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1 hour ago, Ragitsu said:

Allow me to once again reiterate how absolutely despairing it is to witness a family member undergo the slow-yet-sure metamorphosis to Trump supporter/science denier. FOX "News" is like The Joker: scary when it isn't ridiculous.


As agonizing as it is, imagine the despair of being surrounded by family members who are science deniers and growing up with most of your parents' adult friends being science deniers. Loud science deniers.


And that was before the era of talk radio and Fox News.


My dad is still alive, in his 90's, and practically threw me out of the family when I told him in uncertain terms that I believed the pandemic was real (the death toll was about 60,000 in the US at the time) and when I refused to pretend that I was considering voting for Trump and was definitely voting Biden.

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My dad died early last year, 98 years old.  He was a staunch Democrat, had worked on George McGovern's 1972 presidential campaign (they were roomies during Army Air Corps flight training), and was very vocally anti-Trump.  It's probably a blessing that he didn't live to see the state of American politics in 2020.  What has gone on the past 7-8 months would have absolutely disgusted him - even moreso than the first 2 years of Twitler's reign.

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Interesting twist in the Biden Bus vs. Trump Train incident from SMPD.




The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault.”

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16 minutes ago, ScottishFox said:

Interesting twist in the Biden Bus vs. Trump Train incident from SMPD.




The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault.”


I definitely wouldn't call that a twist as it seems like an expected outcome from the alleged swarming and intimidation tactics taking place on a highway with deadly weapons; i.e., moving vehicles.  I'll wait for a more complete account from the FBI...if there ever is one.

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27 minutes ago, ScottishFox said:

Interesting twist in the Biden Bus vs. Trump Train incident from SMPD.



For the direct collision, yes.  But you can see earlier footage of the white staffer car behind the Biden bus - the black truck apparently forced it out of its lane, and it tried to force its way back in behind the bus.


Do I think that was wise?  No.


But I would probably be investigating everyone on that road but the bus crew themselves.

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About 1.1 million votes have been made in Nevada's election, and while the rural counties usually vote Republican, Clark County (Las Vegas and surrounds) has about 89,000 more Democrats voting than Republicans so far, and Washoe County (Reno) is also leaning Democrat in voting. Early voting ended Friday, but mail ballots can be returned for about a week after the election, so final results will take some time.


From Jon Ralston's early voting blog:



In 2016, I underestimated Trump's rural Nevada win — he won by 58,000 votes. This cycle, I think he will win by at least 70,000, maybe even 80,000. But unless Washoe County, which has been blue the last two cycles, goes to the president by a solid margin, he will probably need a 90,000-vote win in the rurals to win Nevada. That is virtually impossible.


Clinton had a 73,000-ballot lead in Clark going into Election Day; Biden has a 90,000-ballot lead (at least). Do the math: Clinton ended up winning Clark by 80,000 votes. Biden should do better, especially because he is polling better with indies, and even if he just does what Clinton did, the math is very, very difficult for the Republicans.


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2 hours ago, ScottishFox said:

Interesting twist in the Biden Bus vs. Trump Train incident from SMPD.




The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault.”


2 hours ago, TrickstaPriest said:


For the direct collision, yes.  But you can see earlier footage of the white staffer car behind the Biden bus - the black truck apparently forced it out of its lane, and it tried to force its way back in behind the bus.


Do I think that was wise?  No.


But I would probably be investigating everyone on that road but the bus crew themselves.


Propagandists are already spinning this as the Biden campaign vehicles being the ones causing the trouble. Who directly caused that particular accident is not the point. Those other vehicles had no excuse for harassing those campaigners. They had no business being in a pack on the road looking to start a confrontation. That's the  real story.

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29 minutes ago, unclevlad said:



Setting out the miniature of Remy XO (got to love those Christmas-season packages) and the good cut-glass snifter for a late night celebration tomorrow...


You're celebrating the NFL trading deadline, too??  Cool, I thought I was the only one!

