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Okay. More economics that political but I did find it an interesting opinion piece. Frankly, I think the mega corporations would rather set fire to puppies than increase wages for the grunts and peons (Pardon the term) but maybe some good will come of the labor shortage yet

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1 hour ago, Sociotard said:

And really, Liberals could have fixed this by legislating for a greater burden on employers to use eVerify and other existing tools. That would have greatly curbed the drive to come here for a better life (because it wouldn't work) and wouldn't require prosecuting so many poor refugees (just employers).


And why should only liberals push to have employers ensure their employees are legal? I mean, it seems a no-brainer toward ensuring illegals aren't taking jobs from "real Americans," right?  After all, that's what conservatives are always harping about.  Unless that's not what they really want...

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1 hour ago, Ragitsu said:


How about we end the shitty "War on Drugs" and various other imperialist-lite policies which help destabilize our neighbors to the south?


I don't see this as an either-or proposal. Ending the war on Pot would help, but that leaves Heroin and Crack/Cocaine. I'm told most of our Meth and illegal pharmaceuticals (oxycontin, etc) are sourced internally? (EDIT: okay Meth increasingly comes from Mexico too) Anyway, I'm open to treating use of those as a medical rather than a criminal problem, but not full wild-west legalization. They are just too deleterious to society. I'm told that their guns get smuggled in from the US, and I would be open to better enforcement to prevent that.


34 minutes ago, BoloOfEarth said:


And why should only liberals push to have employers ensure their employees are legal? I mean, it seems a no-brainer toward ensuring illegals aren't taking jobs from "real Americans," right?  After all, that's what conservatives are always harping about.  Unless that's not what they really want...


Liberals should push for that to take the talking point away from Conservatives, especially by shifting the focus to employers.  Conservatives use it by creating an enemy at the gates for their rank and file.  Instead of actions to protect the "enemy", liberals should drive the focus to the enemy inside the gates. In my more cynical moments, I wonder if Liberals are afraid of doing that because, if Latin American immigrants are not seen by conservatives as the enemy, they might not see conservatives as their enemy. Then, being generally more religious and pro-life than liberals, they'd become conservatives. Having Latin American immigrants turn into dutiful Democrats is part of the Democrats' long term demographic strategy.


But in my more optimistic moments, I claim that most liberals are honest when they just don't want to see anyone suffer as Latin American immigrants suffer when they come here. So I call on them to lead from the front, and take the action that will uphold the law, mollify conservatives, and change immigration patterns.

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49 minutes ago, Sociotard said:


I don't see this as an either-or proposal. Ending the war on Pot would help, but that leaves Heroin and Crack/Cocaine. I'm told most of our Meth and illegal pharmaceuticals (oxycontin, etc) are sourced internally? (EDIT: okay Meth increasingly comes from Mexico too) Anyway, I'm open to treating use of those as a medical rather than a criminal problem, but not full wild-west legalization. They are just too deleterious to society. I'm told that their guns get smuggled in from the US, and I would be open to better enforcement to prevent that.


I'd rather we focus on the disease while not exaggerating the severity of the symptom. However...slower but surer policy isn't sexy: it doesn't sell.  More than that, these proactive measures take profits away from highly connected people. By the way? There's more to this whole protracted fiasco than drugs'n'guns; the economic dickery concerning more "mundane" goods is just as if not more so harmful to national cohesiveness.

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5 hours ago, Sociotard said:

I'm told that their guns get smuggled in from the US, and I would be open to better enforcement to prevent that.


I'd take that with a large grain of salt.  While there is certainly some truth in guns flowing from the US to Mexico, there are also more readily-available and cheaper alternative sources. This is a very large claim that's a political hot potato on top of it, so should be considered suspect.


Edit: I'm not saying the US isn't a significant source, but that a lot of people are painting us as the sole source, which is far from true.

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Soooo--a friend of mine on Facebook posted this picture---



---and this response occurred to me---


"So you freely admit that Trump was a crappy choice for President?  And you're okay with that because he's your crappy choice for President?"


I haven't posted the response yet, and I'm not sure that I will, as I don't know as it will have any effect, and I do like this person otherwise.  But I did want to share it with someone, and I figured most of you would appreciate it.  I certainly hope so.

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48 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

Soooo--a friend of mine on Facebook posted this picture---



---and this response occurred to me---


"So you freely admit that Trump was a crappy choice for President?  And you're okay with that because he's your crappy choice for President?"


I haven't posted the response yet, and I'm not sure that I will, as I don't know as it will have any effect, and I do like this person otherwise.  But I did want to share it with someone, and I figured most of you would appreciate it.  I certainly hope so.


We put up with George W for 8 years, complained but ultimately accepted it.  So apparently this is something that we can do, and have done in the past.


Trump is different. 


I could write books on why Trump is different than a crappy president like George W, who was very crappy indeed, but I don't think going on and on about Trump's myriad of flaws would do anything beyond cause your friend to entrench further.   So just let your friend know that we have been there and done that, but find Trump to be a horse of a different color.

Edited by Ranxerox
grammar correction.
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6 hours ago, wcw43921 said:

Soooo--a friend of mine on Facebook posted this picture---



---and this response occurred to me---


"So you freely admit that Trump was a crappy choice for President?  And you're okay with that because he's your crappy choice for President?"


I haven't posted the response yet, and I'm not sure that I will, as I don't know as it will have any effect, and I do like this person otherwise.  But I did want to share it with someone, and I figured most of you would appreciate it.  I certainly hope so.

All you got to say is At least our president wasn't a russian.


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4 hours ago, BoloOfEarth said:

Yeah.  I don't think most people bother to remember when their own party acts like shit heads.  That there is very unhelpful.  I at least try to listen to complaints from others...


But damn.  This brings me back to those days.  Had he even done anything yet?

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14 minutes ago, TrickstaPriest said:

Yeah.  I don't think most people bother to remember when their own party acts like shit heads.  That there is very unhelpful.  I at least try to listen to complaints from others...


But damn.  This brings me back to those days.  Had he even done anything yet?


I don’t even think he’d taken office yet.  But he’d gotten elected while having dark skin, that seems to have been pretty offensive to some. 

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I think they would have voiced that kind of opposition with any (D) candidate winning. That's just the game. Much as Democrats would have opposed Kasich or any of the others.


Granted, most racists comments I see are from right-leaning folks. Still, there is a gulf between "Most racists are conservatives" and "Most conservatives are racists". Much as there is a gulf between


After all, Conservative's sure like Tim Scott.

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When Clinton came into office, the Republicans had been in control of the White House for 20 out of the previous 24 years.  They had come to see the presidency as their natural right.  I think it is this, more than anything Bill Clinton said or did, that set them off.

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