Star Hero
Science Fiction Roleplaying in the worlds of the future!
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- 6 replies
Has anyone tried to run a game of Star HERO in the Traveller Universe? You know -- this big Imperium, ships that are realtively slow by FTL standards (it takes a dozen jumps to cross a sector), and no FTL radio so the fastest way to get a message acroiss the galaxy is to carry it across using the fastest ship (to the point that a war could end long before news that it had even started reahced the Capital). Or, if you want to play Traveller, do you play Traveller.
Last reply by RadeFox, -
- 2 replies
Characters: Anything goes. Whatever your fevered imagination can cram into 250 pts. I ama strict HERO system guy, but as we all know anything can be bought multiple ways in HERO. So I will try to help correct any rules abuses I see to fit "the Spirit" of what the player wants for the character. Limitations: 175 base 75 pts in disads. I expect charatrs to work every bit of Hero. From contacts to vehicles. From Skill PSL's to Powers as skills. I intend to run in a "Space Opera" style and will not be pulling any punches At this time I, the GM, will be responsible for all rolls. barring input from players about assignments of lvls. i have the time an…
Last reply by lensman, -
- 1 reply
The title is from a book by Gordon R. Dickson. It refers to the mass subconscious of the human race and how Psychics can tap it. I have been trying to figure out a way to do this in a starhero campaign. I recently got fantasy hero for my birthday. While reading the magic section, I found a way to do it. Under the Section titled: Eldritch Lore, This section describes how to use an ambient magic field to power spels. Change magic to Psionics and you are done. The players would still be required to buy their psionic powers. They would also buy an aid for thier powers to represent them tapping this mass. It would have the limitation: increase depends on level of Pritch…
Last reply by pinecone, -
- 9 replies
Of all Hero's good points (and it has many) the one I find I am most likely to incorporate into other game systems is the use of hexagons over squares. Now, of all polygons, the equilateral hexagon is the closest you can come to a circle and still tessellate. For campaigns that use alot of 3D action (this is why I'm posting in Star Hero), wouldn't it make sense to use a space-filling polyhedron that was round (instead of a hexagonal extrusion)? If So, what would work best? I know Cubes and Tetrahedrons can, but they aren't especially round. The truncated octahedron can, but it is made of squares AND octagons. The rhombic dodecahedron might work, except for how s…
Last reply by Mentor, -
- 16 replies
A galactic conquest of cosmic proportions is occuring.
Last reply by Ben Seeman, -
- 1 reply
In my Star Hero game, the Terran Empire recently concluded a long running war with a major nemesis (the Orion). During the war, a Terran warship intercepted a vessel from the Gemini carrying 'contraband' to the Orion. This 'contraband' included an unfinished project, which as come to be called "The Gemini Project". Basically, the project involves injecting a nano-bot (part organic) into the target's body. The nanite (is that the word for it?) is designed to alter the attitude(s) of the target about a particular topic. For example, if a target were anti-Terran, then a nanite could be programmed and injected into the target to react to positive and negative thought…
Last reply by Lord Liaden, -
- 22 replies
Ben has been kind enough to post the wallpapers I made of the Galactic Map for Terran Empire. There are three different resolutions and they can be found at: 1024x768 1280x960 800x600 Enjoy! Keith "Astrographer" Curtis [edited to correct size listings. The main entry on the Hero games page incorrectly lists the first as 1224x768]
Last reply by Delthrien, -
- 9 replies
I'm getting ready to GM a Terran Empire campaign. Now I have enough experience as a GM to feel comfortable with my ability to create exciting adventures and memorable foes. What I'm worried about is my ability convey the details of a believable far future setting. I've never tried to GM a campaign that was set far in the future before. I'm wondering what other GMs have done (or would do) to make Terran Empire campaigns seem real to their players. How do you present the everyday life of citizens in the 27th century? What details of present times have you decided to keep in your campaign and what details have you changed to add futuristic flavor. Thanks in a…
Last reply by austenandrews, -
- 16 replies
Hey, is anybody working on a StarGate Hero ruleset? I'm going to start one soon, and I was just wondering if someone was already working on one... Jak
Last reply by Mark Rand, -
- 1 reply
Long range jumps. Going beyond the known territories. How often have you touched upon this issue in your campaigns. Have you ever just tossed the PCs into strange sectors of space and had them figure out what they where dealing with? Now, I like the idea of wanting to go to strange places, but what about NOT wanting to go there? Do you play up the horror, the mystery, or even the humor of new places? Thanks.
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 2 replies
Hi everyone! If I were to play either the Aeon Trinity setting or the Mutant Chronicles setting using the Hero system, would Star Hero be of any help to me? Is there any other book that might be of intrest?
Last reply by ParitySoul, -
IMS Sibelius
by Guest Keneton- 16 replies
Brain Dorio (silver marble) was about to give this stuff away about a month ago. I stopped him. Now is the time. Enjoy the fun with this. Full TE compatible write up, deck plans, new AI, and ground vehicle. Thisi s from out home TE Star Hero campaign. For those who know me, I ran "Terror Formed" aka "Search and Rescue" at Gen Con. I will be posting the files seperatley as they are too large to be posted individually. Hope you can use this in your home campaign.
