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Sorry about coming on a bit strong earlier. I wasn't sure about your joke. My bad.


You had mentioned Marion Le Pen being anti-globalization, and I have ran into a lot of people on the internet for whom globalization = evil. Really, just by being against globalization Le Pen could automatically be classified as a good guy in their books. Now, an Australian using a computer made with part from Asia (because all computers use Asian parts) to talk on the global internet to fans of a game from the United States seems like an unlikely chap to be a a rabid anti-globalizationist. However, I have seen bigger self contradictions amongst those who rile against globalization and free trade.


Anyway, I can see in hindsight that you were clearly joking. Sorry for being dense.

Ah, no worries. You forget I was talking to an Englishman about France.


The English & Aussies have a long standing rivalry and insulting each other in a friendly manner.

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I don't care for the stuff, but I can't call it "hate". By contrast, my wife likes it, especially the European stuff. Even she draws the line at Dutch drop, though. Like me, she finds that inexplicable.

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I used to love Kookaburra black chewing licorice.   after realizing it raises blood pressure, and then being diagnoses a well controlled diabetic, I can no longer enjoy it.   :(   the double salted european licorice drops are vile, imo. 

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I used to love black licorice. Now I just prefer Red Vines. Twizzlers are good too, but the texture feels like I'm eating a candle instead of candy.

raisins are one of my primary sweets now.   WinCo has a raisin medley with black, red and large golden ones...

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I used to love Kookaburra black chewing licorice.   after realizing it raises blood pressure, and then being diagnoses a well controlled diabetic, I can no longer enjoy it.   :(   the double salted european licorice drops are vile, imo. 


Don't like my sweets salted, those 2 tastes don't belong together.

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I was just wondering the other day what has happened since the Maoists took over. I don't have time to spend as much time prowling the web for world news, I tend to assume the worst when insurgents take over a nation, have my fears come to pass?


The short version is: nothing much has actually changed except that Nepal has a constitution now.

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The way United has been conducting its customer service and PR, how much longer is there going to be an airline to fire her from?


There are some annoyances I'll put up with in the name of quick air travel when driving isn't feasible, some thanks to ridiculous TSA security theater and some due to the unfortunate practicalities of mass transit. I'm not inclined to include rude or outright hostile treatment from airline employees as one of them.

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7,000 bodies found at site of former asylum in Miss.


Radar scans have revealed the presence of about 7,000 bodies in pine boxes buried on the site of a former asylum for the mentally ill at what is now the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Archaeologists are examining the remains, believed to be patients who died at the asylum, which housed up to 35,000 patients while in operation from 1855 to 1935.

Where is Arkham supposed to be again?

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Waves of lava seen in molten lake on Io


Waves have been observed moving across the surface of a huge lake of molten lava on Jupiter's moon Io, according to findings published in Nature. The waves in Loki Patera were detected in infrared images taken by the Large Binocular Telescope Observatory.

Surf's up, dudes!

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ANd the Joker probably killed 6,588 of those 7,000, yet Batman still refuses to kill him.


While the Joker certainly deserves it Batman has no legal authority to kill while apprehending (he has no legal authority to apprehend, period - hence tying people up to be found by the police instead of marching them into the station: Citizens can't do that with a citizen arrest.)


I feel bad for Bruce and nobody would blame him if he did off the Joker (morally) but it's kind of a testament to his character that he doesn't take that final step and become the Punisher or Judge Dredd.  He's no more to blame for the Joker escaping and killing again than any of the asylum cooks that don't poison him or any of the asylum guards who don't say 'look out, he's heading right for us' and shoot him.


Now, if he had a carry permit and the Joker pulled a weapon on him during one of their fights (as he OFTEN does)....


Being sucky in a fight is one of Joker's best defenses against Batman thanks to proportionate response. 

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