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Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department


Short term, I figure the county sheriff's personnel can handle emergency calls and investigations. Long term, this presents an opportunity to build a police department from the ground up--hopefully a department that will respect and defend our rights under the Constitution, and not treat everyone who isn't a cop---especially African Americans---as a potential threat that needs to be met with maximum offensive force. Ideally the plan should be organized and ready to go before the current department is disbanded---let's hope the Minneapolis City Council doesn't act too hastily.

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16 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department


Short term, I figure the county sheriff's personnel can handle emergency calls and investigations. Long term, this presents an opportunity to build a police department from the ground up--hopefully a department that will respect and defend our rights under the Constitution, and not treat everyone who isn't a cop---especially African Americans---as a potential threat that needs to be met with maximum offensive force. Ideally the plan should be organized and ready to go before the current department is disbanded---let's hope the Minneapolis City Council doesn't act too hastily.

That is my hope as well.

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22 hours ago, TrickstaPriest said:


LOL.  I'm the one who should be sorry - my tone is meant to be grave, not... attacking.  I'm not pointing out you missed something, I'm saying... "yeah, I agree, this is fxxked".


But while I hear a lot of people say "well politicians are stirring the pot cause it's election year" or "antifa's got to be the one instigating this", I have to rely on what kind of direct information I can on such matters.  And a lot of the information I'm interested in has to do with tactics, governance, information.


In terms of why people are going out, despite coronavirus...


I do know that a lot of people I've known for a long time have wanted to protest certain issues for ages, but could never have the time due to exhaustion from overwork... and right now, the only thing that's keeping those people indoors are if they have serious health issues.


But even those not motivated are finding themselves outside because of being helpless and trapped... and I worry that those are the ones that don't give a damn what they do.


So in my interpretation, these protests are so massive only because of unemployment (caused by coronavirus).  That very well could be driving the latter behavior.

Don't worry I just thought you were pointing things out. Nothing more or less tone wise

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46 minutes ago, wcw43921 said:

Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department


Short term, I figure the county sheriff's personnel can handle emergency calls and investigations. Long term, this presents an opportunity to build a police department from the ground up--hopefully a department that will respect and defend our rights under the Constitution, and not treat everyone who isn't a cop---especially African Americans---as a potential threat that needs to be met with maximum offensive force. Ideally the plan should be organized and ready to go before the current department is disbanded---let's hope the Minneapolis City Council doesn't act too hastily.

I worry short term this is going to be  a lot of chaos and anarchy in MN. And some overworked and overstressed county dept police. (Which causes some of them to quit in frustration, further compounding)

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1 hour ago, wcw43921 said:

Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department


Short term, I figure the county sheriff's personnel can handle emergency calls and investigations. Long term, this presents an opportunity to build a police department from the ground up--hopefully a department that will respect and defend our rights under the Constitution, and not treat everyone who isn't a cop---especially African Americans---as a potential threat that needs to be met with maximum offensive force. Ideally the plan should be organized and ready to go before the current department is disbanded---let's hope the Minneapolis City Council doesn't act too hastily.

Not the County Sheriff jurisdiction, it's a municipality. It will be interesting to see what the County does given the decisions made at the city level. I haven't heard much about that, or the State level response. The City can absolutely disband their police, I don't know enough about Minnesota law enforcement regulation to know whether they in fact have jurisdictional authority to do the other things cited in the article. 


In California they would not. Behavioral Health services are County operated, not municipal, for example. 911 is regional jurisdiction and they'd effectively just be opting out for whatever was left. State police like CHP, County Sheriff, etc if they had the ability to respond. 


It's an interesting concept, hopefully they are executing it thoughtfully. Public safety is actually a thing in major metropolitan areas, simply turning off emergency response strikes me as extremely problematic. I'll be interested to see how this goes, and whether it's supported at the other levels of local government. 

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1 hour ago, wcw43921 said:

Minneapolis City Council To Disband Police Department


Short term, I figure the county sheriff's personnel can handle emergency calls and investigations. Long term, this presents an opportunity to build a police department from the ground up--hopefully a department that will respect and defend our rights under the Constitution, and not treat everyone who isn't a cop---especially African Americans---as a potential threat that needs to be met with maximum offensive force. Ideally the plan should be organized and ready to go before the current department is disbanded---let's hope the Minneapolis City Council doesn't act too hastily.

Given what we've seen of the Minneapolis Police Department so far, I think letting them go before there's a plan might be better than letting them keep hitting the streets (and the protestors and journalists covering them) with badges, guns, and riot gear. We've passed the point where no cops would be better than the ones we've got in some places.

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Yesterday on On the Media, Boston U law professor Debra Ramiriez [warning: I'm guessing at the spelling] discussed a proposal, apparently not new, that police officers should carry professional liability insurance. Doctors must do this; lawyers must do this; even hairdressers must do this; and of course everyone who drives needs accident liability insurance. Departments would cover a basic level of liability insurance, but if the insurance company sees signs that a cop is becoming a threat to the community and exposing the department to resulting lawsuits, well, the insurance goes up and the cop must pay the balance. Learning is expected to result.


Police unions, of course, hate it and any other scheme that exposes cops to liability. Okay, so it's a union's job to look out for its members. But the public has a bit more stake in these negotiations than we would for, say, UAW versus Ford.


Dean Shomshak

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24 minutes ago, DShomshak said:

Meanwhile, a bit of satire. Can this former British colony pull itself out of its downward spiral of misgovernment, disease and intractable ethnic hatreds?


How Western media would cover Minneapolis if it happened in ...

Dean Shomshak


Can't view wirhout a subscription.

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21 hours ago, Pariah said:


Can't view wirhout a subscription.


Yeah, I got the block saying I need to subscribe or turn off ad blocking... but the block took  a few minutes to appear. Second time I opened it, I quickly copied the article and read it offline. For once, poverty-row slow dial-up connection for the win!


Dean Shomshak

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I worked in market research & polling for a number of years, but I never, ever saw anything like this.


Trump campaign demands CNN apologize for poll that shows Biden leading


The White House has sent them a [REDACTED] cease and desist letter. Can you say "voter suppression"? I knew you could.

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Trump has used threats and bullying throughout his career. Since becoming POTUS he's demonstrated that's the only "negotiating" tactic in his tool chest.

I was more struck by this response from David Vigilante, CNN's executive vice president and general counsel: "To the extent we have received legal threats from political leaders in the past, they have typically come from countries like Venezuela or other regimes where there is little or no respect for a free and independent media."


The United States of America, banana republic. :(

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