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Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)


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If there are real incidents of harassment and violence, some of them will be recorded on film and video, reported to police and investigated. Some of the perpetrators may be charged and arrested, and their motives will be clarified. While I am persuaded that such incidents have already happened and continue to happen, I understand that some of my fellow citizens, for various reasons, are more reluctant or resistant to the notion that this is a real or widespread or serious phenomenon that has a causal relationship to Trump's campaign and subsequent election. So, let's let the evidence accumulate and revisit it periodically.

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So are we equating speculating about suicide (btw, suicide hotlines lit up after the election result. That's a straight up fact - and I also agree that there are reporting guidelines around suicide that are intended to mitigate this, in line with the statement provided) with evaluating the associations and statements of Trump?


I'm genuinely curious about this. You've got a guy who has many, many demonstrable associations and statements that are in line with the aforementioned xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, racist ideology being speculated about having an influence on the election. How should we talk about that? Or should we not?

Talking about race and mental health is very difficult. I know this from personal experience. But it's something we have to do at some point. Still, it's hard to be respectful towards people I don't respect in the least. And that's a problem.

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Trump-Putin alliance sparks diplomatic crisis


This demonstrates one of the things I was most worried about... Trump shooting off his mouth without considering the effect his words would have. When you're President-Elect every word resonates around the world, and other nations don't forget. Even if Trump genuinely believes something, he needs to consult privately with his diplomatic advisors and America's allies before making sweeping public foreign-policy pronouncements.

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I think we should all take a moment to reflect on how far we've come as a nation, that we've finally elected our first orange president. And his pet tribble.

If by "pet tribble" you mean Trump's hairpiece. Are tou SURE that is all it is ? I'm thinking "mind control device" myself. Of course the question then is "who planted it ?" The Illuminati , the Russians, the New World Order ?

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President Elect Trump to Supporters:


"I am so saddened to hear that," Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes" when she said Latinos and Muslims are facing harassment. "And I say, 'Stop it.' If it -- if it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: 'Stop it.'"





Such a terrible Racist.



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Well, that's once. And it is a step in the right direction.




Actual racially motivated crimes are happening using his campaign rhetoric, he might want to keep up the "knock it off" to his followers. They're working diligently to make America hate again.

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If by "pet tribble" you mean Trump's hairpiece. Are tou SURE that is all it is ? I'm thinking "mind control device" myself. Of course the question then is "who planted it ?" The Illuminati , the Russians, the New World Order ?


As likely that "hope and change" was a magic incantation by Obama to get followers to chant his name.  :winkgrin:

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President Elect Trump to Supporters:


"I am so saddened to hear that," Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes" when she said Latinos and Muslims are facing harassment. "And I say, 'Stop it.' If it -- if it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: 'Stop it.'"





Such a terrible Racist.




To be honest, he might can get away with the Latino part, if he makes it clear it was an illegal but not legal separation.  Pretty hard, not to take the blame for any anti-Muslim backlash.

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President Elect Trump to Supporters:


"I am so saddened to hear that," Trump told CBS' Lesley Stahl on "60 Minutes" when she said Latinos and Muslims are facing harassment. "And I say, 'Stop it.' If it -- if it helps, I will say this, and I will say right to the cameras: 'Stop it.'"





Such a terrible Racist.



Built ties to a movement founded by white nationalists for propounding white nationalism(undoubtedly for political expedience) vs. made a statement saying to stop it after the fact(also, likely for political expedience).


You realize his first major exposure to media was for discriminatory rent practices towards blacks during the seventies, the heyday of redlining, right?


I don't actually think he believes in anything save what strokes his ego and makes him money, but, as I've said before, he played with fire with the white nationalists he allied. A few weak words is hardly sufficient to undo that.


And again, he didn't come out with this statement after it became clear this was happening(and, towards Muslims, the violence had actually already ramped up during his campaign). He only did so after a reporter confronted him with it.

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Aaaaaand, Trump has named Stephen Bannon as his “chief strategist and senior counselor”, which he is saying will have an equivalent role to his chief of staff.


Stephen Bannon, who provides the media outlet for the alt-right, a movement founded by a white nationalist for the advancement of white nationalistm, a movement whose main figures are almost to a man white nationalists.


Stephen Bannon, a man who also hobnobs with white nationalists.


I think that that holds a lot more weight towards white nationalists than the fact that, when asked, he told people not to be violent towards minorities.


Of course, if one looks, one can find plenty of white nationalists saying acts like backing down on immigration and asking for the violence to stop are Trump theater for the moderates. So, I would say that more than "gosh guys, stop it" is in order.


At some point, he has to dump the white nationalists. If he does not, then there is no coming together with him and his supporters. Major Republican figures have been saying the same thing.

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Every time I hear someone say Trump "has to" this or "he has to" that I just laugh. Have you learned nothing? He is absolutely uninterested in anyone "coming together" with his supporters. He's loading up the White House with alt-righters and lobbyists and he does not care what anyone thinks about that. Nor does he care what "major republican figures" think either. Trump is gonna Trump.

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Every time I hear someone say Trump "has to" this or "he has to" that I just laugh. Have you learned nothing? He is absolutely uninterested in anyone "coming together" with his supporters. He's loading up the White House with alt-righters and lobbyists and he does not care what anyone thinks about that. Nor does he care what "major republican figures" think either. Trump is gonna Trump.

Yes, sadly so.


Bannon has gone on record as saying he "greatly admires" Spencer, the self-proclaimed white nationalist who founded the alt-right movement.

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