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[Police brutality] American injustice, yet again.


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An overreaction to a college student just shy of the legal drinking age (which I believe is a touch high, given that you can own vote, own firearms, and join the military at eighteen years of age) that didn't resist with force, ending with a nasty gash, basically.


Just because there are other gross abuses of authority we've talked about, doesn't mean that comparatively minor offenses aren't also worthy of disgust.

I agree with you on the age issue.   More info needed on the story. 

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As public ire rises regarding what appears to be a clear pattern of misconduct, I wonder when we will begin to see a public push for legislative action. Body cameras, restrictions on the use of force, etc.


I imagine it could well be done at a local level.


Yep, I could see that.  All citizens required to wear body cameras that can record their slightest misdeeds to back up their arrests.  Restrictions put in place to forbid defending themselves at all.  And if you can't afford a body camera and don't wear one?  Well, you're probably actually trying to hide something.  That's probable cause for arrest right there.


Oh, wait, you were talking about body cameras for the police.  Ah, sorry.  Sometimes my cynical side gets the better of me.

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Pulling from the article:


"Brelo was indicted because he jumped on the hood and fired 15 rounds through the windshield after the car had stopped and the two suspects, driver Timothy Russell, 43, and passenger Malissa Williams, 30, no longer posed a threat..."


These are the kinds of people we have "protecting us".


La Rose. 


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Woman Held Eight Days In NYC Psych Ward For Saying Obama Followed Her On Twitter


Part of her therapy involved getting her to retract her claim that Obama followed her.


The word "inexcusable" does not even begin to describe these actions.

After an experience like that, she probably needs a shrink, but probably isn't going to go to one, either.  She had to refute her entire identity or they wouldn't believe she was sane.  Un-spanking-believable.  They should accept any demand for damages she offers.  Any at all.  The jury award will be worse.

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"Brelo was indicted because he jumped on the hood and fired 15 rounds through the windshield after the car had stopped and the two suspects, driver Timothy Russell, 43, and passenger Malissa Williams, 30, no longer posed a threat..."[/size]

Geez, did he then throw his gun down, rip off his shirt, and give a bellow of victory? Or did he coolly blow the smoke off the muzzle and then twirl the gun as he reholstered? What a badass. /sarcasm.



Brelo fired 49 rounds that night, which meant he had to reload twice. Autopsies showed that Russell and Williams were each shot more than 20 times.

Dude's a walking John Woo film.

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Pulling from the article:


"Brelo was indicted because he jumped on the hood and fired 15 rounds through the windshield after the car had stopped and the two suspects, driver Timothy Russell, 43, and passenger Malissa Williams, 30, no longer posed a threat..."


These are the kinds of people we have "protecting us".


La Rose. 



From what I have read, Cleveland has a history of racial abuse by police.   I don't know how the population as a whole is.  


This could get interesting, due to the accusations of refusal to co-operate.   


That said, High speed pursuits seem to lead to tragedies far too often.  The level of adrenaline at the end of them is apparently frightening.   



A little more reading indicates it started when an officer thought he heard a gunshot from the victims car as it drove past him.  Speeds of 110 miles per hour, 20 miles, 23 minutes.  At least officially, no one knows why the victims did not pull over.   Both had criminal records, "The 43-year-old Russell had a criminal record including convictions for receiving stolen property and robbery. Williams, 30, had convictions for drug-related charges and attempted abduction."   but except for possibly the attempted abduction not the most heinous.   


At least the city has attempted to make changes.  5 supervisors were disciplined for dereliction of duty for not controlling the chase.  In total 12 supervisors were disciplined, two demoted and one fired.   64 or the 104 officers involved in the chase were disciplined for violations of departmental rules.   The city put into place a new policy on car chases that was already under development, but this accelerated its implementation. 


During the course of the chase, 104 of the 277 officers on duty that night were involved at some point or other.  


I suppose everyone is lucky bystanders were not killed during the chase.  

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