HERO System Discussion
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I was playing around with Custom Maneuvers and found something weird on the "Hoist ‘n’ Heave" maneuver under the Martial Arts Style "Dirty Infighting/Fisticuffs/Cinematic Brawling". When recreating it I am showing it as costing 6 points, not 5. The maneuver is as follows: ½ Phase; 5 Points; -2 OCV; -2 DCV; Grab Two Limbs; +20 STR to Throw I am showing that it would be purchased as the following: Element Description Points Grab Oppt +3 points if hit Grabs two of opponent’s limbs, +1 point per additional limb …
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 65 replies
Heo basically has four "effects" of combat damage on a character: Decrease in stun or body "Con Stunned" being unable to act/must recover for one action if loses more Stun than Con in a single attack "Unconsciousness" in that Stun is reduced below a certain number (usually 0) "Death" in that Body is reduce below a certain number (-10 or -amount of Body, etc.) While not perfect, it does a good job of providing game rule guidance for cinematic effect in play. What Hero doesn't really account for is being "Stunned" (I have to shake it off before I can act!) without being closer to unconsciousness. It is one thing to "have your …
Last reply by Christopher R Taylor, -
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Hiya! I'm looking for DC villains that have been written up in 5e or 6e. I love Surbrook's site but it seems like mostly heroes. I'd be happy with links but also reposts of DC villains that have been done here on the herogames forums. (I'm running a Suicide Squad campaign and I just want some characters ready for the non-Hero players to grab rather than spend a lot of time in character creation.)
Last reply by Tymefyre, -
- 2 replies
So, you have an attack power. The power has Can Draw From END Reserve or Personal END. Say you want to use this power in a Multiple Attack...you're going to try to strike a few different people. The question is...do all the strikes have to draw from the same source, or can I split up the END between the two? The only text is in the END Reserve power itself, and it doesn't specify anything about the actual mechanics of switching the END source, and there's no errata about it.
Last reply by Grailknight, -
- 3 replies
I'm updating my velocity calculator to use the special timing rules for Leap. From 6E1 243: These are actually inconsistent statements. A normal maximum-distance leap is a full move, and thus takes a full phase. With 1 NCM, the freebie, the first part says it takes 1 phase. But the second part says it should take 2. The example gives 4 purchased NCMs for x32, and such a leap takes 5 phases. This is consistent with the first section. The "every doubling" clause is redundant, as well.
Last reply by unclevlad, -
Say I want to fly into a collapsed building to rescue survivors. I use desolidification. I want to pull survivors out. I have the advantage Usable Simultaneously +1/2. Do I still need an advantage to move the person who is now desolidified?
Last reply by Chris Goodwin, -
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Alright, I hope this is the correct Forum. So I'm creating a creature from mythology for family game; basically a Scottish Kelpie or Irish púca or Welsh ceffyl dŵr. I know the Kelpie is in the 4th Ed Bestiary. But I'm looking at the mythology of the creatures. they are said to be horse like in appearance, but can 'resemble' seaweed, humans, goats or other creatures. So I've been thinking Shapeshift is not the ability I should use but rather really good disguise or maybe concealment. Something more like a mimic octopus, YouTube video below (If I did it right). Ref: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wos8kouz810
Last reply by unclevlad, -
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- 4 replies
Hi; Page 43 in Vol 1 talks about applying Naked Advantages to Strength, and the examples used are Grond and Durak. These two characters have a high native strength, so it's easy to calculate. But what if you have a martial artist (or high values of HA)? If I make a character with 15 STR - 3d6 5cp; a Martial Strike - 2d6 4cp; 5 HtH Damage - 5d6 20cp for 10d6 29cp tot is the Naked Advantage Cost calculated from the cp of the STR (5) or the STR+MA (29)? In Hero System Martial Arts, pg 107, there is a comment about Martial Maneuvers not costing endurance but Naked Advantages applied do cost endurance which leads me to think it's the total …
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 16 replies
So, this came up on the Discord server, and I honestly am not clear on it now. How much is Martial Throw like a Throw maneuver? I have always played it as a knockdown move, at most maybe a meter or two away. As in, Martial Throw is not the same as Captain America flinging his shield around, its Batroc flipping Cap to the ground. However the rules seem to make it sound like Martial Throw is just a better throw that doesn't require a grab. So you can legsweep someone across a room? In HSR 2 it says this: In Hero System Martial Arts 6th edition, its put this way: So is it a knockdown or flinging people all o…
Last reply by LoneWolf, -
- 29 replies
Hola Herodom! I'm working on an NPC who shrinks. As a byproduct of his shrinking, if he becomes too small, he has a chance of falling into a micro-universe for Xd6 weeks. I was thinking maybe a weird susceptibility? Or would this be a Limit on the power itself?
