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57 minutes ago, Old Man said:

Trump was annihilated in three general election debates in 2016.  It didn't matter.


Only if you let logic enter the equation. He won unequivocally if you're going by playground bully rules. Which I think is an arena where Harris would hand him his head on a platter, judging by what she served up to Biden.

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Apparently she misunderstood a question


Not sure if this changes folks wanting to vote for her or not.


On other news related to her, apparently some are saying that because she is half Jamaican and Half Indian, she is not 'real American Black'. 🙄 

You know, I'm pretty sure the segregationists of her youth weren't much concerned with WHERE She got the skin tone from, just that she had it. That's kind of their narrowminded little M.O.



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21 hours ago, Dr.Device said:


(But occasionally the prescriptivist in me rears up and screams when someone uses "flaunt" for "flout".)




That's not fiddling around with gender suffixes or linguistic superfluity such as "irregardless," it's just plain the wrong word. It makes no more sense than using "block" for "black" and then muttering, "Well, they sound a lot the same."


Now, my mother goes nuts every time she reads or hears "looking to." At this point I just shake my head and move on, that battle is long lost.


Dean Shomshak

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19 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:


Only if you let logic enter the equation. He won unequivocally if you're going by playground bully rules. Which I think is an arena where Harris would hand him his head on a platter, judging by what she served up to Biden.


Biden was an easy target because he couldn't fight back too hard against a black woman and keep his liberal cred. If he'd been willing to punch back, he might have said something like, "Oh, I'm sorry I hurt your feelings. Do you think Donald Trump will be sorry when he hurts your feelings? Because he will. A lot. And on purpose. Are you sure you're ready for that? Because this campaign isn't going to be a polite debate, it's going to be a knife fight."


Though Biden didn't look like much of a knife fighter either. I can only hope Harris is deploying her alleged hurt feelings tactically and that she can manipulate Donald Trump as easily.


A political scientist interviewed on ATC said that presidential debates don't change anyone's minds anyway. By then, voters are all locked into their party preference. But I think they might help Dem voters decide whether to show up for the polls or stay home in apathy or discouragement.


Dean Shomshak

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I don't think debates are terribly meaningful to outcome, as noted earlier. The development of social media, the 24 hour news cycle, and similar pervasive political marketing pretty well assures individual exposure at a level that has never been possible before. Anyone tuning in at that point who is undecided is either being intentionally obtuse or frighteningly unqualified to even have an opinion. SNL did a skit on this. 


By the time debates roll around, there will be extensive coverage of all major policy issues. Hundreds of soundbites. Thousands of hours of "expert analysis".


And voters will almost certainly have largely already decided based on the amount of percieved impact the candidate will have on them personally. 

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55 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

I would not be at all surprised if Donald Trump refuses to hold any debates with the eventual Democratic candidate, for roughly that logic... which of course would have been spelled out for him by his campaign team. Who would also be concerned the President could be made to look a fool.

"Something something unreasonable Democratic conditions something unfair something something no debate something MAGA"

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Trump's up to his usual tricks, those tricks being 'easily disproven lies', claiming that Obama 'begged' North Korea for a meeting and they refused.  Former National Security advisor Susan Rice flat out called this claim 'horses**t', a statement   Former deputy national security advisor Ben Rhodes, national intelligence director James Clapper, and Gen. Michael Hayden, CIA director under W and for the first few weeks of the Obama administration, all backed Rice's statement.

For as much as people complain and joke about politicians lying ('His lips are moving!'), Trump gets off scot-free about it.  I'm sensing an odd non-logic here ... "We voted for Trump because he's not a politician, and politicians lie, so Trump must not be lying because he's not a politician'.  Never mind that I can guaran-goddamn-tee you that while a big-businessman isn't an elected official, they damn well play politics.

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On 6/28/2019 at 6:44 PM, Pariah said:

Debates (and the attendant results) only matter if you're willing to deal in facts. Debating someone who never rises above the level of "I know you are, but what am I?" is monumentally pointless.

Indeed. I'm reminded of the following quote:




Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

— Mark Twain




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It worries me that the American public, and to some extent the citizens of democracies elsewhere in the world, seem to be growing acclimatized to this sort of behavior from politicians. I really don't want Trump to become the standard for political conduct even after he's gone. :(

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