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Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND


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Yeah, the narrative presented is at least plausible.  We'll never know the real motives.


I don't necessarily buy that production and distribution's influence will lead to a better overall product/more freedom for creators.  It's just as likely that they'll emphasize the quick buck on the merchandise tie-ins.


One thing I *loathe* is...oh, we reorganized so all those back-end deals have to be renegociated.  THAT strikes me as utter BS.  That said, I can also entirely believe that this started out narrow, but everyone and his cousin is jumping in to take sides for *their own* agendas...which may well include ousting Chapek.


Short term, we know who'll pay for all of this...us.

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13 hours ago, zslane said:

we won't see the end of the misinformation campaign against Disney/Chapek for some time.



What part's the misinformation? Here's what I've understood to be the claim, from the WSJ:


"Ms. Johansson said in the suit that her agreement with Disney’s Marvel Entertainment guaranteed an exclusive theatrical release, and her salary was based in large part on the box-office performance of the film."


If those terms are accurate, and Disney didn't renegotiate them when they changed the release strategy, then it seems like a breach of contract.


Is the basic claim in question, or is it just the smear campaigns being waged by both sides that you're talking about?

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18 hours ago, unclevlad said:

Yeah, the narrative presented is at least plausible.  We'll never know the real motives.


I don't necessarily buy that production and distribution's influence will lead to a better overall product/more freedom for creators.  It's just as likely that they'll emphasize the quick buck on the merchandise tie-ins.


One thing I *loathe* is...oh, we reorganized so all those back-end deals have to be renegociated.  THAT strikes me as utter BS.  That said, I can also entirely believe that this started out narrow, but everyone and his cousin is jumping in to take sides for *their own* agendas...which may well include ousting Chapek.


Short term, we know who'll pay for all of this...us.

 Well, we really don't have to. I refused to get Disney Plus, due to it's shabby treatment of Gina Carano, but wasn't  big on it, really. May drop Netflix soon, and only have Amazon, because i need Prime, for a lot of the shopping I do, because I don't currently own a car. Vote with your dollars. 

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2 hours ago, Greywind said:

Heaven forbid actors have opinions that don't follow the liberal.


I try to not pay attention to the political opinions of actors as much as possible. 


On one hand, I'm always playing catch-up when their opinions land them in hot water. But on the other hand, I don't have to agonize over the opinions of famous people who, by and large, aren't any better informed on the issues than the brainless idiots on both sides who I seem to discuss politics with on various news sites on a daily basis.

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13 hours ago, Greywind said:

Heaven forbid actors have opinions that don't follow the liberal.


There's obviously nothing wrong with having an opinion that doesn't toe the company line (in this case, Disney's). However, there are consequences to one's actions, and if you are a highly public figure and your highly public actions conflict with the optics your employer depends on for the integrity of its brand, then you must be prepared to accept the consequences. That is simply how the adult world works.


So if you are an actor working for Disney, then by all means have whatever political opinions you want, just don't express them on social media unless you are content to sabotage your relationship with Disney in doing so. Gina Carano only has herself to blame; I just hope she feels that speaking her mind--as was her right to do--was worth it in this instance.

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10 hours ago, Dr.Device said:


And heaven forbid I not support a company that employs a transphobic bigot in a public facing position.



Separate the artist from the art. Otherwise you will forever be finding things to offend.


Take Joss Whedon. I enjoy his storytelling talents. Buffy, Angel, Firefly/Serenity, The Avengers, etc. Doesn't mean I want to spend time with him or ever be in his presence.

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4 hours ago, Greywind said:


Separate the artist from the art. Otherwise you will forever be finding things to offend.


That's a fine sentiment when it it comes to judging the quality of a given piece of art. It's nonsense when deciding whose art to support. I didn't go looking for some way to be offended.  Carano used the much bigger platform she gained by being on the Mandalorian to mock my identity and minimize the culpability of Nazis for the holocaust. If giving a little less money to Disney might to help, even just a tiny bit, to remove that platform, then that's what I'll do.


So, thanks for the advice, but I think I'll keep trying to deplatform transphobes and other bigots.



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I am sorry, I like to respect other's views...but What exactly makes that so terrible? Is it because she used an example only certain people can use? If it was "hurtful" to some, when did saying something poorly equal "EVIL!"? I suppose daring to question makes me evil?

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I don't think I can explain why comparing conservatives in the modern USA to Jews right before the holocaust to you is offensive if you don't see it. Especially considering it was done at a time when Republicans held two of the three branches of federal government, and hold a majority of state governments. And that is disregarding her transphobia. If you want to discuss this further, please take it to the politics thread, since it's not really on topic for this thread.



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