurs to me that we have all overlooked perhaps the single most important thing to consider when choosing a Marvel universe character' date=' namely: [i']"Which character gets to smack Wolverine around the most?"[/i]


Hmm...may have to change my vote to Cyclops. :D


Just play Jean Grey and constantly spurn him. :eg:

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Dr. Strange, for pretty much everything. The 'Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth', the kick-butt cloak, the tea with extra-dimensional entities...

Silver Surfer, for the ex-Herald angst.

Cloak, for the powers, the angst, the super-hot partner.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Top three:


The Thing is number one for a variety of reasons which have all been touched on here already.


I've always been a huge Iceman fan too. His powers have so much potential and such a strong visual impression. Plus, he's more resistant to the mutant misery than the others. (Or has that changed recently?)


I think Cyclops could be fun, but it would have to be the confident professional Cyclops, not the brooding angsty Cyclops.


Also would consider Mr. Fantastic, Nova and Thor.






Or Speedball :D

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


First choice would be Mimic from the Exiles.

Second choice would be Captain America.

Third choice would be..... ... .... Having a hard time coming up with a third Marvel character I like enough to play. Maybe Dazzler or Nocturne or Nightcrawler.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…




1) Captain Britain shortly after Alan Davis revamped him. A little headstrong, but a diehard hero who never surrenders.


2) Guardian from Alpha Flight: Smart, tough, awesome battlesuit, excellent skills. Good man with a strong pride in his country and a huge sense of responsibility to the people. An awesome character killed off because John Byrne couldn't figure out what to do with a guy who wasn't a basketcase (Self admitted by Byrne BTW)


3) Nova for most of the reasons mentioned.


Big shock, 2 of my top 3 are flagsuits. ;)

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Another Nightcrawler fan. Interesting powers, and he's just a swell guy to be around.


The religiosity that has cropped up in later versions of him might be a tricky play, 'cause I'm areligious.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…




Because the idea of giving a teenager that much power is cool. He also grew as the New Warriors grew. I really liked it. The costume changes sucked though.




I wanna have the power of Thor, but I do not want the fashion victum stuff. LOL. I loved the ideas and potential of the character and never really explored fully.




Legacy Heroes, I love them. Captain Marvel was the greatest and the idea was cool. Psychotic Episodes aside, I liked it. I am not sure his Thunderbolts appearence.


Thor - Thunderstike



Iron Man - WarMachine



Captain America - USAgent



Hank Pym - Giant Man (Hawk Eye)








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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…




1) Captain Britain shortly after Alan Davis revamped him. A little headstrong, but a diehard hero who never surrenders.


2) Guardian from Alpha Flight: Smart, tough, awesome battlesuit, excellent skills. Good man with a strong pride in his country and a huge sense of responsibility to the people. An awesome character killed off because John Byrne couldn't figure out what to do with a guy who wasn't a basketcase (Self admitted by Byrne BTW)


3) Nova for most of the reasons mentioned.


Big shock, 2 of my top 3 are flagsuits. ;)


Well, Nova's technically a Xandarian flagsuit, right? :D

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Same as the DC thread: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1057924#post1057924


If you had to play a Marvel character, whom would you choose as your character... AND WHY?


You may make these assumptions:


1. This is a multi-player game (5-8 players)

2. The setting is the Marvel Universe

3. You may choose any HERO in the Marvel Universe to play.

4. Point totals will reflect the character in ANY continuity (point equity is not an issue)



I'm trying to piece together the most popular types of characters for an upcoming gaming endeavor. It’s important that you be as honest with your choice as possible.


I, for one, have different answers to this question on different days. Thus I realize that this is a snapshot of your preferences today and that tomorrow you may change your mind. However, I’ve also been around comic book fans a long time, and each fan seems to carry with them a certain fascination or connection with one character despite changing fads. It’s that character that I’m looking for.


It’s important that you complete your choice by answering WHY you chose that character. Feel free to debate the choices if you wish.


I'd like to thanks for all for your help in advance.


- GA

Cap, 'cause Cap is cool...a martail artist/Demi brick (one of my favorite types)...And about as "Heroic" as they come...plus a cool "look"

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Nightcrawler, hands down. Absolute favorite character ever, with a great mix of powers and an interesting background that provides for awesome role playing opportunities. He's also a capable leader and a damn fine martial artist.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Weapon Alpha. No, not Guardian, inventor and father figure to Wolverine in yet another strained addition to Wolverine's backstory, but the original Weapon Alpha as depicted in his first appearance, a fellow Canadian agent who got picked to be the suit jock because Wolverine deserted and still feels a bit of resentment because, being only human, he came in second in spy class. He was retconned into a very different character but I liked the original because he represented my country, because I like the idea that the guy you send out into combat is not the irreplaceable genius who invented your unique technology, because he wasn't annoyingly perfect like Captain America or a total headcase like other flag heroes, his power suit's mixture of strength, durability, ranged attack and mobility is just about perfect, and of course he gave Wolverine a pounding, which is always good.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Spider-Man: Good powerset and lots of fun noncombat storylines.


The Thing: Nice simple powers and it would be fun to whine and moan about being a monster and a freak and then when "it's clobberin' time", go into action.


Nightcrawler: Teleportation is cool and playing the swashbuckler (with much more depth underneath) would be a lot of fun.


Hawkeye: It can be fun to play the more-or-less normal guy in the crowd of supers.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


Tony Stark / Iron Man: Because he was my favorite back when I read the comics late 1960s to the early 1990s.


Captain America: My second choice because my dad was a WWII vetran and Captain America was active then and about as much of a patriot as you can be.


Spider Man: Because back then Peter Parker was just an all around likable fellow.


I really have no idea what went on with these characters after sometime around 1993.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I would play Iron Man. He's powerful, versatile, chock full o' useful non-combat skills & perks, he's got oodles of fun Psych and Soc Lims for roleplaying... And, best of all, I'd be able to fly around blasting my favorite Black Sabbath song.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


If I had to pick a Marvel Character......


1. It would have to be The Original Human Torch, he was an android that had the heart and soul of a man. He was nobel, honorable, and a WW II hero. He was the influance for Johnny Storm.

2. Or I might pick The Beast, a genius, a well-dressed mutant, semi-brick with fantastic agility and a unique fighting style. He is the quite steddy X-Man that all of the others look to.

3. Or I might pick Mar-Vell, The first Captain Marvel of the marvel universe. A Kree warrior that found he had more in common with Earth humans then he's own people. A man that before he died was able to go toe-to-toe with Cosmic threats. In the issues he lay dieing you saw the man inside the hero, they were one in the same.

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


I think it goes without saying who my first choice would be... (and second, and third...)


Seriously, though - Spider-man really sets the shining standard against which all other superheroes are based (for me). I really have a hard time creating Champs characters (for myself anyway) without clinging, super agility, some level of scientific expertise, and super speed...


Second choice? Tough call. Assuming Miguel O'Hara isn't an option, maybe Quicksilver - I'm a huge fan of speedsters too. Playing out the frustration of living your entire life in the equivalent of a bank line could be fun.


I know a fair bit about Daredevil, too - so I could at least take a stab at playing him in character accurately (plus Matt's pretty cool in his own right).

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Re: If You Had To Play a Marvel Character…


My first choice would be Shang Chi... as if he was played by Jet Li and approaching 40 something and gets pulled back into the games of death and deciet. But that is a really difficult character to put into anything but a team of espionage oreinted teammates.


2nd choice: Scott Summers/Cyclops. Being anal and in love with a fiery woman somehow appeals to me. Oh, and be able to sink every ball on the pooltable with one optic blast... that's cool too.

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