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15 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

I know a lot of folks are impatient for the DNC to unite behind a candidate, but I can't help seeing this process as healthier, and more exciting, than the coronation the party gave us last time, never mind the sideshow the GOP turned out. There are actually multiple competent candidates. Debates over policy. Substantive ideas discussed. The caucuses have been competitive and unpredictable.


Actual democracy is messy. It's the price we pay for giving the people a voice.


8 hours ago, Pariah said:

And here I thought the last three-and-a-half years of incompetence, cronyism, and fearmongering was the price we pay for giving the people a voice.


But I could be mistaken.


I will suggest THAT is the price we pay when the people fail to use their voice wisely.

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17 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

I know a lot of folks are impatient for the DNC to unite behind a candidate, but I can't help seeing this process as healthier, and more exciting, than the coronation the party gave us last time, never mind the sideshow the GOP turned out. There are actually multiple competent candidates. Debates over policy. Substantive ideas discussed. The caucuses have been competitive and unpredictable.


Actual democracy is messy. It's the price we pay for giving the people a voice.


I wouldn't go as far as saying that any of them are competent, yet. (have to ask me in 3-6 months on that one)

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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

Our leaders also have to listen to the people's voice. I would argue that the outcome of the last Presidential election was greatly contributed to by leaders believing they didn't need to listen to what the people want.


Yeah, one of my reservations, I haven't seen much evidence that lesson has been learned enough yet.

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17 minutes ago, assault said:


This might help Biden, or at least the right wing Democrats in general.


All 3 of them.  (I do believe in moderate Democrats, but the Dems have been as good at running off the true blue dogs, as the GOP has rhinos.)



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4 minutes ago, Tom said:


On the plus side, at least we only do this every 4 years.


We have to deal with Christmas every year.


Yes, but 1 whole year out of every 4, vs 3 months every year is still an identical percentage.


And not to mention, the biannual Congress votes. And the fact, I live in a state (VA) that holds governor votes on odd years.  So, I don't even get the luxury of it being an every other year thing.


Voting is a right, a privilege, and a burden all wrapped into one.

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3 hours ago, Badger said:


I wouldn't go as far as saying that any of them are competent, yet. (have to ask me in 3-6 months on that one)


I suppose it's all relative. At least it's clear that none of them are blithering incompetents. Remember the field of candidates the Republicans presented the last go-round? And the cream that rose to the top of that barrel was Donald Trump. :rolleyes:

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Well, Bloomberg, and Biden I might argue reach the blithering imcompetent level for different reasons (Biden's at least I've already mentioned I am not comfortable talking about the reason, whereas Bloomberg I might best not either, as I don't feel like a ban, which I might risk if I get on a roll. :winkgrin:).


Edit: though with Bloomberg, I have to admit, my dislike for him, makes me realize I might downgrade over personal feeling.  Though, that also, starts making me wonder how much Trump gets downgraded because of other people's obvious dislike for him.  And, well, I not exactly sure where I am going with this.  Maybe I should just leave it as, a lot of it is relative and complicated.  I am probably overthinking all this.




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29 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


I suppose it's all relative. At least it's clear that none of them are blithering incompetents. Remember the field of candidates the Republicans presented the last go-round? And the cream that rose to the top of that barrel was Donald Trump. :rolleyes:


Cream isn't the only thing that floats.

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1 hour ago, Badger said:

Edit: though with Bloomberg, I have to admit, my dislike for him, makes me realize I might downgrade over personal feeling.  Though, that also, starts making me wonder how much Trump gets downgraded because of other people's obvious dislike for him.  And, well, I not exactly sure where I am going with this.  Maybe I should just leave it as, a lot of it is relative and complicated.  I am probably overthinking all this.


Nothing wrong with self reflection.  Though questions like that are difficult because 'general' dislike is different from 'specific'.

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Yeah, I am aware.  Hard to know with people other than yourself, where dislike begins in their opinion forming.  Which was probably why in hindsight, my train of thought didn't let me continue. (and it isn't like I am Trump's fan, either).  I just know enough it is impossible to keep things 100% rational. It is how things are, and will likely always will be (with humanity)

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For those ready for the big game..err primary


I agree with Assault, Buttigieg being out changes things. It should be interesting to see if any of Pete's supporters go Bernie after all.... but Buttigieg's speech did it's best to encourage them not to go to Bernie it seemed so.. . I sense most will go to Biden



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6 minutes ago, GM Joe said:



WIthout her hate for Pete to power her, she lost the will to run?


Ahem sorry.


Yeah, big boosts for Biden underway



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