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When you know you're dying of cancer, and you have some shreds of integrity and wan hopes for your species and your world, you tell the truth. No matter -- indeed, despite -- how much the petroleum profiteers have tried to suppress you. He's only a few months older than I am, but he's worked harder on the problems that interest him, and his entire field has been unrelenting vicious attack by soulless fat cats and their tools.


And he still has more hope and faith than I do.



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Stay safe Yanks with that storm coming in.


Here among the people of the great twisting river, amid the foothills of the Eastern mountains, the wintertime has seeded white the earth upon which we trod. These are the summerlands, and we know the ways of the white not. Our mighty steeds try to heed our direction, but their purchase upon the ice and snow is not as it would be in the sun filled moments, and so our riders pull too hard, or not hard enough on the reigns causing chaos along the roads we thought we knew so well. Plaintively we call upon our gods, and some have considered finding unsullied virgins to lay upon a rock in sacrifice, but we have already used them to no avail in our attempts to win the great drawing of lots, and perhaps to gain favor (Again to no avail) for our athletes in contests of strength and skill with their colorful helms! A brave people we, but the white unmans us, makes us skittish, and so we have descended upon the grocers like flocks of underfeathered ravens to pluck all bread from their wares. Eggs too, we have taken, for when the people of the Summerlands see the touch of winter, mad we become with ill omens and dark broodings of starvation. Little Debbie, our village protector, has left some of her sugary sweet mana on the shelves for when the bread is gone, so for now we survive.


This is the way of things.


In a moon or two, the unwelcome Winter will flee us as if it never was, and we shall be the Summerlands once more, where warriors will test their courage by walking up to sweaty ogres and asking "Hot enough for you?"

Battle may ensue

That too, is the way of things.

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Wow, now its flooding in Jersey. Those people have had some tough times. :(

I had a con call with some guys in Jersey on Friday. They were anxious to get home and beat the storm. I asked them why people live there and they said "we like it here". I wonder if they still do.

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As for the Oscars (and the 500 hundred other hollywood award shows)...I will focus on REAL minority causes like police assassinations of young black men, thank you very much.  Pretentious pampered rich people giving silly statues to other pretentious pampered rich people based on total subjectivity in razor specific genres (no comedies, no action movies, no martial movies, no horror movies, etc.).

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