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
- 10 replies
In my most recent Epic City game I led the heroes (Epic Alliance) into a battle with copies of themselves (a classic comic book trope): Grove of Shattered Reflections Description: A reflective pool of dark violet surrounded by towering crystal mirrors formed by soaring crystals. The heroes see distorted reflections of themselves, making it difficult to identify their true surroundings. At the center of the small pool is a crystal cairn with the following inscribed upon it: "Mirrors shatter, fragments dance in hall's illusion, Distorted echoes reveal a deeper fusion. True reflections pierce the fractured profusion, What hidden truth li…
Last reply by GoldenAge, -
This may be more of a rule question, but more of being creative. I wanted to be able to beat someone that has Magical Darkness that covers all senses, including Mental Detection. I thought of one way to do so is to have a global Naked Advantage on a Mental Detection...just curious as to anyone's wisdom if this is viable and how would I write this up?
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
- 11 replies
Despite being a long-term Hero turbonerd, I found out today about The Clobberin' Times, a Champions zine put out by a group of players from Sacramento, California from September, 1988, to January, 2000, finishing its run after 67 issues. There was a revival of sorts in the form of The Clobberin' Times Online, an online-only form of zine which lasted from April, 2005, to February, 2010, for a total of 30 "issues." The Online form can still be found (in a form) on the Wayback Machine here: https://web.archive.org/web/20150405000329/http://forteuniverse.com/cto/30main.htm I'd never heard of any of it. And I'm a guy who religiously read every issue of EZ Hero and …
Last reply by AlHazred, -
- 10 replies
Blast (No Range) is the flip side of Telekinesis...Telekinesis says you can use "STR" at range, and thus (with FIne Manip and GM approval) martial maneuvers. But...ranged or HTH? They're neither fish nor fowl entirely. Blast (No Range) is the same in that regard...it's not ranged because of the limitation, but it's not entirely HTH. But to me, someone whose power set centers on no-range blasts should be training in a manner similar to an HTH type, particularly with issues like balance, footwork, stance, and recovery. IOW: martial arts training makes perfect sense. So...how should we build maneuvers for someone with real combat training with his no-range …
Last reply by Gauntlet, -
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- 8 replies
How do you handle winter clothing? Is it just a definition of clothing? Do you build it using Change Environment? Or just use Life Support's Safe Environments? Inquiring minds would like to know.
