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Destroy Your Geek Cred!!

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B5: Skip the first and last seasons.  Start with Season 2.


There's a lot of back story in s1 that's needed for the next 3 seasons. As for s5 and the build up to the Telepath War, the last ep, Sleeping in the Light is needed for closure in a way. It was filmed as the last ep during s4.

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I think I started watching b5 with the start of season two. While there are going to be some things that might slip because you missed season one, most of it should be okay. Eventhough it does have a seriea long plot, each episode does its best to be self contained.


La Rose.

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I'd say skip the first half of season five. Any episode with a long-haired blonde guy can safely be ignored. The second half, dealing with the fall of Centauri Prime and the fate of Londo Mollari, should be watched.


As for the first season, it's worth grinding through the occasional standalone author tract episodes to get the backstory necessary for the rest of the series. And if you find that a few of these are thinly-veiled remakes of ST:TOS episodes, you can take some solace in knowing that ST:TNG did the same...and that B5 often did them better.

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Camaraderie, mainly. Even though I don't play, I have created many characters in several different systems. And I'm a writer, this place discusses sci-fi, fantasy, and other genres I like. While I can't answer questions about specific rules, I can answer when people ask about creating drama in their setup. And I've asked questions on those lines, too.


This place has a whole lot of geeks, and I feel comfortable here.


Fair enough. :winkgrin:

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  • 2 weeks later...

What?  Destroy geek cred?  Well... okaaaaay...!


Never watched Babylon Five.


When I was a kid I hated Dr. Who (It looked so cheap!).  So recently I decided to finally catch a new episode.  Better production values but I still didn't care.


I've seen half of two Harry Potter movies and never read a single one of the books.  Looks fine.  No objections.  I just can't bring myself to enthusiasm.


Haven't read more than a chapter of a book in six years.  Can't keep my attention on it!  Maybe I need pills... I'm seeing a pattern.


I despise transformers.  New movies, old tv show, etc.  I feel like Tom Hanks in BIG.  "I don't get it! It changes into a building!  Who wants to play with a building?"  It changes into  car... wasn't it cooler as a robot than as a volkswagen?

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I despise transformers.  New movies, old tv show, etc.  I feel like Tom Hanks in BIG.  "I don't get it! It changes into a building!  Who wants to play with a building?"  It changes into  car... wasn't it cooler as a robot than as a volkswagen?


Quoted for truth.

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  • 3 months later...

To date, I have not seen an episode of Gotham, The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow, or even Smallville.

Well. I've seen the whole series of Smallville despite not being a Superman fan; have seen up to season two of Arrow and all of season one of Daredevil. 


I take it that you watch Agents of SHIELD as it is not mentioned on your list? 

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To date, I have not seen an episode of Gotham, The Flash, Daredevil, Arrow, or even Smallville.

Never watched Gotham or Daredevil. Saw a few episodes of Smallville and Arrow. Decided I wasn't missing anything there. Flash; however, has become must-see-tv for me. I highly recommend it.

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Well. I've seen the whole series of Smallville despite not being a Superman fan; have seen up to season two of Arrow and all of season one of Daredevil. 


I take it that you watch Agents of SHIELD as it is not mentioned on your list? 


We watched the entire first season and a couple of episodes of season two, but then we kind of lost track of it.


I blame the little ones.

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We watched the entire first season and a couple of episodes of season two, but then we kind of lost track of it.


This is exactly what happened to me.  I quit watching because there was a movie tie-in, I didn't want to spoil anything about the movie, and then I never got around to seeing the movie.  Which was either Cap II or Thor II.

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  • 6 months later...

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