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Dust Raven

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A man rubbed a lamp and an elegant genie exited from the lamp.


The genie said, “You have released me from my bronze prison, you may now ask me three wishes of your liking”

The man, a clever one indeed, said, “I wish for infinite wishes.”

The genie responded with, “I am afraid that is against the rules.”

The man said, “I thought you could do anything, can’t you?”

The genie let the man know that he could indeed perform that wish, but refused because it would tear society apart

The man said, “Okay then… uhh.. gimme an umbrella,”

The genie, a little confused now, granted his wish.

The man then said, “Now I want you to stick it up your ass.”

The genie shoved the umbrella up his ass and groaned in pain and said, “Okay weirdo, I completed your second wish. What else would you like?”

The man responded with a dark tone to his voice, “Now give me infinite wishes before I make you open the umbrella.”

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5 hours ago, Ockham's Spoon said:

My boss: "I've been getting complaints about your snide comments.  You know that sarcasm won't get you anywhere."


Me: "Yeah?  Well it got me to the Sarcasm World Championships in Paris in '98."


My boss: "Really?"


Me, rolling my eyes: "No."

I didnt think I remember seeing you there.

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