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24 minutes ago, archer said:


Hi, what's your source for that document?


One place is here:


The National Guard commander is reported in several places...WaPo, TheHill for two...basically confirming his hands were tied by higher-ups.  So...yeah, I'm not crazy about the sources I've seen per se, but I think the accusations feel substantively legit.


And this *should* be something that can be subpoenaed if necessary.



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1 hour ago, unclevlad said:


One place is here:


The National Guard commander is reported in several places...WaPo, TheHill for two...basically confirming his hands were tied by higher-ups.  So...yeah, I'm not crazy about the sources I've seen per se, but I think the accusations feel substantively legit.


And this *should* be something that can be subpoenaed if necessary.




Thank you. When I see exactly what I'd like to see and it's too good to be true, my first instinct when I don't have time to do research is to ask for a source.

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3 hours ago, unclevlad said:

I wish there was enough time to wait on this, to see if the anti-Trump faction can coalesce and possibly counterbalance the Trumpists.  But overall, I do think this is best done now rather than some months from now.  


There is no significant anti-Trump faction.  Ten representatives voted to impeach, three of whom have been censured by their own state governments.  Most of the rest voted against certifying the Electoral College votes after almost getting killed by a Trump mob.  GOP representatives who have openly called for Pelosi's execution have been rewarded with plum committee positions.  GOP Senators are literally flying down to Mar-a-Lago to confer with their shadow president. 

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7 hours ago, Old Man said:


There is no significant anti-Trump faction.  Ten representatives voted to impeach, three of whom have been censured by their own state governments.  Most of the rest voted against certifying the Electoral College votes after almost getting killed by a Trump mob.  GOP representatives who have openly called for Pelosi's execution have been rewarded with plum committee positions.  GOP Senators are literally flying down to Mar-a-Lago to confer with their shadow president. 


They might be going to ask him what the hell he's going to be doing for legal counsel.


It's going to be tough to vote to exonerate him if he's got no one will to argue his case. 😕 

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I often wonder what drives someone to become the leader of a country. Nothing is ever simple, every day brings some new crisis, there's always someone mad at you, and you can never take a day off. It has to be the most grueling job in the world. Unless you golf through it like Donald Trump, or nap through it like Ronald Reagan.

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19 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

I often wonder what drives someone to become the leader of a country. Nothing is ever simple, every day brings some new crisis, there's always someone mad at you, and you can never take a day off. It has to be the most grueling job in the world. Unless you golf through it like Donald Trump, or nap through it like Ronald Reagan.





President Donald Trump on Thursday reflected on his first 100 days in office with a wistful look at his life before the White House.

“I loved my previous life. I had so many things going,” Trump told Reuters in an interview. “This is more work than in my previous life. I thought it would be easier.”


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1 hour ago, Lord Liaden said:

I often wonder what drives someone to become the leader of a country. Nothing is ever simple, every day brings some new crisis, there's always someone mad at you, and you can never take a day off. It has to be the most grueling job in the world. Unless you golf through it like Donald Trump, or nap through it like Ronald Reagan.

Personally I wish Trump had spent more time on the golf course. A lot more. 

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6 hours ago, archer said:


They might be going to ask him what the hell he's going to be doing for legal counsel.


It's going to be tough to vote to exonerate him if he's got no one will to argue his case. 😕 


Keeping in mind this is a political process, not a legal one.


Republican senators declared in advance they were going to vote to acquit, and refused to hear witnesses, when they controlled the Senate during the last impeachment.  Facts, evidence, and charges are all irrelevant to whatever their political calculations might be.  As long as they're more afraid of their 'base' than the rest of the country, they aren't going to do anything against Trump.

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4 minutes ago, Tom said:

Republican senators declared in advance they were going to vote to acquit, and refused to hear witnesses, when they controlled the Senate during the last impeachment.  Facts, evidence, and charges are all irrelevant to whatever their political calculations might be.  As long as they're more afraid of their 'base' than the rest of the country, they aren't going to do anything against Trump.


Yeah, literally this.  They've said about as much again, this time around.  Not to mention the Supreme Court throwing out emoluments investigations as a separate issue, which is what I was interested in the first time around to begin with.


Basically Trump is making all the worst decisions to actually protect himself and is being actively protected by both voting "base" and by Republican Congress and media.  Again.  It sounds familiar.  Like (openly taking government funds/open bribery through hotels/legendarily bad military mishandling/coronavirus preparation/vaccine preparation/elections/election lawsuits)


This isn't the story of an underdog, it's the story of someone rich being bailed out no matter how many mistakes they make as long as there's a perceived benefit.  For reference, see Robinhood LLC.

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It shouldn't be that surprising that some conservatives want to disavow her.  She becomes the very low-hanging fruit, far too easily used to build the kinds of attacks the Republicans have used.  "<X> is best buds/lapdog/lockstep with Pelosi" for example.  


Dems are also pushing McCarthy to get her yanked off her big committees.

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The longer the GOP allow Trump's lapdogs to have a yard to yap from, the longer Trump will be an albatross around their necks. Yes, they'll take a hit in support from his followers in the short term, but they'll have at least two years to rebrand. In the meantime they'll want to minimize Trump's name being raised in a positive context. Right now Donnie is sulking in his Florida tent like an overripe orange Achilles, scared of the prosecutorial vultures circling him. His social media outlets have been muzzled. If the same can be done to his allies, most of his base appear to have a short attention span. Without those constant reminders of their cult leader, they'll start to drift away.

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3 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:

The longer the GOP allow Trump's lapdogs to have a yard to yap from, the longer Trump will be an albatross around their necks. Yes, they'll take a hit in support from his followers in the short term, but they'll have at least two years to rebrand. In the meantime they'll want to minimize Trump's name being raised in a positive context. Right now Donnie is sulking in his Florida tent like an overripe orange Achilles, scared of the prosecutorial vultures circling him. His social media outlets have been muzzled. If the same can be done to his allies, most of his base appear to have a short attention span. Without those constant reminders of their cult leader, they'll start to drift away.


The Republicans are pretty much in a lose/lose position (at least the ones who aren't 'true believers').  The question is whether they can bring themselves to actually cut ties with Trump in order to follow their long term objectives or whether they too afraid of the short term pain.


If the Democrat's impeachment managers do a good enough job of persuading the public, it may stiffen the spines of a sufficient number of Republican senators to convict.

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1 hour ago, Pariah said:

My choices would be, in order,

1. February 30th

2. April 1st

3. January 6th


Two GOP legislators in Ohio want to declare annual state holiday honoring Trump


I would suggest April 20th, Adolf's birthday. And I suggest we celebrate it the same way.

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3 hours ago, Lord Liaden said:

 Right now Donnie is sulking in his Florida tent like an overripe orange Achilles, scared of the prosecutorial vultures circling him. 


Honestly, this is the most amusing thing I've read all day. Thank you for the laugh.

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House Impeachment Managers and Trump's Defense Lawyers File their Impeachment Trial Briefs -The House brief does a solid job of laying out the case against Trump. The defense brief is far less impressive.




A nice look at what's going on.


And an even better takedown of the defense teams' argument that "the trial can't take place after the president has left office", if you want to read some of the articles which are linked to this one.



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