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If we are conceptualizing 'free' coronavirus versus 'identified/contained' coronavirus, there then also is a distinction between number of unknown cases moving and number of known.  This is mainly a thought experiment on why initial doubling takes a while for it to explode.  But, as explosive growth is aptly named, you eventually hit a point of 'active infectors' hitting a lot of people, and then...

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The FA Cup Final took place today without any spectators. Arsenal won 2-1 against Chelsea.

The Snooker World Championship is taking place. In normal years it takes place between the end of April and the start of May.. There were spectators on the first day but after a new government ruling there are no more. 

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20 January: ‘We have it under control’ Trump told CNBC: “It’s one person coming in from China. We have it under control. It’s going to be just fine.”


26 February: ‘It’s going to disappear’ In late February, by which time the US had recorded 60 cases of infection, Trump told a White House press briefing: “When you have 15 people … within a couple of days it’s going to be down to close to zero. That’s a pretty good job we’ve done.” The following day he returned to the theme, saying: “It’s going to disappear. One day – it’s like a miracle – it will disappear.”


10 March: ‘It will go away’ “We’re doing a great job with it. And it will go away. Just stay calm. It will go away.”


29 April: ‘It’s gonna be gone’ The US reached 58,000 recorded deaths – an emotive figure given that it meant the virus had claimed more lives than the Vietnam war. On 29 April, the president told reporters: “This is going away. It’s gonna go. It’s gonna leave. It’s gonna be gone. It’s going to be eradicated … If you have a flare-up in a certain area – I call them burning embers – boom, you put it out.”


11 May: ‘We have prevailed’ In a grandiose coronavirus briefing from the Rose Garden, Trump announced his administration was winning the fight against the virus. “We have met the moment, and we have prevailed. Americans do whatever it takes to find solutions, pioneer breakthroughs, and harness the energies we need to achieve a total victory.” That day the death toll in the US hit 80,000.


17 June: ‘It’s fading away’ In a radio call to Fox News he said: “It’s fading away. It’s going to fade away. But having a vaccine would be really nice.”


19 July: ‘I’ll be right eventually’ Earlier this month, Fox News Sunday played back to Trump his many claims that the virus would disappear. The president shot back: “I’ll be right eventually. It’s going to disappear, and I’ll be right.” The show’s host, Chris Wallace, asked Trump whether dogged insistence that the virus would vanish, even while it proliferated, would discredit him. “I don’t think so, you know why?” he replied. “Because I’ve been right probably more than anybody else.”

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13 minutes ago, Ragitsu said:

The show’s host, Chris Wallace, asked Trump whether dogged insistence that the virus would vanish, even while it proliferated, would discredit him. “I don’t think so, you know why?” he replied. “Because I’ve been right probably more than anybody else.”


I've come to believe that Trump has convinced himself that's absolutely true.

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2 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:


I've come to believe that Trump has convinced himself that's absolutely true.


Trump's capacity for self-delusion is approximately a cubic light-year.


But what's even scarier is that his approval rating never drops that much.  He can be proven wrong time after time after time;  he can produce more waffles than the entire Waffle House chain.  It barely moves the meter.  It's this that, perhaps more than anything, that leads me to think there's no real chance that we can get our social house in order.

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One of my co-workers, who's been working remotely from his isolated property since early March thanks to our CEO's foresight, is plastering "but muh FREEDOMS!" anti-mask and social distancing screeds all over his social media. I plan to refuse to share physical office space with him until a safe and effective vaccine has been made available and my mom has received it. I shouldn't need to go so far as a he-goes-or-I-go ultimatum as working from home has turned out pretty well for me, but it's still galling.

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6 minutes ago, Matt the Bruins said:

One of my co-workers, who's been working remotely from his isolated property since early March thanks to our CEO's foresight, is plastering "but muh FREEDOMS!" anti-mask and social distancing screeds all over his social media. I plan to refuse to share physical office space with him until a safe and effective vaccine has been made available and my mom has received it. I shouldn't need to go so far as a he-goes-or-I-go ultimatum as working from home has turned out pretty well for me, but it's still galling.


Talk about a nightmare situation for the employer.


Can the employer justify terminating the employee doing this?  Not just on posts, unless it rises to hate speech or something similar.  With evidence of violations of distancing orders, it'd be a great deal easier...but still isn't entirely clear-cut if it's not covered in existing employee policy.  


OTOH, your position is IMO entirely reasonable.  And if it's widespread..."workforce incompatibility" becomes grounds to terminate the person.


What'll happen?  Can't say.  That's ownership/management's call.  

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6 hours ago, tkdguy said:

I just went to a memorial. The service was performed outdoors because indoor gatherings were not allowed. Since my county has a new lockdown in effect, social distancing rules were in effect. Others couldn't come to the memorial. The eulogies were performed via smartphone.


We had a coworker who lost their father last week.  His family is from China.  Nobody could travel to the funeral.  Luckily one of the sons was still in China.

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