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13 minutes ago, unclevlad said:


On the one hand, IMO wearing Confederate symbols is siding with racism and white supremacy by definition.


On the other, give it up.  The man said no comment.  Asking the second is deliberately baiting;  the third, attempting to incite.  It's as out of line as Kevin Hart's "joke." 


The correct answer to "Are you against slavery?" is "Yes", not "No comment". 

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15 minutes ago, Old Man said:


The correct answer to "Are you against slavery?" is "Yes", not "No comment". 


Which invites the follow-on question of "well then why are you wearing the symbols of the slavery?"


The man has a right to refuse to answer...particularly when it's a blatant setup.  The other answer I'd also respect would've been "**** off."  


Just because we agree with Selvig, doesn't mean his tactics are acceptable.


The CMA is banning Confederate flag imagery because it's at least adjacent to hate speech, IMO.  Makes sense.  In a large gathering, where both sides are likely to be present, it'd be foolish to allow what would be such a potential flashpoint.  One can argue that they're singling out the Confederate flag, while seemingly allowing, say, BLM gear or LGBT/Pride gear, but that's false equivalency.

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3 minutes ago, Cygnia said:


They're holding him on the weapons charges...which seem rather clear-cut.  That should give them time to run a full background check, and the Interpol (presumed) fabrication, to file rather sharply amended charges later.


In some ways, just bringing in a BB gun feels stupider than bringing in real weapons.  With body armor?  No legit investigation justifying the use of body armor, is going to be carried out armed with only BB guns.  But hey, starting with the "I'm with Interpol, I'm doing an investigation" is MTG-end stupid.  Interpol would always, I believe, coordinate with local authorities to avoid jurisdictional disputes.  AND, when around the Capitol, the State Department would likely be involved.  There is NO way, IMO, that the man wouldn't have an escort.  

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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


Which invites the follow-on question of "well then why are you wearing the symbols of the slavery?"


The man has a right to refuse to answer...particularly when it's a blatant setup.  The other answer I'd also respect would've been "**** off."  


Just because we agree with Selvig, doesn't mean his tactics are acceptable.


The CMA is banning Confederate flag imagery because it's at least adjacent to hate speech, IMO.  Makes sense.  In a large gathering, where both sides are likely to be present, it'd be foolish to allow what would be such a potential flashpoint.  One can argue that they're singling out the Confederate flag, while seemingly allowing, say, BLM gear or LGBT/Pride gear, but that's false equivalency.


Yes, it was a setup. But that anyone in America would even hesitate to answer that question other than in the affirmative, underlines where we are today.


2 hours ago, Cygnia said:

Elsewhere in the world...

Putin fires five more generals: report


The Russian war effort may eventually collapse just from a lack of command staff.

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Nothing can make me more pissed off than I already am.  Course...I'd seen the 3rd, and the first two have been implied by other stories I've seen.


Does anyone think that *criminal negligence* charges might get filed against the Uvalde cops?  If nothing else, the chief.  Everyone else has chain of command issues, but not him.  Or SOME kind of serious, criminal charge.  I honestly don't know if it's plausible...as was pointed out, arguably it's not a violation of anything per se.  HORRIBLE misjudgement, sure, but whether that really rises to criminal?  OTOH, if there's a cover-up going on, that's a crime in its own right.


And this is just going to make this horrific incident drag on longer and longer, doing NO ONE any good.

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5 hours ago, Cygnia said:

Elsewhere in the world...

Putin fires five more generals: report


3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

The Russian war effort may eventually collapse just from a lack of command staff.


This is a little like how Colorado Rockies fans know their team isn't getting better anytime soon because you can't fire the owner.

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What I found interesting was that the 5 generals were from internal affairs.


Does that mean they were in charge of rooting out corruption and Putin is angry they let said corruption do so much damage to army preparedness?


Does that mean they were in charge of morale, and Putin is angry at the number of defections, men shooting themselves in the leg to go home, or refusing to go to war in the first place?

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In other news, there was a mass knifing incident in an LA hospital. This is just a few days after that spree shooting in Tulsa.




Was there ever a breakdown of mass-killing events by method and country? Comparing spree shooting, knifing, bombing, and vehicular slaughter?