Last reply by SilverMarble, -
- 10 replies
I was at a conference this last week. The conference center was a heavy, dark place, with some tall hallways and rooms (Hynes Conference Center in Boston), and it got me to thinking about goverment complexes in sci fi settings. Obviously the rooms and hallways have to be made wider and taller in order to make more room for the larger races in the empire/universe. In addition, in common sitting rooms there would be a variety of funrniture so that multiple races would have comfortable* places to sit and wait. In addition rooms would have to be made larger (taller and wider) in order to provide room for races which take up more volume and area. For those with spec…
Last reply by BobGreenwade, -
- 4 replies
I was thinking of making an alien martial artist for Champions (I know, wrong forum) but that started me thinking... what martial arts would have survived/developed in the TE Setting? The only ones I see mention of is fencing on one Terran world, and Commando Training for certain packages. While I don't want to have my starpirate campaign turn into "Ninja Hero in space" (Not that that couldn't be cool in it's own right), more than one of my players is playing an alien and might want to spend some exp in that area (though frankly, I think dirty infighting variations would be the typical pirate thing). So, any thoughts on which races might have their own styles e…
Last reply by pinecone, -
- 3 replies
Hi Hero Games! Here is one approach to a Star Hero campaign set in the Terran Empire setting. Players are the captain and crew of The Gunslinger Betty, a battered old survey ship turned into salvage vessel ( read - space going garbage truck ). Where there are bright and shining examples of gleaming pinnacles of technology in the fleet the Betty is on the extreme -other- end of the spectrum. Barely functional from voyage to voyage and loving referred to as "The Coffin" or "That @!*# Death Trap..." the Betty carries it's ship's compliment and crew on salvage missions picking up on worlds which the line of colonization, high adventure and blazing starship bat…
Last reply by Dark Cloud, -
- 24 replies
Imagine makind built start\ships to seek out new life and new civilizations,e tc. -- and didn;t find any? Carl Sagan theorized that is possible that all civilizations that reach a certain stage of tehcnological development inevitably destory themselves. For example, any civilzation that develops atomic power would inevitably obliterate itself in a nuclear war. If Earth were to beat those odds, but every other civilization that reached the Atomic Age wnet up in a string of mushroom clouds, than we would indeed be alone in the universe. What kind of starfaring camapign would emerge if this were the case? Many of the most theortically desirable worlds to colonize …
Last reply by Adventus, -
- 29 replies
People always think of these super-dramatic things that they or their characters would do if they had access to time travel. Which leads me to ask what sounds like a personal question -- if you had access to time travel technology, what would YOU do with it? Personally, I'd use it for mundane little things which would hopefully not damage the timestream. If you can go back in time by a couple of hours, you'll never be late for work. And think of the boon for a game collector if you can go back to when your favorite game was in print and pick up a copy and carry it back to the present! I'd be tempted to go forward to hwen my favorite new movie comes out on DVD, but th…
Last reply by bcholmes, -
- 5 replies
This should be in the Nongaming discussions, but I dropped it here to reach a wider audience. :-) If you haven't yet purchased the Farscape Season one DVDs, you might want to look at They have the entire first season for 45 bucks. The SRP is 139. Amazon has it for 127. At that big a discount, I felt the need to let people know- mainly because I avoided them so long because of the price. Back to regularly scheduled gaming conversations.
Last reply by AlHazred, -
It worked!
by Hermit- 4 replies
Pardon, I know no one asked, but I just had to say.... It worked! I ran my first ever Star HERO game yesterday. It seemed to be a hit! This is the same group that included one player who hated/was bored by Sci Fi, but loved Pirates. I made the story about intersteller piracy, and ran the 'origin story' if you will for the crew, and they all liked it and want to keep it. We don't get together too often, and have other campaigns, but it did not die at birth. Whew... sorry about this, I just had to go and cheer.
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 13 replies
Since this question was once asked of the Star Frontiers setting, and since I actually have had time to read this most excellent book myself- I thought I'd ask what race(s) in the Terran Empire setting is your favorite? I've been looking at them for a bit now. I'm not sure I could pick just one. Here are three that stick out for me... I like the Osathri, they seem rather handicapped in play... but I can't help but feel for their plight. You could get a lot of drama for either a loyalist or a discontent. Fish with attitude. The Fassai with their 'hundred houses' strike me as something a player or GM could tailor easily, while still maintianing a common threa…
Last reply by BobGreenwade, -
- 1 reply
Anyone know of a good place online I could download some maps to be used as abandon military base for my Star Hero game.
Last reply by Toadmaster, -
- 1 reply
Sorry folks, I tagged the wrong forum. Nevermind! Now on to the FH forum to post the same thing with relevance...
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 0 replies
A new section has been added to the Online Store. The Bundles section offers sets of book at reduced prices. Currently, the bundles available are: Star Hero - Terran Empire - Spacer's Toolkit - $60 Conquerors, Killer and Crooks - Millennium City - $35 Ultimate Martial Artist - Ninja Hero - $35 Ultimate Martial Artist - The Ultimate Vehicle - $35 Check out the Online Store:
Last reply by Ben Seeman, -
- 1 reply
Last reply by Hermit, -
- 7 replies
Anyone have any websites or other suggestions that would have blueprints for spaceships? I just really need a floor plan, as the hero books have stats and such.
Last reply by tiger,
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