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 4 replies
Before I start, I should apologise, this is likely to be long and rambling. I am visiting my wife's mother, so I often lie in bed in the morning, delaying getting up and thinking. Today my thinking is about HERO (recently it has all been about Baldurs Gate!). HERO is a detail game and we build characters to have game effect. It is seen as a difficult game because there is so much detail and new folk find it difficult to make effective characters. I have been wondering whether that is because we start with everyman stuff and begin adding to it. What if we started with a Hero? If the focus was on game effect, then…
Last reply by Grailknight, -
- 8 replies
Regardless of the campaign they are engaged in, monsters will always add spice to your game and keep your players on their toes. Most of the time, people use the same classic monsters that most people use. Werewolves always shift with moonlight, silver vulnerability. Vampires have solar problems. Other common monsters all have their prestated problems that players can state as soon as they see those monsters. However, there are more out there than those common ones and even those common ones can be from some other place that grants different vulnerabilities. Let's go digging around and find different ways to trouble those players, regardless if these monsters are classic…
Last reply by DentArthurDent, -
- 7 replies
In my game, one of my players is a magical construct that possesses Shape-Shift, with the Special Effect as a Magical Illusion build--as it is against Sight, Hearing, Mental, etc., worth 31AP. I had a scenario where an oppositional NPC possesses a Pendant that provided 15Points of Arcane Defense. Is there any means of either nullification or reduction against the AP used for the NPC trying to do a perception roll against in this scenario? In other words, does the 15Points of Arcane Defense give any resistance vs the effectiveness for the Player's Shape Shift as built? (Example: Does this give some "bonus" against the NPC's perception to see the true ident…
Last reply by Duke Bushido, -
- 42 replies
I'm playing around with some ideas for an improvised magic system, but I'm having a hard time expressing what I want to do in the rules. I want a mage to be able to make a Magic roll and cast a spell on the spot, which seems like a VPP. The problem is that a VPP has you make a skill roll and then gives you the power permanently until you want to change it again. It also doesn't cast the spell with the same action, which I would like my mages to be able to do. I can resolve the first problem with a Limitation saying the VPP can only be changed at the moment the spell is cast, but what would be the best way to combine the two actions? Can you Link a power create…
Last reply by Chris Goodwin, -
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Did I break the law? Is HERO and ALL other RPG games suddenly obsolete??? Is this a good thing or a bad thing??? HERO SYSTEM custom character creation for a game with 8 players, each controlling a complex superhero ranging from 475 - 750 Active Points in a complex near-future world with all the trimmings can become a HUGE workload. So I tried to cut down on my workload and turned to AI for help. I used a fairly simple prompt and ChatGPT is instantly spitting out wonderful characters for my game! Of course I did NOT download the books! I wouldn't know how to, or even if you can. All I provided was what you see below; the very basics of character creation in 6th E…
Last reply by Jkeown, -
- 2 replies
This is a Naked Advantage concept I'm working on. The idea is that if the character misses with their attack, they have a second chance to try and strike. Second Chance Strike: Naked Advantage: Trigger (Activating the Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action, Trigger requires a Zero Phase Action to reset; +1/2) for up to 45 Active Points (22 Active Points) So far, I just have the Naked Advantage construct itself, but I'm not sure what sort of Limitations to apply to it, or if there are other modifiers I might need. It can't be used to do a second attack after hitting, so it's only usable if the initial attack fails.
Last reply by Steve, -
- 9 replies
Let's say we have a character named Hot Lead, who is a gun collector. Hot Lead acquired the dueling pistols used by Alexander Hamilton and Aaron Burr, and took them on night patrol. The pistols are built as 1d6 RKA Quantity: 2. 1) Is this considered one power or two powers due to the quantity? Later that evening, Hot Lead confronts Foxbat (because, which villain would find it more exciting to be shot at by the pair of historical relics than Foxbat?) and draws the pistols (one in the left hand and one in the right). 2) When firing at one target, is this considered a Combined Attack or a Multiple Attack? Champions Complete …
Last reply by unclevlad, -
- 3 replies
FrankenHero: 6th Edition with 5th Edition Characteristics. Has anyone tried this? How well did it work out? Were you able to tweak Hero Designer for this? Thanks!
Last reply by unclevlad, -
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A while back, I worked up an article index for the Chaosium Pendragon game. This isn't to index all relevant material that has ever shown up online; that would be a monumental and fruitless task. It was mainly to index articles in old print and PDF periodicals, which aren't always well-documented in RPGGeek. After I completed it, it occurred to me that Champions/Hero System also has not-that-many articles that have ever shown up in magazines -- there were a huge number of online resources from the very beginning (starting with and including the Red October BBS), and so I guess a lot of people were looking there for their resources. Still, there are more than Pendragon, an…
Last reply by AlHazred, -
- 2 replies
Just kidding with the title, but this is about Transfer. First off, I understand the reasoning behind dropping it as a power: its not flexible enough. What if you want the points you gain to fade at a rate differently than the points drained off the target fade? What if you want to give yourself several powers but only drain one? There are a lot of possibilities, which without extreme complication, Transfer doesn't handle well as a simple power. However, that said, there's nothing wrong with having it in the rules that Transfer works as it always has, and if you want a more flexible build, here's how you do it (Drain plus Aid, etc). This would …
Last reply by Grailknight,
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