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I wonder if we get a break tonight on MNF.  The ads yesterday were perhaps less numerous overall, but it felt like they were grouped, so we'd get 2, 3, 4 of em during the one break.


Just now, Ragitsu said:


You best believe the vote counting will extend beyond the end of tomorrow.


That's part of the reason it's called optimism.

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6 hours ago, ScottishFox said:

Interesting twist in the Biden Bus vs. Trump Train incident from SMPD.




The police department also said it has researched the crash and watched online video. It said the “at-fault vehicle” may be the Biden-Harris staffer’s car, while the “victim” appears to be one of the Trump vehicles.

“The at-fault vehicle may be the white SUV and the victim appears to be the black truck,” a statement from SMPD reads.

“Calls to the driver of the white SUV have gone unanswered and SMPD has not been contacted by the driver of the black truck. Since SMPD has not spoken to either driver at this time, additional investigation would be required to fully ascertain who was at fault.”


The Trump vehicle moved from driving in a lane to driving on the shoulder of the road, which is illegal under Texas law.


The Trump vehicle then driving on the shoulder of the road moved even with the Biden vehicle which was driving in a lane.


The Trump vehicle, while it was even with the Biden vehicle tried to force it's way from the shoulder of the road into the lane.


Under Texas law, the vehicle driving on the road always has right-of-way over vehicles which are not traveling on the road. In any case, even if the Trump vehicle had been in a lane, moving into a part of a lane which is already physically occupied by another car isn't legal under Texas law.


The police department can do all the "research" it wants. But since it deliberately ignored Texas highway laws, it's research is deliberately flawed. 





(b) An operator may not pass to the right by leaving the main traveled portion of a roadway except as provided by Section 545.058.



(a) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of a roadway if that operation is necessary and may be done safely, but only:

(1) to stop, stand, or park;

(2) to accelerate before entering the main traveled lane of traffic;

(3) to decelerate before making a right turn;

(4) to pass another vehicle that is slowing or stopped on the main traveled portion of the highway, disabled, or preparing to make a left turn;

(5) to allow another vehicle traveling faster to pass;

(6) as permitted or required by an official traffic-control device; or

(7) to avoid a collision.

(b) An operator may drive on an improved shoulder to the left of the main traveled portion of a divided or limited-access or controlled-access highway if that operation may be done safely, but only:

(1) to slow or stop when the vehicle is disabled and traffic or other circumstances prohibit the safe movement of the vehicle to the shoulder to the right of the main traveled portion of the roadway;

(2) as permitted or required by an official traffic-control device; or

(3) to avoid a collision. 

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100 million votes "banked" before election day.  Amazing.  We're headed for all-time record turnout, especially considering that the old records from pre-1920 didn't include 18 year olds, women, people of color or, in some cases, non-landowning white males.  We need to continue early voting and make mail in voting universal, do motor voter registration everywhere and end disenfranchisement of ex-felons who've paid their debt to society.  

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3 minutes ago, megaplayboy said:

100 million votes "banked" before election day.  Amazing.  We're headed for all-time record turnout, especially considering that the old records from pre-1920 didn't include 18 year olds, women, people of color or, in some cases, non-landowning white males.  We need to continue early voting and make mail in voting universal, do motor voter registration everywhere and end disenfranchisement of ex-felons who've paid their debt to society.  


And ranked voting...let's do ranked voting...


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Since election day is bound to be tense, adding a little levity to the mix:



George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump are dead and stand in front of God.


God asks Bush: “So? What do you believe in?”

Bush answers: “I believe in a free market, a strong America and a united nation.”

God says: “Very good. Why don’t you take a seat to my right.” And Bush takes his seat.

He turns to Obama and asks: “And what do you believe in?”

Obama says: “I believe in democracy, helping the ones who need it, and world peace.”

God says: “Very nice. Why don’t you take a seat to my left?” Obama sits down.

God turns to Trump and asks: “And what do you believe in?”

Trump replies: “I believe you're sitting in my chair.”



Okay, okay, if you don't like that punch line, we could go for this instead:


God turns to Trump and asks: "How the hell did you get in here? Security!"

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