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Putin's uglier than Palpitine.


I believe it was the Guardian that had the comment that Ukraine's actually, in some places, taking back territory.  Not simply that Russian objectives continue to shrink, and progress even then is slow.  Another article suggested that, not only are they losing staff officers...the mid level officers are almost certainly getting gutted too.  They're forced to be in the forward elements, and that's never a safe place to be.


Yeah, here it is.  Couple days old.  Goes into more of the argument than the story about the generals.



Yeah, they are all Ministry of Internal Affairs...click on the Pravda report.  That's the police...the other term for them is MVD.  So perhaps it's related to the leaks;  possibly also failures to squelch protests.

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26 minutes ago, Sociotard said:

In other news, there was a mass knifing incident in an LA hospital.


This is a different societal ill at work, I'm afraid. Constant source of danger at emergency rooms in cities that have become overrun with people experiencing homelessness and addiction. People frequently threaten and attack ER staff, including with weapons, up here, where we have similar problems. One perk of quitting my job: Less likely to end up stabbed or worse on any given day.

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46 minutes ago, Pattern Ghost said:


This is a different societal ill at work, I'm afraid. Constant source of danger at emergency rooms in cities that have become overrun with people experiencing homelessness and addiction. People frequently threaten and attack ER staff, including with weapons, up here, where we have similar problems. One perk of quitting my job: Less likely to end up stabbed or worse on any given day.

Congratulations on not being stabbed today!

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1 hour ago, Sociotard said:

In other news, there was a mass knifing incident in an LA hospital. This is just a few days after that spree shooting in Tulsa.




Was there ever a breakdown of mass-killing events by method and country? Comparing spree shooting, knifing, bombing, and vehicular slaughter?


That was more of a stub than an actual article, but it didn't mention anyone being killed. 

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2 hours ago, Old Man said:

Congratulations on not being stabbed today!


My last day was Wednesday. :rockon:


2 hours ago, Ranxerox said:

That was more of a stub than an actual article, but it didn't mention anyone being killed. 


Radio report at 10pm my time said all three victim (Dr. and two nurses) were in critical condition.





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Re: the Uvalde cops...


I've learned never to believe the first day's reporting on a mass shooting or other tragedy. Anything beyond the raw fact that it happened, and where it happened, is likely to be corrected later. For instance, IIRC for several hours after the Sandy Hook shooting, the shooter was mis-identified.


People are confused, or they fabulate what they think must have happened, or they flat out make stuff up and it gets repeated. But usually, within 24 hours the contradictory reports and rumors shake out and a reasonably consistent story emerges. I am generous enough to presume that the reporters are at least trying to find and report what's actually true. (Fox "News" always excepted, of course.)


But the Uvalde cops keep changing their story, or at least other people are coming forward to say No, it didn't happen that way at all, and everyone seems to be consistent except them. So even granted that everybody, everybody, spins to make themselves look good... they just keep looking worse and worse.


Just fess up, guys. No matter how bad you look when you immediately tell the truth, you always look worse after you're caught lying.


Dean Shomshak

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6 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:


Radio report at 10pm my time said all three victim (Dr. and two nurses) were in critical condition.



Well, hopefully they will survive and fully recover.  


I remember from my time working graveyard shift in the transfusion department that people can get a surprising number of stab wounds and live.   I remember on guy who came in with over 40 stab wounds and pulled through.  Crazy right?  

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On 5/30/2022 at 7:08 AM, Starlord said:


Apparently, people who actually know Ms Taylor-Greene, say that she is intelligent and a savvy media manipulator.  I'm strongly inclined to believe this.


She is known to be one of the GOP's top fund raisers.  Her base feels enormous resentment towards the democrats and the "costal elites" who they believe look down on them and mock them. So when people dogpile and ridicule MTG over a mispronunciation or an incorrect word choice, they identify with and love her more.  That Gestapo/gazpacho mix-up and the resulting field day that that liberal twitter and media had with it probably brought millions in donations to Ms Taylor-Greene's coffers... and if there was a way to know the truth of it I would be willing to wager real money and offer 2 to 1 odds that the mix-up was entirely deliberate. 

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